- 中文名:黃鵬展
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:偏微分方程數值解法、計算流體力學
- 職務:博士生導師
- 職稱:教授
- 任職院校:新疆大學
- 政治面貌:中共黨員
2002.09-2006.07 溫州大學 學士
2006.09-2009.06 新疆大學 碩士
2009.09-2012.06 新疆大學 博士
2019.12-至今 新疆大學 教授
2013.01-2015.09 新疆大學 博士後
2015.11-2015.12 香港城市大學 訪問研究員
2012.09-至今 美國數學會《Math Reviews》 評論員
2016.11-至今 中國核學會計算物理學會第六屆理事會 理事
國家自然科學基金;“自然對流問題的高效數值方法研究”,編號:11401511,執行年限:2015.01—2017.12,資助經費:23 萬元.
(1). “大雷諾數條件下不可壓縮流動問題的高效數值算法研究”,新疆維吾爾自治區自然科學基金,編號:2013211B01,執行年限:2013.01—2015.12,資助經費:5 萬元.
(2).“不可壓縮流動問題的高效二步算法研究”,中國博士後科學基金第 53 批面上資助一等資助,編號:2013M530438,執行年限:2013.04—2015.03,資助經費:8 萬元.
(3).“自然對流問題的新型二步數值方法研究”,中國博士後科學基金第七批特別資助,編號:2014T70954,執行年限:2014.04—2016.03,資助經費:15 萬元.
(4). “Korteweg–de Vries 方程的無條件收斂有限元方法研究”,新疆維吾爾自治區自然科學基金,編號:2017D01C052,執行年限:2017.07—2020.06,資助經費:7 萬元.
(1). “定常與非定常自然對流問題的二步數值算法”,新疆維吾爾自治區高校科研計畫項目(the Scientific Research Program of theHigher Education Institution of Xinjiang),編號:XJEDU2014S002,執行年限:2014.07—2016.06,資助經費:3.5 萬元.
(2). “三維磁流體動力學方程高效算法研究”,編號:自治區優秀博士後特別資助,執行年限:2016.10—2019.10,資助經費:8 萬元.
已指導國家級大學生創新訓練計畫項目 3 項:
1. 《分叉血管病變下血液流動的數值模擬》,項目編號:201410755006,經費:1.2 萬元,已結題。發表學術論文 2 篇,其中核心 1 篇。主持人:趙書博(新疆大學研究生);成員:魯曉莉(新疆大學研究生)
2.《Navier-Stokes 方程的一種二步算法研究》,項目編號:201510755006,經費:1.2 萬元,已結題。發表學術論文 3 篇,其中核心 1 篇。主持人:陳春林;成員:王金瑞(新疆大學研究生),韓嘉祺(澳門大學研究生),珠麗德孜·葉爾肯;
3.《非線性對流擴散方程的局部修正 CN 方法》,項目編號:201610755044,經費:1 萬元,已優秀結題。發表學術論文 2 篇,其中核心 1 篇。主持人:徐婉婷(上海科技大學研究生);成員:高雪凝。
已發表學術論文 60 余篇,其中 SCI 檢索收錄論文 52 篇
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
Journal of Scientific Computing,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,
Computers & Fluids,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
Advances in Computational Mathematics,
Applied Mathematical Modelling,
Applied Numerical Mathematics,
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications,
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer等國際期刊。
1. Pengzhan Huang, Abdurishit Abduwali, The Modified Local Crank-Nicolson
method for one- and two-dimensional Burgers' equations, Computers andMathematics with Applications 59 (2010) 2452–2463. (SCI: 597GY)
2. Pengzhan Huang, An analytical technique to solve the BBM-BBM system,Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumani 54(4) (2011) 325–335. (SCI: 864VN)
3. Pengzhan Huang, Yinnian He, Xinlong Feng, Numerical Investigations on SeveralStabilized Finite Element Methods for the Stokes Eigenvalue Problem,Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2011, Article ID 745908, 14pages. (SCI: 845RA)
4. Pengzhan Huang, Tong Zhang, Xiaoling Ma, Superconvergence by L2-projectionfor a stabilized finite volume method for the stationary Navier–Stokes equations,Computers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (2011) 4249–4257. (SCI:860QW)
5. Pengzhan Huang, Tong Zhang, Zhiyong Si, A stabilized Oseen iterative finiteelement method for stationary conduction-convection equations, MathematicalMethods in the Applied Sciences 35 (2012) 103–118. (SCI: 869MJ)
6. Pengzhan Huang, Yinnian He, Xinlong Feng, A new defect-correction method forthe stationary Navier-Stokes equations based on local Gauss integration,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 35 (2012) 1033–1046. (SCI948TG)
7. Pengzhan Huang, Xiaoling Ma, An Oseen iterative finite-element method forstationary conduction–convection equations, International Journal of ComputerMathematics 89 (2012) 217–230. (SCI: 865ZW)
8. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Demin Liu, A stabilised nonconforming finiteelement method for the steady incompressible flows, International Journal ofComputational Fluid Dynamics 26 (2012) 133–144. (SCI: 912JX)
9. Zhifeng Weng, Xinlong Feng, Pengzhan Huang, A new mixed finite elementmethod based on the Crank-Nicolson scheme for the parabolic problems, AppliedMathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 5068–5079. (SCI: 966WM)
