


  • 中文名:齊福剛
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師







齊福剛,1986年生,安徽省阜陽市人,博士,博士後,教授,副院長。中國有色金屬學報期刊青年編委,中國電工技術學會電子束離子束專業委員會委員,湘大·邦澤湖南省研究生培養創新基地負責人,湘潭市企業科技特派員,湘潭市科技創新智庫專家。主要從事變形鎂合金新材料、離子束材料表面改性、功能塗層材料方面的研究工作,先後獲得國家自然科學基金面上和青年項目、湖南省研究生教育創新工程和專業能力提升工程項目、湖南省自然基金青年和面上項目、湖南省教育廳優秀青年項目和一般項目、博士後基金、中央高校基本科研業務費重點項目和湘潭市技術創新專項項目等科研課題資助。目前在Journal of Magnesium and Alloys、Materials & Design 、Composites Science and Technology、Materials Science and Engineering A、Journal of the European Ceramic Society 等期刊發表學術論文50餘篇,他引次數達到600餘次;申請國家發明專利20餘項,其中授權16項。多次參加中國材料大會、全國鎂合金青年學術會議等會議並做邀請和口頭報告;擔任《Journal of Magnesium and Alloys》等20多個學術期刊審稿人,獲《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》優秀論文獎、湘潭市優秀論文獎一等獎和二等獎等。獲湖南高等教育教學成果獎一等獎。湘潭市高層次人才。




1 國家自然科學基金面上項目,52271117,2023.01 - 2026.12,主持
2 湖南省自然科學基金面上項目,2021JJ30646,2022.1-2024.12,主持
3 2020年湖南省研究生教育創新工程和專業能力提升工程項目,湘大·邦澤研究生培養創新基地, 2020-2023,主持
4 湖南省教育廳優秀青年項目,20B579,2020.9-2022.12,主持
5 國家自然科學基金青年基金,51701172,2018.1-2020.12,主持
6 湖南省自然科學基金青年基金,2018JJ3504,2018.1-2020.12,主持
7 中國博士後基金面上項目二等,2018M632977,2018.2-2020.2,主持
8 湖南省教育廳一般項目,16C1526,2016.09-2019.12,主持
9 電網輸變電設備防災減災國家重點實驗室開放基金,2016ZKFW127,2016.11-2018.12,主持


1 Wang Xinxuan, Liu Xuhui, Ren Luyang, Xiao Shiliang, Dai Yilong *, Lu Liwei, She Jia, Qi Fugang *, Zhang Dechuang, Ouyang Xiaoping. Improved corrosion resistance of biodegradable WE43 magnesium alloy modified by Sn film deposition [J]. Materials Letters, 2023, 333: 133588
2 Qi Feng, Gao Jun , Wu Bolun, Yang Hongyan, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie*, Zhang Biao, Ouyang Xiaoping. Study on Mechanical Properties and High-Speed Impact Resistance of Carbon Nanofibers/Polyurethane Composites Modified by Polydopamine[J]. Polymers, 2022, 14: 4177.
3 Li Yuanhang, Cao Hongshuai, Li Hao, Yang Jiao, Qi Fugang*, Lu Liwei, Zhao Nie *, Zhou Yun, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effect of buffer layer on oxidation and corrosion resistance of CrN coatings on Zr alloy prepared by FCVAD technology[J]. Surface &CoatingsTechnology, 2022, 448: 128942
4 Li Hao, Cao Hongshuai*, Yang Jiao, Li Yuanhang, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie, Ouyang Xiaoping. Influence of annealing temperature on the structure and properties of Ti3AlC2 coatings by FCVA method[J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 194: 112421
5 Li Lianhui, Qi Fugang*, Zhang Zhiqiang*, Lu Liwei, Ouyang Xiaoping. Corrosion, mechanical and biological properties of biodegradable WE43 alloy modified by Al ion implantation[J]. Ceramics International, 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.10.056
6 Jun Tang, Yali Tan, Qi Fugang *, Biao Zhang, Ao Zhou, Nie Zhao*, Xiaoping Ouyang. A Micro-Nano Structure Formed by SiC/Graphene Oxide Self-Assembly Improves the Wear Resistance and Corrosion Resistance of an Epoxy-Based Composite Coating[J]. Polymers, 2022, 14(21): 4704.
