section 1 secial subject art: th~comrehenslve evaluation offinancial cometitiveness for global telecomenterrises
main reort the comrehensive evaluation and romoting aths offinancial cometitiveness for tetecom enterrise
reort i the status. roblems and develoment aths of carrying outfinancial transformation on telecom enterrises
reort ii the multi——dimentional ersective of financialcometitiveness for telecom enterrises
reort Ⅲ fuzzy comrehensive evaluation on strategic erformance oftelecom
reort 1v tactics on successfully imlementing caital oeration inthe rocess of overseas
reort v constructing the system of multi-level financial talentsto romote the financial
section 2 reort art: the reort on sustainable develoment ofglobal telecom enterrises
the sustainable develoment reort of at&am;t
the sustainable develoment reort of ntt
the sustainable develoment reort of verizon communications
the sustainable develoment reort ot deutsche telekom
the sustainable develoment reort of telefonica
the sustainable develoment reort of china mobilecommunications
the sustainable develoment reort of vodafime
the sustainable develoment reort of france telecom
the sustainable develoment reort of america movil
the sustainable develoment reort of chinatelecomnmnications
the sustainable develoment reort of bt gronu
the sustainable develoment reort of china united networkcommunications
section 3 indicator art: key erformance indicators-and-analysisfor globaltelecom enterrises
an overview of erformance indicators of investment managementeffecticeness for telecom enterrises
an overview of erformanceindicators of financing managementefficiency for telecom enterrises“
an-overvie of erformdnce indicators of cost management for telecomenterrises
an overview of erformance indicators of cash and qualitymanagement for telecom enterrises
an overview of erformance indicators of sustainable develomentmanagement for telecom enterrises
an overview of erformance indicators of value creation anddistribution for telecom enterrises
dee analysis on the financial cometitiveness and the sustainabledeveloment ability for telecom enterrises
section 4 aendix art: statistical bulletin and erformanceindicators
aendix i china’s national economy and social develomentstatistical bulletin for the year 2010
aendix ii china’s telecom industry statistics bulletin for theyear 2010
aendix ill list of kev erformance indicators for the twentytelecom enterrises on the to of fortune forum in the world duringthe year 2010