10. Pengzhan Huang, Yinnian He, Xinlong Feng, Two-level stabilized finite elementmethod for Stokes eigenvalue problem, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition) 33(5) (2012) 621–630. (SCI:940CX)
11. Xinlong Feng, Yinnian He, Pengzhan Huang, A stabilized implicit fractional-stepmethod for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations using equal-order pairs,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 392 (2012) 209–224. (SCI:948IR)
12. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Demin Liu, Two-level stabilized method basedon three corrections for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, AppliedNumerical Mathematics 62 (2012) 988–1001. (SCI: 947LE)
13. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Yinnian He, Two-level defect-correction Oseeniterative stabilized finite element methods for the stationary Navier-Stokesequations, Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 728–741. (SCI: 065FR)
14. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Demin Liu, A stabilized finite element methodfor the time-dependent Stokes equations based on Crank-Nicolson Scheme,Applied Mathematical Modelling 37 (2013) 1910–1919. (SCI: 073SW)
15. Haiyan Su, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Two-level stabilized nonconformingfinite element method for the Stokes equations, Applications of Mathematics 58(2013) 643–656. (SCI: 302AR)
16. Xindong Zhang, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Leilei Wei, Finite elementmethod for two-dimensional time-fractional Tricomi-type equations, NumericalMethods For Partial Differential Equations 29 (2013) 1081–1096. (SCI: 133YV)
17. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Haiyan Su, Two-level defect-correction locallystabilized finite element method for the steady Navier-Stokes equations, NonlinearAnalysis: Real World Applications 14 (2013) 1171–1181. (SCI: 051GO)
18. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Error estimates for two-level penalty finitevolume method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, MathematicalMethods in the Applied Sciences 36 (2013) 1918–1928. (SCI: 201IM)
19. Pengzhan Huang, Yinnian He, Xinlong Feng, Convergence and stability oftwo-level penalty mixed finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokesequations, Frontiers of Mathematics in China 8 (2013) 837–854. (SCI: 149UQ)
20. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Demin Liu, Two-level stabilized method basedon Newton iteration for the steady Smagorinsky model, Nonlinear Analysis: RealWorld Applications 14 (2013) 1795–1805. (SCI: 095UZ)
21. Tong Zhang, Pengzhan Huang, Shunwei Xu, Analysis of stabilized finite volumemethod for Poisson equation, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 18 (2013)415–431. (SCI: 170MD)
22. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Yinnian He, A quadratic equal-order stabilizedfinite element method for the conduction-convection equations, Computers andFluids 86 (2013) 169–176. (SCI: 236YB)
23. Jilian Wu, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Numerical study on several stabilizedfinite element methods for the steady incompressible flow problem with damping,Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2013, Article ID 985864, 10 pages. (SCI:267IU)
24. Pengzhan Huang, Jianping Zhao, Xinlong Feng, An Oseen scheme for theconduction-convection equations based on a stabilized nonconforming method,Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (2014) 535–547. (SCI: 300TU)
25. Pengzhan Huang, Iterative methods in penalty finite element discretizations forthe steady Navier-Stokes equations, Numerical Methods for Partial DifferentialEquations 30 (2014) 74–94. (SCI: 258ER)
26. Pengzhan Huang, Superconvergence of a stabilized approximation for the Stokeseigenvalue problem by projection method, Applications of Mathematics 59 (2014)361–370. (SCI: AM4KA).
