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  • 中文名:齊宏
  • 外文名:H. Qi
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生日期:1980
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學



  • 2006.10-2009.12,哈爾濱工業大學 工程熱物理學科 講師。
  • 2009.05-2013.03,哈爾濱工業大學 工程熱物理學科 碩導。
  • 2009.04-2011.12,哈爾濱工業大學 儀器科學與技術流動站 博士後。
  • 2009.12-2014.12, 哈爾濱工業大學 工程熱物理學科 副教授。
  • 2013.04-至今, 哈爾濱工業大學 工程熱物理學科 博導
  • 2014.12-至今, 哈爾濱工業大學 工程熱物理學科 教授。


  • 1997年-2001年,哈爾濱工業大學能源學院,熱能與動力工程專業,學士。
  • 2001年-2003年,哈爾濱工業大學能源學院,工程熱物理專業,碩士
  • 2003年-2008年,哈爾濱工業大學能源學院,工程熱物理專業,博士。
  • 2011年-2012年,美國加州大學洛杉磯分校UCLA,機械及航天工程系,訪問學者。


  • 中國宇航學會光電技術專業委員會 委員
  • 中國光學工程學會 專家委員
  • 中國計量測試學會多相流測試專業委員會 委員
  • 中國能源學會專家委員會 委員
  • 核能系統仿真國際聯合研究中心(NSSIJRC)專家委員會 委員
  • 國際期刊審稿人:ASME Journal of Heat Transfer,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A,Recent Patents on Computer Science,Annals of Nuclear Energy,Chinese Physics B,Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China,Scientia Iranica,Chinese Journal of Aeronautics,etc.
  • 國際會議審稿人:Eurotherm Seminar No.83: Computational Thermal Radiation in Participaring Media III,Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition,ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer Int. Conference,etc.




  • 1.Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Zhang Hao-Chun,Wang Yan-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation analysis in a one-dimensional participating slab by the Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithm.Int. J. of Thermal Sciences,2007,46(7):649-661,SCIEI收錄
  • 2. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Liu Lin-Hua.Study on the imaginary temperature of open boundary wall in cylindrical medium by partition allocation method.ASMEJ. of Heat Transfer,2005,127(7):791-793,SCIEI 收錄
  • 3. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Shi Meng,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to inverse radiation problem.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2008,109(3):476-493,SCIEI收錄
  • 4. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Shi Meng,Zhao Hui.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to retrieve the particle size distribution.Chinese Optics Letters,2008,6(5):346-349,SCIEI收錄
  • 5. Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional non-homogeneous participating slabs using Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithms.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2011,112:2507-2519,SCIEI收錄
  • 6.Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-ping.Retrieval of spherical particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.Chinese Optics Letters,2013,11(11):112901,SCIEI收錄
  • 7.Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu.Development of a finite element radiation model applied for two-dimensional participating media.Heat Transfer-Asian Research,2005,34(6):386-395,EI收錄
  • 8. Qi Hong,Li Jia-Yu,Yi Hong-Liang,Tan He-Ping.Radiative properties of high temperature particles in their phase transitions and inverse radiation problem of particles.Proceedings of 2009 US-EU-China Thermophysics Conference-Renewable Energy,Beijing,May 28-30,2009(Invited Paper),EI收錄
  • 9. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Zhao Hui.A modified Finite Volume Method for simulating the radiative intensity in any specified direction.7th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer,Beijing,China,October 26-29,2008
  • 10. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithms for simultaneous estimation of multi-parameters in a transient conduction-radiation problem.Submitted toInt. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2014
  • 11. Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,L. Pilon.Retrieving asymmetry factor and scattering albedo from maximum time-resolved reflectance of absorbing and anisotropically scattering media,Submitted to J.of QuantitativeSpectrascopy and Radiative Transfer,2014
  • 12. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Inversion of particle size distribution by spectral extinction technique using the attractive and repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm.Submitted to Thermal Science,2014
  • 13. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Simultaneous retrieval of multi-parameters in a frequency domain radiative transfer problem using an improved PDF-based ACO algorithm,Submitted to Numerical Heat Transfer Part A,2014
  • 14. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Jia Teng,Zhang Biao,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieval of geometric structure of internal defect in two-dimensional semi-transparent media under laser irradiation using the RDS-PSO.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan
  • 15. QiHong,Niu Chun-Yang,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in multi-layer non-homogeneous participating slabs using improved self-organizing migrating algorithm.The 2nd Int. Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy, Manufacturing, Materials and Sensing,June 6-9th,2014,Shanghai,China。