7 Cao Hongshuai, Liu Fujia, Luo Wenzhong, Qi Fugang *, Lu Liwei, Zhao Nie*, Ouyang Xiaoping. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of TiAl/TiAlN coating on ZL109 alloy by filter cathode vacuum arc technology [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2022,
8 Liu Fujia, Cao Hongshuai, Yang Jiao, Li Hao, Zhao Nie*, Qi Fugang *, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effect of annealing on the microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of CrAlC coatings [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022, 447: 128800.
9 Cao Hongshuai, Yang Jiao, Luo Wenzhong, Li Yuanhang, Qi Fugang *, Zhao Nie *, Lu Liwei, Ouyang Xiaoping. Influence of film structure on the microstructure and properties of TiAlN coatings on Al-Si alloys[J]. Materials Characterization, 2022, 189: 111996.
10 Li Lianhui, Wang Xinxuan, Zhang Zhiqiang *, Qi Fugang*, Zhang Dechuang, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effect of Zn film thickness on corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of WE43 alloy [J]. Materials Characterization, 2021, 182: 111570.
11 Xiang Zehui, Qi Feng, Hu Fan, Zhang Biao*, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie, Ouyang Xiaoping. A composite nanofiller with a nail column void structure to imitate beetle shell fiber to enhance the impact resistance of polyurethane elastomer [J]. Composites Science and Technology, 2022, 221: 109304.
12 Xiang Zehui, Hu Fan, Wu Xueyan, Qi Fugang*, Zhang Biao*, Zhao Nie, Ouyang Xiaoping. Preparation of poly(ionic liquid)/multi-walled carbon nanotube fillers using divinylbenzene as a linker to enhance the impact resistance of polyurethane elastomers [J]. RSC Advances, 2022, 12: 1777.
13 Li Hao, Cao Hongshuai, Liu Fujia, Li Yuanhang, Qi Fugang*, Ouyang Xiaoping, Zhao Nie*. Microstructure, mechanical and electrochemical properties of Ti3AlC2 coatings prepared by filtered cathode vacuum arc technology [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2022, 42: 20173-2083.
14 Cao Hongshuai, Li Hao, Liu Fujia, Luo Wenzhong, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie*, Ouyang Xiaoping, Liao Bin. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of multilayer TiAl/TiAlN coatings on Al alloys by FCVA technology[J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 48(4): 5476-5487.
15 Hou Caihong,Cao Hongshuai, Qi Fugang*, Wang Qing, Li Lianhui, Zhao Nie*, Zhang Dingfei, Ouyang Xiaoping. Investigation on microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg–6Zn–0.5Ce–xMn (x?=?0 and 1) wrought magnesium alloys [J]. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022, 10(4): 993-1003
16 Hou Caihong, Hu Fan, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie, Zhang Dechuang, Ouyang Xiaoping, Zhang Dingfei. Aging hardening and precipitate behavior of a solution-treated Mg-6Zn- 4Sn-1Mn (wt.%) wrought Mg alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 889: 161640.
17 Hou Caihong, Ye Zhisong, Qi Fugang*, Wang Qing, Li Lianhui, Ouyang Xiaoping, Zhao Nie. Effect of Al addition on microstructure andmechanical properties of Mg?Zn?Sn?Mn alloy [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2021, 31: 1951?1968.
18 Hu Fan, Qi Feng, Xiang Zehui, Zhang Biao*, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie, Ouyang Xiaoping. Synergistic enhancement effect of nano-SiO2 and ionic liquids on mechanical properties and impact [J]. Composites Communications, 2021, 27: 100876.
19 Zhang Zhicai, Yuan Heng, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie*, Zhang Biao, Ouyang Xiaoping. Functionalized Modified BN@F-SiC Particle-Incorporating Epoxy: An Effective Hydrophobic Antiwear and Anticorrosion Coating Material [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021,60 (23): 8430-8441.
20 Cao Hongshuai, Liu Fujia, Li Hao, Qi Fugang*, Ouyang Xiaoping, Zhao Nie*, Liao Bin. High temperature tribological performance and thermal conductivity of thick Ti_Ti-DLC multilayer coatings with the application potential for Al alloy pistons[J]. Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, 117: 108466.
