3. Anrong DANG, et al, 2006, Study on Sustainable Development of Urban Human Settlements Supported by RS and GIS, Proceeding of International Forum on Urbanism 2006, Beijing, October 2006,pp. 639-642. (In English)
4. Anrong DANG, et al, 2006, Study on sharing digital urban planning information based on WebGIS, Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Geoinformatics, Wuhan, Oct. 2006, 64211V1-4. (In English)
5. Zhaoya Gong & Anrong DANG, et al, 2006, Development of Government GIS Based on ArcGIS Engine, Proceeding of the First Asia-Pacific Conference for ESRI Users, Hong Kong, China, January 12–13, 2006. (In English)
6. Anrong Dang, Rui Yang, Xiaodong Liu, 2005, Study On The General Framework Of China Digital National Park, Proceedings of The 4th International symposium on Digital Earth, 2005. (In English)
7. Anrong Dang, Qizhi Mao, Huai-Hsiang JEN, et al, 2005, Eco-Environment Study for Water Source Region of Beijing Supported by RS and GIS, Proceedings of International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2005. (In English)
8. Anrong Dang, Xindong He, Huizhen Shi, et al, 2005, Study on Conservation Planning for Beijing Old City Based on RS and GIS, Proceedings of International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2005. (In English)
9. 黨安榮、王炎,美國費城城市規劃公眾參與案例,北京城市規劃建設,2005(6):53-58。
10. 武磊、黨安榮,公眾參與城市規劃的技術方法,北京城市規劃建設,2005(6):20-22。
11. Anrong Dang, Xiaodong Liu, Rui Yang, Study on China National Park Planning Supported by Spatial Information Technology, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics 2004, 7-9 June 2004, University of Gävle, Sweden.
14. ChiuSh Chan, Anrong Dang, Ziyu Tong, Utilizing RS and GIS techniques to create a VR model of the Inner City of Beijing, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 17-19, Nov. 2004, Gifu, Japan.
15. Ying Chen, Pengwei Hao, Anrong Dang, Optimal Transform in Perceptually Uniform Color Space and Its Application in Image Coding, International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition 2004, 269-276.
16. PengweiHao, Chao Zhang, Anrong Dang, Co-histogram and Image Degradation Evaluation, International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition 2004, 195-203.
19. Dang Anrong, Zhang Sicun, He Xindong, Tang Lihua, Case Study on Soil Erosion Supported by GIS and RS, Proceedings of IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2003), Touluse, France, 2003.
20. Shi Huizhen, Dang Anrong, Mao Qizhi, Research on the Expansion of Beijing Construction Area Based on RS and GIS, Proceedings of the 8th Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities, Beijing, China, 2003.