


  • 中文名:龔祝南
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:江蘇省江陰市
  • 出生日期:1963年4月
  • 職業南京師範大學藥學與製藥專業碩士生導師


兼任國家辛香料標準化技術委員會委員,江蘇省生化與分子生物學學會理事, 科技部國家支撐計畫及86.3重大專項諮詢專家,國家自然基金評審專家,江蘇省、福建省、重慶等多個省市的基金諮詢專家。


1980年9月-1984年7月南京師範大學生物系, 學士
1984年9月-1987年7月南京師範大學生物系植物學專業, 碩士
1994年9月-1999年3月中國藥科大學生藥學專業, 博士
1999年8月-2001年8月 南京大學生命科學學院生物醫藥方向,博士後
2001年9月-- 南京師範大學生物生科院副教授, 教授


1. Feng-Lun Zhang, Ying-Jie Wei, Jia Zhu, and Zhunan Gong. Simultaneus quantitation of three major triterpenoid glycosides in Centella asiatica extracts by high performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection, Biomedical Chromatography.2008,22:119-124
2. Guanglin Xu, Zhunan Gong, Weiping Yu, Lei Gao, Shuying He, and Zhiyu Qian. Increased Expression Ratio of bcl-2/bax Is Asssociated with Crocin-mediated Apoptosis in Bovine Aortic Endothelial Cells. Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, 2007, 100, (1 ) :31-35
3. Cao P, Zhang S, Gong Z, Tang X, Cao M, Hu Y. ,Development of a compact anti-BAFF antibody in Escherichia coli Appl.Microbiol Biotechnol 2006,73:151-157
4. Guang-lin Xu, Zhi-yu Qian, Shu-qin Yu,Zhunan Gong, Evidence of crocin against endothelial injury induced by hydrogen peroxide in vitro. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2006,8(1-2):79-85
5. G. L. Xu, Q. Liang, Z. Gong. Antitumor activities of the four sesquiterpene lactones from Elephantopus Scaber L. Experimental Oncology, 2006,28(2):106-109
6. G.L.Xu, L.Yao, S.Y.Rao, Z.Gong. Attenuation of acute lung injury in mice by oxymatrine is associated with inhibition of phosphorylated p53 mitogen-activated protein kinase Journ. of Ethnopharmacology, 2005, 98: 177-183
7. G.L.Xu, L.Yao, S.Y.Rao, Z. Gong , etc. Effect of epigalla cateching allate on acute lung injury induced by oleic acid in mice, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica 2005, 40(3): 231-235
8. Gong Zhu-nan, Wang Yan-fei, LIAN Qiao-li, etc. A chemotoxonomic study of 27 species of the Loranthaceae plant from China, Guihaia 2004, 24(6): 493-496
9. Mi Xianghui, Gong Zhunan, Zhang Weiming, Zhang Xiran, Study on the Extraction, Separation and Antimicrobial Effect of Volatile Oil From Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim. Jour. Of Nanjing Normal Uni.( Natural Science), 2004, 27(4): 63-66
10. Gong Zhunan. The ethnobotany study of Chinese mistletoe. The Chinese Academic Medical Magazine of Organisms, 2002(3): 46-50
11.龔祝南, 彌向輝,張衛明,等 超臨界CO2萃取大紅袍花椒揮髮油的研究 林產化學與工業2005(2):(EI)
12.龔祝南, 王燕飛,梁僑麗, 等. 中國桑寄生科植物化學分類學研究, 廣西植物研究 2004,24(6):493


Guang-lin Xu, Zhi-yu Qian, Shu-qin Yu,Zhu-nan Gong, Xiang-chun Shen. Evidence of crocin against endothelial injury induced by hydrogen peroxide in vitro. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research,2006
Li-Fei Hou, Yue Dai, Yu-Feng Xia, and Zhunan Gong Alleviation of Picryl Chloride- Induced Delayed Type Hypersensitity Reation by Saponin Fraction of Gleditsia sinensis Biol. Pharm. Bull. 29(5)1056-1059(2006, SCI )
Peng Cao, Shuangquan Zhang, Zhunan Gong, et al. Development of a compact anti-BAFF antibody in Escherichia coli Appl. Microbiol Biotechnol,DOI10. 1007 /s00253 -006-0432-4, 2006
BIOMEDICAL CHROMATOGRAPHY(2007) DOI: 10.1002/bmc.901Experimental Oncology,2006,28,2,106-109(SCI)彌向輝, 張衛明,等 超臨界CO2萃取大紅袍花椒揮髮油的研究 林產化學與工業2005(2): 83-86 戴岳 王崢濤 ,等 8個不同產地太子參對脾虛及免疫功能的影響 中藥材VOL24(4):281~282,2001


