


  • 中文名:2013全球製造業供應鏈高峰論壇
  • 參與國家:18個
  • 舉行時間:2013年3月21日-22日
  • 參會嘉賓:346位
  • 發言嘉賓:35位


面對激烈的競爭和嚴峻的經濟形勢,供應鏈風險管理對企業實現目標的能力會產生前所未有的影響。這需要供應鏈管理和供應鏈風險管理齊頭並進,全局性的供應鏈風險管理依然是一項有待充分開發的競爭性優勢。 2013年將是各製造企業轉風險為優勢的重要性轉折點,為匯集業內精英共同探索這一跨越式課題,以“轉折點2013:贏在風險管理的新博弈中”為主題的“2013全球製造業供應鏈高峰論壇”將於2013年3月21日-22日在上海隆重舉行。




分會場一:供應鏈戰略 分會場二:需求驅動
分會場三:高效採購 分會場四:卓越製造


85% 的參會嘉賓是全球供應鏈副總裁/總監
全球 100 家領先消費品製造商及零售商中有86 家公司參加此會
供應鏈, 供應商管理, 物流, 分銷, 運營, 生產製造, 計畫, 庫存管理, 採購, 物料管理


傾聽 - 同行業的供應鏈高層如何分析目前全球供應鏈構建趨勢,如何利用供應鏈管理在經濟動盪中成就公司效益不斷壯大
學習 - 最佳化供應鏈的戰略經驗,使之反應敏捷、高效、競爭力卓越
規劃 - 適合您公司近幾年甚至未來十年的供應鏈構建路線圖
展望 - 未來十年即將面臨的新挑戰及最佳化供應鏈績效的新規則


“It’s a fabulous event with great speakers, great content, and tremendous delegates. All in all it’s a very very good learning on the topic of supply chains.”
“It’s a fabulous event with great speakers, great content, and tremendous delegates. All in all it’s a very very good learning on the topic of supply chains.”
John Gattorna, Author and “Thought Leader”
“I am pleased that we were able to assist you with great results at this conference. I approve and want to share what we have learned for the betterment of the supply chain and for China!”
Vice President of Procurement, Flextronics
“It is a good opportunities for networking.”
VP Lean Enterprise AP, Emerson Electric
“Excellent cross function of manufacturing, 3PL/Logistics, consulting academic, solutions providers, etc. Interesting perspectives on supply chain best practices.”
Director, Supply Chain Strategy, Dell
“Well organized, presentation is of high-quality and well prepared.”
COO, Canadian Solar
“Very interesting, educative and well organized. Very important source of networkings.”
General Manager, Emak
"This was a very good conference with great attendees, speakers and accommodations. Nice Job!"
Director, Global Supply Chain Fulfillment, Dell
“Well organized! Good speakers!”
Director, Asia Supply Chain Operations, Goodrich Corporation
“It is a great event for the supply chain expertise to leverage their knowledge from different industries and views.”
Asia Sourcing Director Appliance, General Electric Company
“Very good platform and we can re-fresh our knowledge through this kind of high level communication.”
Head of Supply Chain, Linde
“Give a good discussion on what current market is looking for.”
Supply Chain Director, FMC
“Excellent! Lots of contents and warnings.”
Operation Director, Prestige Kinetic
“Such big events can enable us to have good opportunities to meet and share the experience with many senior representatives from the big world wide companies.”
Senior Sourcing Manager , Viasystems
“Good presentations on globalization, collaboration, communication and sustainability.”
Senior Supply Chain Manager, Goodrich
“This summit was very informative where in the participants can require a lot of principles and techniques on supply chain net, which are extremely in the real business world.”
Manager for Materials Planning & Inventory Control, Alaska Milk Corporation
“It is good organized. The topic, the speakers presented are well chosen and prepared. We learned and will use some of the ideas raised during the summit. Our brain is widened.”
Sourcing Manager, Metso Minerals
“A good event to share SCM information and most of all to let audience think and discuss the future of supply chain management.”
Demand Supply Advisor, Dell
“Compared to last year, many exciting speech in high level, deeply impressed me. Hope it be progress and surprised by years to years.”
Purchasing Manager, Emak
“Meet other professionals to share knowledge, experience, challenges and gain suggestion for the challenges that my own org are facing.”
Order-delivery Process Manager, ABB Engineering
“Thanks for organizing the summit, it’s a good opportunities to share the experience with other companies and also catch up the pace of global supply chain management.”
Production Manager, Emak
“Great networking among supply chain peers. Good for trends, norms in the industry. Excellent look out point for industrial. Great exposure for new people into supply chain industry.”
Communications Specialist, Agilent Technologies


