博士,博士後,副教授,碩士生導師,實驗中心主任,信息管理與信息系統系副主任,重慶市人文社科重點研究基地“重慶口岸物流與航運發展研究基地”專職研究員,國際期刊《International Journal on Information Processing and Management》和《Journal of Next Generation Information Technology》編委,《European Journal of Operational Research》等SCI源期刊審稿人。主要研究方向為(1)智慧型預測與決策方法(2)物流與供應鏈管理(3)港口航運發展(4)鐵路大通道發展(5)工程風險管理。在《Journal of Computational & Applied Mathematics》、《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》、《系統工程理論與實踐》等國內外學術期刊發表相關論文19篇,其中2篇ESI論文,5篇被SCI檢索。曾獲“優秀博士學位論文獎、“信息經濟學會優秀論文獎”等獎勵。主持國家自然科學基金青年項目1項、教育部人文社會科學青年基金項目1項、省部級課題3項、校級課題3項、橫向課題1項,參與國家級課題3項、橫向課題1項。
- 中文名:龔科
- 學位:博士後
- 職務:碩士生導師
- 性別:男
- K. Gong, P. Wang, Z. Xiao, Bijective soft set decision system based parameters reduction under fuzzy environments[J]. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2013.37(6):p.: 4474-4485. (SCI檢索)
- 龔科,王盼盼,許茂增,基於異或軟集合的不完備信息系統約減[J].數學的認識與實踐.2013.43(7):p.57-67.(CSCD)
- Ke Gong, Panpan Wang, Zhihui Qi. Bijective Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Set with Its Operations[J]. Advanced Engineering Forum (2012) Vols. 6-7 pp 373-378.
- K. Gong,Z. Xiao, X. Zhang, The bijective soft sets with its operations[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2010,60: P. 2270–2278. (SCI檢索)
- Xiao, Z., K. Gong(通訊作者), and Y. Zou, A combined forecasting approach based on fuzzy soft sets[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009. 228(1): p. 326-333. (SCI檢索, ESI高被引用論文)
- Xiao, Z., K. Gong(通訊作者), S. Xia, Y. Zou. Exclusive disjunctive soft sets[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2010. 59(6). 2128-2137 (SCI檢索, ESI高被引用論文)
- 肖智,龔科(通訊作者),李丹.基於雙射軟集合決策系統的參數約減[J].系統工程理論與實踐. 2010, 31(2): 308-314(EI檢索)
- Z. Xiao, S. Xia, K. Gong, D. Li, The trapezoidal fuzzy soft set and its application in MCDM[J], Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012.36(12):p. 5844-5855 (SCI檢索)
- Zhi Xiao, Xianglei Yang, Qing Niu, Yuanxiang Dong, Ke Gong, Sisi Xia, Ying Pang. A new evaluation method based on D–S generalized fuzzy soft sets and its application in medical diagnosis problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012.36(10):p.4592-4604 (SCI檢索)
- 鄒艷, 肖智, 龔科. 基於最優選擇對象不變的軟集合參數約簡[J]. 系統工程學報. 2009. (04) 457-461 (EI檢索)
龔科,肖智,李丹. 基於支持向量機的物業稅稅基批量評估[J].涉外稅務,2010,5:p.35-40 CSSCI
- 龔科,齊志輝,肖智,雙射軟集合對經典粗糙集的擴展[C]. 中國信息經濟學會2012學術年會暨第四屆博士生論壇.2012.(優秀論文)
- 龔科; 王盼盼; 肖智,考慮誤分度的雙射軟集合決策系統參數約減[C] 中國信息經濟學會2012學術年會暨第四屆博士生論壇.2012.