21 Zhang Zhicai, Zhao Nie *, Qi Fugang*, Zhang Biao, Liao Bin, Ouyang Xiaoping. Reinforced Superhydrophobic Anti-Corrosion Epoxy Resin Coating by Fluorine–Silicon–Carbide Composites[J]. Coatings, 2020, 10(12): 1244.
22 Cao Hongshuai. Ye Xue, Li Hao, Qi Fugang*, Wang Qing, Ouyang Xiaoping *, Zhao Nie, Liao Bin. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of multilayer Ti-DLC thick films on Al alloys by filtered cathodic vacuum arc technology[J]. Materials & Design, 2021, 198: 109320.
23 Li Lianhui, Qi Fugang*, Wang Qing, Hou Caihong, Zhao Nie, Yang Yi*, Chai Sensen, Ouyang Xiaoping. Hot deformation behavior of Mg95.21Zn1.44Y2.86Mn0.49 alloy containing LPSO phase [J]. Materials Characterization, 2020, 169: 110649.
24 Wan Pengying, Zhao Nie*, Qi Fugang*, Zhang Biao*, Xiong Hailong, Yuan Heng, Liao Bin, Ouyang Xiaoping. Synthesis of PDA-BN@f-Al2O3 hybrid for nanocomposite epoxy coating with superior corrosion protective properties [J]. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 146: 105713.
25 Li Lianhui, Cao Hongshuai, Qi Fugang *, Wang Qing, Zhao Nie, Liu Yingdu*, Ye Xue, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Mg-5Zn-1Mn Alloy Tube[J].Metals, 2020, 10(3): 301.
26 Hou Caihong, Qi Fugang*, Ye Zhisong, Zhao Nie*, Zhang Dingfei, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effects of Mn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Zn–Sn alloys [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2020, 774: 138933.
27 Xiong Hailong, Qi Fugang*, Zhao Nie*, Yuan Heng, Wan Pengying, Liao Bin, Ouyang Xiaoping. Effect of organically modified sepiolite as inorganic nanofiller on the anti-corrosion resistance of epoxy coating [J]. Materials Letters, 2020, 260: 126941.
28 Cao Hongshuai, Qi Fugang *, Ouyang Xiaoping *, Zhao Nie, Zhou Yun, Li Beibei, Luo Wenzhong, Liao Bin, Luo Jun. Effect of Ti Transition Layer Thickness on the Structure, Mechanical and Adhesion Properties of Ti-DLC Coatings on Aluminum Alloys [J]. Materials, 2018, 11(9): 1742
29 Qi Fugang, Zhang Dingfei, Zhang Xiaohua, Xu Xingxing. Effects of Mn addition and X-phase on the microstructure and mechanical properties of high-strength Mg–Zn–Y–Mn alloys [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2014, 593(0): 70-78.
30 Qi Fugang, Zhang Dingfei, Zhang Xiaohua, Xu Xingxing. Effect of Sn addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–6Zn–1Mn (wt.%) alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 585(0): 656-666.
31 Qi Fu-gang, Zhang Ding-fei, Zhang Xiao-hua, Pan Fu-sheng. Effect of Y addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–Zn–Mn alloy [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(5): 1352-1364.
32 Qi Fugang, Zhang Dingfei, Zhu Zengtao, Xu Xingxing, Shi Guoliang. Effect of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded ZM61 magnesium alloy [J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2012, 28(12): 1426-1433.
33 Ding-fei ZHANG, Fu-gang QI, Wei LAN, Guo-liang SHI, Xia-bing ZHAO. Effects of Ce addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Zn-1Mn alloy [J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(4).(SCI)
34 張丁非, 齊福剛, 石國梁, 戴慶偉. Mn 含量對 Mg-Zn-Mn 變形鎂合金顯微組織和力學性能的影響 [J]. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2010, 12: 031.
