- 中文名:黃龍全
- 出生地:安徽
- 出生日期:1957年8月
- 職稱:教授
植物(菸草)維生素B6的代謝轉換與調控,國家自然科學基金面上項目(31670297),2017.01-2020.12 家蠶PLP的合成調節和合成後向缺輔基酶的轉移機制,國家自然科學基金面上項目(31372262),2014.01-2017.12 家蠶維生素B6代謝酶PLK、PNPO蛋白及其基因的結構與作用機制研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目(30870338),2009.01-2011.12 植物體內維生素B6代謝機制的研究,安徽省教育廳自然科學重點科研項目(KJ2010A116),2010.01-2012.12 茶葉中抗凝血活性物質的分離純化和活性增強技術研究,安徽省教育廳自然科學重點科研項目(2005KJ393ZD),2005.01-2007.12 |
- Direct and indirect effects of RNA interference against pyridoxal kinase and pyridoxine 5′-phosphate oxidase genes in Bombyx mori. Gene. 2016, 587:48-52. (Corresponding author)
- Effect of exogenous hormones on transcription levels of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate biosynthetic enzymes in the silkworm (Bombyx mori), Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B, 2016, 194-195: 20-24. (Corresponding author)
- Enzymatic conversion from pyridoxal to pyridoxine caused by microorganisms within tobacco phyllosphere. Plant Physiol Biochem. 2014, 85: 9-13. (Corresponding author)
- JYZhang, SHHuang,M Wu, Q Wu,LQHuang*,(2013)Enzymatic transamination of pyridoxamine in tobacco plants, Plant Science, 212: 55-59. (SCI, IF 2.922) (* Corresponding author, 通訊作者, 下同)
- JYZhang, SHHuang,LH Wang,LQHuang*,(2013)Effect of abiotic stress on the abundance of different vitamin B6 vitamers in tobacco plants, PlantPhysiolBiochem.66:63-67.(SCI, IF 2.775)
- SHHuang,TShu,JYZhang,WMa,SWei,LQHuang*,(2012)FunctionalsignificanceofsomeparticularaminoacidresiduesinBombyxmoripyridoxalkinase.ComparativeBiochemistryandPhysiologyPartB:BiochemistryandMolecularBiology,161(2):155-160.(SCI, IF 1.923)
- S.H.Huang,J.Y.Zhang,Y.P.Ma,S.Wei,L.Q.Huang*,(2012)Characterizationofanacidphosphataseresponsibleforhydrolysisofpyridoxal5′-phosphateintobaccoplants.PlantPhysiolBiochem.57:114-119.(SCI, IF 2.838)
- SH Huang, HB Zeng, JY Zhang, S Wei, LQ Huang* (2011) Characterization of enzymes involved in interconversions of different forms ofvitamin B6 in tobacco leaves. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 49: 1299-1305.(SCI, IF 2.402)
- SH Huang, HB Zeng, JY Zhang, S Wei, LQ Huang* (2011) Interconversions of different forms of vitamin B6 in tobacco plants. Phytochemistry,72: 2124-2129.(SCI, IF 3.150)
- SH Huang, W Ma, PP Zhang, JY Zhang, YF Xie, LQ Huang* (2011) Recombinant expression, purification and characterization of Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) pyridoxal kinase. Eur. J. Entomol., 108: 25-34. (SCI, IF 0.783)
- SH Huang, RJ Shi, JY Zhang, LQ Huang* (2009) Cloning and characterization of a pyridoxine 5′-phosphate oxidase from silkworm, Bombyx mori. Insect Molecular Biology, 18: 365–371. (SCI, IF 2.865)
- RJ Shi, JY Zhang, CJ Jiang, LQ Huang* (2007) Bombyx mori pyridoxal kinase cDNA cloning and enzymatic characterization. Journal of Genefics and Genomics,34: 683-690. (SCI )
- JY Zhang, LQ Huang, HY Takashi, HH Tsuge (2004) Analysis of vitamin B6 derivatives in biological samples with high performance liquid chromatography (in Chinese). Chem. J. Chinese Universities, 25: 638-640. (SCI )
- LQ Huang, JY Zhang, HY Takashi, HH Tsuge (2001) Assays of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and methionine synthase activities by monitoring 5-methyl tetrahydrofolate and tetrahydrofolate using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Anal. Biochem., 299: 253-259. (SCI )
- 黃龍全, 張劍韻 (2006) 缺乏VB6對大鼠必需脂肪酸代謝的影響. 食品科學, 27: 228-230.
- 張劍韻, 包立軍, 梁進, 黃龍全* (2007) 桑葉多糖的分離及紅外光譜和氣相色譜分析. 蠶業科學, 33: 549-552.
- 葉勇, 張劍韻,黃龍全* (2007) 絲素膜表面接枝肝素分子的反應條件與體外抗凝血作用. 蠶業科學, 33: 74-78.
- 梁進, 張劍韻, 崔瑩瑩, 黃龍全* (2008) 茶多糖的化學修飾及體外抗凝血作用研究. 茶業科學, 28: 166-171.
- 崔瑩瑩, 張劍韻, 張容鵠, 黃龍全* (2009) 大蒜多糖的體外抗凝血作用及結構分析. 食品與發酵工業, 35: 24-27.
- 蔣守花, 張劍韻, 黃龍全* (2010) 採用高效液相色譜技術分析茶樹體內維生素B6. 茶業科學, 30: 79-82.
- 鈕甜甜, 張劍韻, 黃龍全* (2010) 茶樹鮮葉中維生素B6代謝酶PLK的活性分析. 茶業科學, 30: 269-272.
- 李艷霞, 張劍韻, 黃龍全* (2010) 茶樹鮮葉中維生素B6代謝酶PNPO的活性分析. 茶業科學, 30: 273-276.
- 張平平, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*(2010) 家蠶吡哆醛激酶的融合表達與純化, 昆蟲學報, 53:957-961.
- 王振, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*(2010)家蠶磷酸吡哆醇氧化酶在E.coil中的表達及酶學特徵研究, 蠶業科學, 36:0503-0506.
- 葛俊楠, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*(2011)家蠶吡哆醛氧化酶基因的表達譜分析, 昆蟲學報, 54:877-880.
- 舒婷, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*(2011)家蠶吡哆醛激酶基因定點突變及突變體功能, 昆蟲學報, 54:969-974.
- 曾海彬, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*(2011)採用高效液相色譜技術分析菸草體內的維生素B6化合物, 廣西植物, 31:695-698.
- 童寧, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*, 家蠶磷酸吡哆醇氧化酶的體外定點突變及其活性鑑定. 昆蟲學報,2011, 54(11): 1231-1235.
- 謝艷鳳, 張劍韻, 黃龍全*, 吡哆醛激酶基因在家蠶體內的時空表達特徵. 昆蟲學報, 2011, 54(11): 1319-1323.