2017~中國科學院精準扶貧評估研究中心 副主任
中國地理學會 理事
中國自然資源學會 理事
中國土地學會 常務理事
中國土地學會青年工作委員會 主任
中國城鄉發展智庫聯盟 副理事長兼秘書長
中國區域科學協會生態文明研究專業委員會 副主任
中國地理學會農業地理與鄉村發展專業委員會 秘書長
中國自然資源學會土地資源研究專業委員會 副主任兼秘書長
Habitat International 副主編(2015-)
Land Use Policy 編委(2010-)
Journal of Rural Studies 編委(2012-)
Journal of Sustainable Rural Development 編委(2017-)
Journal of Rural Studies 客座主編(2015-2016;2017-2018)- Special Issue onRural Restructuring in China;Rural Revitalisation and Sustainability
Land Use Policy 客座主編(2013-2014;2016-2017)- Special Issue onLand Use Policy in China; LandUseSustainabilityinChina
Long Hualou, Ge Dazhuan, Zhang Yingnan, Tu Shuangshuang, Qu Yi, Ma Li. Changing man-land interrelations in China's farming area under urbanization and its implications for food security. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 209: 440-451.
Long Hualou, Qu Yi. Land use transitions and land management: A mutual feedback perspective. Land Use Policy, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.,03.021
Long Hualou, Tu Shuangshuang, Ge Dazhuan, Li Tingting, Liu Yansui. The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 392-412.
Long Hualou, Liu Yansui. Rural restructuring in China. Journal of Rural Studies, 2016, 47: 387-391.
Long Hualou.Land use policy in China: Introduction. Land Use Policy, 2014, 40: 1-5.
Long Hualou, Liu Yongqiang, Hou Xuegang, Li Tingting, Li Yurui.Effects of land use transitions due to rapid urbanization on ecosystem services: Implications for urban planning in the new developing area of China. Habitat International, 2014, 44: 536-544.
Long Hualou.Land consolidation: An indispensable way of spatial restructuring in rural China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(2): 211-225.
Long Hualou, Li Yurui, Liu Yansui, Woods M., Zou Jian.Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages. Land Use Policy, 2012, 29(1): 11-22.
Long Hualou, Li Tingting.The coupling characteristics and mechanism of farmland and rural housing land transition in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(3): 548-562.
Long Hualou, Woods M.Rural restructuring under globalization in eastern coastal China: What can be learned from Wales?. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 2011, 6(1): 70-94.
Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Pykett J., Li Yurui.Analysis of rural transformation development in China since the turn of the new millennium. Applied Geography, 2011, 31(3): 1094-1105.
Long Hualou.Disaster prevention and management: A geographical perspective. Disaster Advances, 2011, 4(1): 3-5.
Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Li Xiubin, Chen Yufu.Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective. Land Use Policy, 2010, 27(2): 457-470.
Long Hualou, Zou Jian, Liu Yansui.Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China. Habitat International, 2009, 33(4): 454-462.
Long Hualou, Liu Yansui, Wu Xiuqin, Dong Guihua.Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements in Su-Xi-Chang region: Implications for building a new countryside in coastal China. Land Use Policy, 2009, 26(2): 322-333.
Long Hualou, Wu Xiuqin, Wang Wenjie, Dong Guihua.Analysis of urban-rural land-use change during 1995–2006 and its policy dimensional driving forces in Chongqing, China. Sensors, 2008, 8(2), 681-699.
Long Hualou, Heilig G.K., Li Xiubin, Zhang Ming.Socio-economic de6elopment and land-use change: analysis of rural housing land transition in the Transect of the Yangtse River, China. Land Use Policy, 2007, 24(1): 141-153.
Long Hualou, Tang Guoping, Li Xiubin, Heilig G.K.Socio-economic driving forces of land-use change in Kunshan, the Yangtze River Delta Economic Area of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2007, 83(3): 351-364.
LONG HL, HEILIG GK, WANG J, LI XB, LUO M, WU XQ, ZHANG M.Land use and soil erosion in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River: some socio-economic considerations on China’s Grain-for-green Programme. Land Degradation & Development, 2006, 17(6): 589-603.
龍花樓. 中國農村宅基地轉型的理論與證實. 地理學報, 2006, 61(10): 1093-1100.
龍花樓, 劉彥隨, 鄒健.中國東部沿海地區鄉村發展類型及其鄉村性評價. 地理學報, 2009, 64(4): 426-434.
龍花樓, 李裕瑞, 劉彥隨. 中國空心化村莊演化特徵及其動力機制. 地理學報, 2009, 64(10): 1203-1213.
龍花樓. 論土地利用轉型與鄉村轉型發展. 地理科學進展, 2012, 31(2): 131-138.
龍花樓. 論土地整治與鄉村空間重構. 地理學報, 2013, 68(8): 1019-1028.
龍花樓. 論土地利用轉型與土地資源管理. 地理研究, 2015, 34(9): 1607-1618.
龍花樓, 屠爽爽. 論鄉村重構. 地理學報, 2017, 72(4): 563-576.
LONG Hualou, LIU Yansui (Guest Editors). Special Issue on "Rural Restructuring in China". Journal of Rural Studies, Vol. 47 Part B(2016) 387-676.
LONG Hualou (Guest Editor).Special Issue on “Land Use Policy in China”. Land Use Policy, Vol. 40 (2014) 1-146.
龍花樓, 蒙吉軍 著. 中國開發區土地資源最佳化配置研究. 長春: 吉林人民出版社, 2004.
劉彥隨, 龍花樓, 陳玉福, 王介勇 等 著. 中國鄉村發展研究報告——農村空心化及其整治策略. 北京: 科學出版社, 2011.
劉彥隨, 龍花樓, 王介勇 等 著. 中國農業現代化與農民. 北京: 科學出版社, 2014.
劉衛東, 龍花樓, 張林秀, 王姣娥, 宋周鶯, 孫威 等 著. 2013中國區域發展報告——轉型視角下的中國區域發展態勢. 北京: 商務印書館, 2014.