- 中文名:齊志新
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:香港大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:碩士生導師
- 職稱:副教授
- 01/2008–10/2012,博士學位,香港大學
- 09/2005–01/2008,碩士學習,中山大學
- 09/2001–07/2005,學士學位,東北石油大學
- 04/2018–至今,副教授、碩士生導師,中山大學
- 07/2015–04/2018,講師,中山大學
- 11/2012–07/2015,博士後,香港大學
- 城市環境遙感
- 環境遙感監測
- 雷達遙感套用
- Qi, Z., Yeh, A.G.O., and Li, X. (2017). A crop phenology knowledge-based approach for monthly monitoring of construction land expansion using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar imagery.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 133, 1-17.
- Qi, Z., Yeh, A.G.O., Li, X., Shi, X, and Zhang, X. (2015). Monthly short-term detection of land development using RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR imagery.Remote Sensing of Environment, 164, 179-196.
- Qi, Z., Yeh, A.G.O., Li, X., and Zhang, X. (2015). A three-component method for timely detection of land cover changes using polarimetric SAR images.ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 107, 3-21.
- Qi, Z.and Yeh, A.G.O. (2015). Land use and land cover mapping and change detection and monitoring using radar remote sensing. In Prasad S. Thenkabail (Eds.),Remote Sensing Handbook. Taylor and Francis.
- Qi, Z., Yeh, A.G.-O., Li, X., and Lin, Z. (2012). A novel algorithm for land use and land cover classification using RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR data.Remote Sensing of Environment, 118, 21–39.
- Qi, Z., Yeh, A.G.O., Li, X., and Lin, Z. (2012). Integration of polarimetric decomposition, object-oriented image analysis, and decision tree algorithms for land-use and land-cover classification using RADARSAT-2 polarimetric SAR data.Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 78, 1319–1332.
- 國家重點研發計畫項目子課題,“土地利用變化對典型生態系統演變的影響”(2017YFA0604400),2017年7月–2022年6月
- 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,“基於極化雷達和光學遙感的城市擴張短周期自動監測方法研究”(41601445),2017–2019
- 廣東省自然科學基金項目,“多雲多雨地區每月建設用地開發的極化雷達遙感自動監測”(2016A030313230),2016–2019
- 中山大學青年教師培育項目,“多時相星載極化雷達的農作物分類及產量估算”(16lgpy05),2016–2018
- 珠海市城鄉規劃編審與信息中心科研項目,“珠海市城市擴張模式研究”(20153700073000605),2015–2016
- Small Project Funding of The University of Hong Kong, “Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Multi-Frequency and Multi-Polarization SAR Images”, 2013–2014
- 地理信息系統導論
- 地理信息系統導論(雙語)
- 遙感概論
- 空間分析(雙語)