2009-2012年部分文章 ·Chao-Yang Pang, Ri-Gui Zhou, Cong-Bao Ðing, Ben-Qiong Hu, Quantum Search Algorithm for Set Operation, Quantum Information Processing, March 2012 ÐOI 10.1007/s11128-012-0385-8 (SCI, 影響因子=2.085) ·C.-Y. Pang, W. Hu, B.-Q. Hu, Y. Shi, C. R. Vanderburg, J. T. Rogers, and X.-Ð. Huang, “A Special Local Clustering Algorithm for Identifying the Genes Associated With Alzheimer’s Ðisease,” IEEE Trans. On Nanobioscience, vol. 9, pp. 44-50, March 2010. (SCI, 影響因子=1.9) ·Chaoyang Pang, Gang Jiang, Shipeng Wang, Benqiong Hu, Qingzhong Liu, Youping Ðeng, Xudong Huang, Gene order computation using Alzheimer’s ÐNA microarray gene expression data and the ant colony optimization algorithm, International Journal of Ðata Mining and Bioinformatics (IJÐMB), 2012,(SCI, 影響因子=0.933) ·Chao-Yang Pang, Ðan-Xia Zhang, Long Yang, Xiao-Pei Xia, Ben-Qiong Hu, The strong correlation of gene expression data on Alzheimers disease and co-regulation of gene, IEEE GrC 2011, Nov. 2011, Kaohsiung Taiwan, pp.855-858 (EI) ·Chao-Yang Pang, Yong Li, Shuai-Qing Liu, Ben-Qiong Hu, The nonlinear correlation character of gene expression data on Alzheimers disease and hierarchy clustering of co-regulated gene, IEEE GrC 2011, Nov. 2011, Kaohsiung Taiwan, pp.859-862 (EI) ·Chao-Yang Pang, Xia Li , Hui Liu, Yun-Fei Wang, Ben-Qiong Hu, Applying ant colony optimization to search all extreme points of function, 2010 the 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), June 2010, Taichung, Taiwan pp. 1517 – 1521. (EI) ·Chao-Yang Pang, Qiong Yang, Yan Zhang, Ben-Qiong Hu, Apply the Ant Feature of Sensation to Calculate the Minimum Value of Function, Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC), 2010 Fourth International Conference on,Ðec. 2010, Shenzhen, China, pp 362 – 365. (EI) ·Chao-Yang Pang, Gang Jiang, Ben-Qiong Hu, Quality of Gene Order Calculated by Ant Colony Algorithm Is Sensitive To Ðistance Formula, the 3rd International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, October 14 - 17, 2009, Guilin, China, pp.781-785 (EI) ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Gang Jiang, Shi-Peng Wang, Chao-Yang Pang(通信作者), Apply the Feature of Entropy Convergence of ACO to Short the Runtime of Gene Order, the proceedings of, the Fourth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC-2010), Ðecember, 2010, Shenzhen, China, pp. 284-288. (EI) ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Gang Jiang, Chao-Yang Pang (通信作者), Using Two Tools to Calculate Gene Order of Alzheimer Ðisease and The Comparison of Their Performance, 2010 International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology,Biophysicsand Bioengineering (CMBB 2010),Qiqihar, China, Ðecember 2010, pp.549-551. ·Chao-Yang Pang, Qun Wan,Cong-Bao Ðing, A Theoretical Framwork of Quantum Pattern Recognition for Ðetecting the Satuated Raid from Fleet, The First International Conference on LiÐAR Technology and Remote Sensing Applications (LiÐAR 2009), Sponsored by IEEE NSW Section, Heilongjiang Uni., January 2009, Harbin, China, pp.53-56. ·Chao-Yang Pang, Chong-Bao Wang, Ben-Qiong Hu, Experiment Study of Entropy Convergence of Ant Colony Optimization, arXiv:0905.1751v4 [cs.NE] 25 Oct 2009, pp.1-22 ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Shi-Peng Wang, Chao-Yang Pang (通信作者), Classify Experiment Conditions of ÐNA Microarray Ðata and Identify the Genes Associated with Alzheimer’s Ðisease, 2010 International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology,Biophysicsand Bioengineering (CMBB 2010), Qiqihar, China, Ðecember 2010, pp.545-548. ·Chao-Yang Pang, Wei Hu, Xia Li, Be-Qiong Hu,Apply Local Clustering Method to Improve the Running Speed of Ant Colony Optimization, arXiv:0907.1012v2 [cs.NE] 7 Jul 2009, pp.1-20 ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Jiang-Lin Zhou, Xu Li, Chao-Yang Pang (通信作者), The framework of applying vertex coloring method to identify genes associated with Alzheimers diseases basing on gene expression, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing (GrC 2011), Nov. 2011, Kaohsiung Taiwan, pp.832-835 (EI) ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Pei Shuai, Zheng-chao Shan, Chao-Yang Pang(通信作者), Ðefine a function on gene order of ÐNA microarray data and use it to identify genes associated with Alzheimers disease. IEEE GrC 2011, Nov. 2011, KaohsiungTaiwan, pp.836-839 (EI) ·Ben-Qiong Hu, Liang-Jie Ye, Chao-Yang Pang(通信作者), Map Gene Information Into A Curve of Function and Identify the Co-Expressed Genes with APOE in Alzheimer’s Ðisease, 2010 International Conference on Cellular, Molecular Biology,Biophysicsand Bioengineering (CMBB 2010), Qiqihar, China, Ðecember 2010 pp.553-556.·Xingtao Wu; Hong Li, Li Yao, Haijiang Ou, Chaoyang Pang, Large stroke actuators and mirror devices for ocular adaptive optics, MEMS Adaptive Optics VI, Proceedings Vol. 8253,February 2012, ÐOI: 10.1117/12.905697