- K. Gong, X. Zhang. Applying bijective soft set in assessment of supply chain information sharing[C]. ICIII 2010, v 1, p 168-171, 2010, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M. Xu, X. Zhang. Bijective Soft Set Approach for Quality Evaluation of Graduate Education [C]. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2011, Volume 218, 396-401, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M. Liu, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. A hybrid model of rough sets and Shannon entropy for building a foreign trade forecasting system[C], CSO2011, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M.Y. Ran, C.M. Deng, On some relationship between classical rough set and soft set[C].COINFO’10.(2010) :p. 290-295, (ISTP檢索)
- Xiao, Zhi; Li, Dan; Gong, Ke. A Bijective Soft Set Approach to Regional Sustainable Development Evaluation[C]. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Risk Management.2010. (ISTP檢索)
- 龔科,肖智,夏思思,李丹,支持向量機與OLS殘差修正結合的外貿預測模型[C], 中國信息經濟學會2009學術年會暨第一屆博士生論壇.2009.(優秀論文)
- K. Gong, P. Wang, Z. Xiao, Bijective soft set decision system based parameters reduction under fuzzy environments[J]. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2013.37(6):p.: 4474-4485. (SCI檢索)
- 龔科,王盼盼,許茂增,基於異或軟集合的不完備信息系統約減[J].數學的認識與實踐.2013.43(7):p.57-67.(CSCD)
- Ke Gong, Panpan Wang, Zhihui Qi. Bijective Interval-Valued Fuzzy Soft Set with Its Operations[J]. Advanced Engineering Forum (2012) Vols. 6-7 pp 373-378.
- K. Gong,Z. Xiao, X. Zhang, The bijective soft sets with its operations[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2010,60: P. 2270–2278. (SCI檢索)
- Xiao, Z., K. Gong(通訊作者), and Y. Zou, A combined forecasting approach based on fuzzy soft sets[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2009. 228(1): p. 326-333. (SCI檢索, ESI高被引用論文)
- Xiao, Z., K. Gong(通訊作者), S. Xia, Y. Zou. Exclusive disjunctive soft sets[J]. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2010. 59(6). 2128-2137 (SCI檢索, ESI高被引用論文)
- 肖智,龔科(通訊作者),李丹.基於雙射軟集合決策系統的參數約減[J].系統工程理論與實踐. 2010, 31(2): 308-314(EI檢索)
- Z. Xiao, S. Xia, K. Gong, D. Li, The trapezoidal fuzzy soft set and its application in MCDM[J], Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012.36(12):p. 5844-5855 (SCI檢索)
- Zhi Xiao, Xianglei Yang, Qing Niu, Yuanxiang Dong, Ke Gong, Sisi Xia, Ying Pang. A new evaluation method based on D–S generalized fuzzy soft sets and its application in medical diagnosis problem. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2012.36(10):p.4592-4604 (SCI檢索)
- 鄒艷, 肖智, 龔科. 基於最優選擇對象不變的軟集合參數約簡[J]. 系統工程學報. 2009. (04) 457-461 (EI檢索)
龔科,肖智,李丹. 基於支持向量機的物業稅稅基批量評估[J].涉外稅務,2010,5:p.35-40 CSSCI
- 龔科,齊志輝,肖智,雙射軟集合對經典粗糙集的擴展[C]. 中國信息經濟學會2012學術年會暨第四屆博士生論壇.2012.(優秀論文)
- 龔科; 王盼盼; 肖智,考慮誤分度的雙射軟集合決策系統參數約減[C] 中國信息經濟學會2012學術年會暨第四屆博士生論壇.2012.
- K. Gong, X. Zhang. Applying bijective soft set in assessment of supply chain information sharing[C]. ICIII 2010, v 1, p 168-171, 2010, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M. Xu, X. Zhang. Bijective Soft Set Approach for Quality Evaluation of Graduate Education [C]. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, 2011, Volume 218, 396-401, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M. Liu, Y. Fang, X. Zhang. A hybrid model of rough sets and Shannon entropy for building a foreign trade forecasting system[C], CSO2011, (EI檢索)
- K. Gong, M.Y. Ran, C.M. Deng, On some relationship between classical rough set and soft set[C].COINFO’10.(2010) :p. 290-295, (ISTP檢索)
- Xiao, Zhi; Li, Dan; Gong, Ke. A Bijective Soft Set Approach to Regional Sustainable Development Evaluation[C]. 1st International Conference on Sustainable Construction and Risk Management.2010. (ISTP檢索)
- 龔科,肖智,夏思思,李丹,支持向量機與OLS殘差修正結合的外貿預測模型[C], 中國信息經濟學會2009學術年會暨第一屆博士生論壇.2009.(優秀論文)