27. Xiaohui Hu, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Two-grid method for Burgers'equation by new mixed finite element schemes, Mathematical Modelling andAnalysis 19 (2014) 1–17. (SCI: AC3HQ)
28. Zhiyong Si, Xiaogang Song, Pengzhan Huang, Modified characteristicsgauge-Uzawa finite element method for time dependent conduction-convectionproblems, Journal of Scientific Computing 58 (2014) 1–24. (SCI: 283IT)
29. Pengzhan Huang, A two-level stabilized Oseen iterative method for stationaryconduction-convection equations, Mathematical Reports 16 (2014) 285–293. (SCI:AM1XI)
30. Haiyan Su, Pengzhan Huang, Juan Wen, Xinlong Feng, Three iterative finiteelement methods for the stationary Smagorinsky model, East Asian Journal onApplied Mathematics 4 (2014) 132–151. (SCI: AM7GP)
31. Haiyan Su, Dongwei Gui, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Two-level stabilized,nonconforming finite-element algorithms for the stationaryconduction–convection equations, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals66 (2014) 211–242. (SCI: AO2UA)
32. Pengzhan Huang, Xiaoling Ma, Amplitude-frequency formulation for solvingTroesch’s equation, Applied and Computational Mathematics 13 (2014) 299–305.(SCI: AT3IY)
33. Pengzhan Huang, Lower and upper bounds of Stokes eigenvalue problem basedon stabilized finite element, Calcolo 52 (2015) 109–121. (SCI: CC2WY)
34. Yinnian He, Pengzhan Huang*, Xinlong Feng, H2-stability of the first order fullydiscrete schemes for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations, Journal ofScientific Computing 62 (2015) 230–264. (SCI: AY0OI)
35. Tong Zhang, Xin Zhao, Pengzhan Huang, Decoupled two level finite elementmethods for the steady natural convection problem, Numerical Algorithms 68(2015) 837–866. (SCI: CE5AH)
36. Pengzhan Huang, Wenqiang Li, Zhiyong Si, Several iterative schemes for thestationary natural convection equations at different Rayleigh numbers, NumericalMethods for Partial Differential Equations 31 (2015) 761–776. (SCI: CE4CF)
37. Pengzhan Huang, Jianping Zhao, Xinlong Feng, Highly efficient and localprojection-based stabilized finite element method for natural convection problem,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 83 (2015) 357–365. (SCI:CC1CY)
38. Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, Yinnian He, An efficient two-step algorithm forthe incompressible flow problem, Advances in Computational Mathematics 41(2015) 1059–1077. (SCI: CX5KP)
39. Jilian Wu, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, A new variational multiscale FEM forthe Steady-State Natural Convection problem with bubble stabilization, NumericalHeat Transfer, Part A: Applications 68 (2015) 777–796. (SCI: CJ7NO)
40. Shuying Zhai, Dongwei Gui, Pengzhan Huang, Xinlong Feng, A novel high-orderADI method for 3D fractional convection–diffusion equations, InternationalCommunications in Heat and Mass Transfer 66 (2015) 212–217. (SCI: CP5YN)
41. Pengzhan Huang, Abdurishit Abduwali, Modified Local Crank-Nicolson methodfor generalized Burgers-Huxley equation, Mathematical Reports 18 (2016)109–120. (SCI: DG8FT)
42. Pengzhan Huang, Xiaoling Ma, Tong Zhang, Superconvergence of nonconforming finite element method for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations,Bulletin Mathematique de la Societe des Sciences Mathematiques de Roumani 59(2016) 159–174. (SCI: DP7IK)
43. Xiaohui Hu, Pengzhan Huang*, Xinlong Feng, A new mixed finite elementmethod based on the Crank-Nicolson scheme for Burgers' equation, Applicationsof Mathematics 61 (2016) 27–45. (SCI: DC6AY)
44. Pengzhan Huang, Xiaoling Ma, Rena Askar, A superconvergence result of thenatural convection equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 39(2016) 3496–3505. (SCI: DR5MP)
45. Pengzhan Huang, Yinnian He, Xinlong Feng, Second order time-space iterativemethod for the stationary Navier-Stokes equations, Applied Mathematics Letters59 (2016) 79–86. (SCI: DN1OW)
46. Haiyan Su, Xinlong Feng, Pengzhan Huang, Iterative methods in penalty finiteelement discretization for the steady MHD equations, Computer Methods inApplied Mechanics and Engineering 304 (2016) 521–545. (SCI: DJ9AR)
47. Jilian Wu, Pengzhan Huang*, Xinlong Feng, Demin Liu, An efficient two-stepalgorithm for steady-state natural convection problem, International Journal ofHeat and Mass Transfer 101 (2016) 387–398. (SCI: DS1XB)
48. Pengzhan Huang, Convergence of the Uzawa method for the Stokes equationswith damping, Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 62 (2017) 876–886.(SCI: EO8HQ)
49. Jilian Wu, Demin Liu, Xinlong Feng, Pengzhan Huang, An efficient two-stepalgorithm for the stationary incompressible magnetohydrodynamic equations,Applied Mathematics and Computation 302 (2017) 21–33. (SCI: EK6WT)
50. Pengzhan Huang, An efficient two-level finite element algorithm for the naturalconvection equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics 118 (2017) 75–86. (SCI:EX3IM)
51. Lei Wang, Jian Li, Pengzhan Huang, An efficient iterative algorithm for thenatural convection equations based on finite element method, International Journalof Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow 28 (2018) 584–605. (SCI:GB0BK)
52. Pengfei Wang, Pengzhan Huang, Jilian Wu, Superconvergence of the stationaryincompressible magnetohydrodynamics equations, University Politehnica ofBucharest Scientific Bulletin-Series A-Applied Mathematics and Physics 80 (2018)281–292. (SCI: FZ7WX)
2014,“Two-level stabilized method based on Newton iteration for the steadySmagorinsky model”獲第十三屆自治區自然科學優秀論文獎一等獎,排名第一
2014,“Finite Element Method for Two-Dimensional Time-Fractional Tricomi-TypeEquations”獲第十三屆自治區自然科學優秀論文獎二等獎,排名第二
2016,入選“2015 年度中國博士後科學基金資助者選介”
2016,“Highly efficient and local projection-based stabilized finite element methodfor natural convection”獲第十四屆自治區自然科學優秀論文獎二等獎,排名第一2017,入選自治區天山英才工程第二層次培養人選