2015世界可持續發展年度報告(英文版)annual report for world sustainable development 2015

2015世界可持續發展年度報告(英文版)annual report for world sustainable development 2015

《2015世界可持續發展年度報告(英文版)annual report for world sustainable development 2015》是2017年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Niu Wenyuan。


  • 中文名:2015世界可持續發展年度報告(英文版)annual report for world sustainable development 2015
  • 作者:Niu Wenyuan
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • 出版時間:2017年1月
  • ISBN:9787030504487 


While the concept of the Annual Report for World Sustainable Development 2015 was being developed and the book was being composed , advice and instructions were received from AcademicianBai Chunli, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS),Academician Li Jinghai, CASVice President, Professor Cao Xiaoye , CAS Deputy Secretary General, and Mr. Zhou Dejin, GeneralDirector of CAS Bureau of Science Communication. Also, support has been received from Mr. Wang, Director of the Institute of Policy and Management ( IPM) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Mr. Mu Rongping as the former Secretary of the CPC CAS- IPM Committee, Mr. Zhang Xuecheng as a deputy director and research fellows as Mr. Wang Zheng and Mr. Chen Rui. During that period of time, we received help from Sun Zhen and Xia Cheng at the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China. We are very thankful to all those people mentioned above !


Chapter I General Introduction
Chapter II Post-2015 World Development Agenda
Chapter III Human Footprints and Nature Capital
Chapter IV Social Problems &Cultural Response
Chapter V Adjustment of Development Goals in the Next 15 Years
Chapter VI Sustainable Development Capacity Indicator System
Chapter VII Assets &Liabilities of Sustainable Development Abilities