35 張丁非, 齊福剛, 趙霞兵, 石國梁, 戴慶偉. Mg-Zn 系高強度鎂合金的研究進展 [J]. 重慶大學學報:自然科學版, 2010, 33(11)


[1] 齊福剛,萬鵬穎,歐陽曉平,易俊松,彭曉淳,趙鎳,熊海龍,袁恆,張治財,余昊.一種複合材料改性耐磨防腐塗料及其製備方法,授權號: ZL 201910910341.5,申請日:2019-09-25,授權日:2021-05-25,發明專利,中國。
[2] 齊福剛,曹紅帥,歐陽曉平,李貝貝,羅文忠,鐘向麗,趙鎳,劉應都,陳靜.多層耐高溫Ti/Zr共摻雜類金剛石塗層及其製備方法,授權號:ZL 201810567107.2,申請日:2018.6.5.,授權日:2020-06-19,發明專利,中國。
[3] 齊福剛,李貝貝,歐陽曉平,趙鎳,曹紅帥,羅文忠,鐘向麗,陳靜,劉應都,王冰.一種用於鋁合金活塞燃燒室面的CrAlN隔熱塗層及其製備方法,授權號:ZL 201811058209.8,申請日:2018.9.11,授權日:2020-06-02,發明專利,中國。
[4] 齊福剛,羅文忠,歐陽曉平,趙鎳,曹紅帥,李貝貝,鐘向麗,劉應都,陳靜.一種表面為(Ti,Al)N多層隔熱耐磨超厚塗層的活塞及其製備方法和套用,授權號:ZL 201710860520.3,申請日:2017.9.21,授權日:2019-11-19,發明專利,中國。
[5] 齊福剛,李貝貝,歐陽曉平,曹紅帥,羅文忠,鐘向麗,陳靜,趙鎳,劉應都.一種用於鋁合金活塞頂面Cr/CrNx類隔熱膜及其製備方法,授權號:ZL 201710862093.2,申請日:2017.9.21,授權日:2019-10-08,發明專利,中國。
[6] 齊福剛,侯彩紅,趙鎳,葉芝松,曹洪帥,歐陽曉平,李連輝,易俊松. 一種高強度高塑性鎂-鋅-錫-鈣-鋁-錳耐熱變形鎂合金及其製備方法,授權號:ZL 201910746461.6,申請日:2019-08-14,授權日:2021-04-02,發明專利,中國。
[7] 齊福剛,葉芝松,侯彩紅,李連輝,葉雪,曹紅帥,趙鎳,劉應都,歐陽曉平. 一種高強耐熱變形鎂合金材料及其製備方法,授權號:ZL 201910689257.5,申請日:2019-07-29,授權日:2021-06-29,發明專利,中國。
[8] 齊福剛,王冰,劉利新,歐陽曉平,趙鎳,劉應都,曹紅帥,李貝貝.一種中子禁止防護材料,201810757924.4,申請日:2018.7.11,發明專利,中國。
[9] 齊福剛,李珺煜,趙鎳,歐陽曉平,丁秋傑,祝文軍,張志強,王冰,陳靜.一種基於紅綠燈路口汽車尾氣處理的城市霧霾治理方法,授權號:ZL 201810368832.7,申請日:2018.4.23,授權日:2020-11-06,發明專利,中國。
[10] 歐陽曉平,曹紅帥,齊福剛,羅文忠,李貝貝,陳靜,鐘向麗,趙鎳,劉應都.一種頂面為鈦摻雜類金剛石多層隔熱厚膜的活塞及其製備方法和套用,授權號:ZL201710208674.4,授權日:2019.2.2,發明專利,中國。
[11] 張丁非,齊福剛,潘復生,蘭偉,徐杏杏,羅素琴,張紅菊,郭星星.一種高強度鎂-鋅-錳-釔鎂合金材料,授權號:ZL201110150964.0,授權日:2012.11.28,發明專利,中國。
[12] 張丁非,齊福剛,蘭偉,徐杏杏,羅素琴,段作衡,朱曾濤,趙霞兵.一種具有高強度和高屈強比的鎂合金及其製備方法,授權號:ZL201110186910.X,授權日:2012.6.27,發明專利,中國。
[13] 齊福剛,羅文忠,葉芝松,趙鎳,史子一,曹紅帥,劉應都,歐陽曉平.一種低成本的高性能耐熱變形鎂合金材料及其製備方法,201810135753.1申請日:2018.2.9,發明專利,中國。
[14] 齊福剛,趙鎳,羅文忠,曹紅帥,劉應都,史之一.一種高強度鎂-鋅-錳-釔-鈰鎂合金及其製備方法,201611248843.9,申請日:2016.12.29,發明專利,中國。
[15] 張丁非,齊福剛,徐杏杏,石國梁,趙霞兵,王小紅,張紅菊,湯安.高含鋅量的鎂-鋅-錳-鈰系鎂合金材料,201110005905.4,申請日:2011.1.12,發明專利,中國。


