
男, 博士,浙江諸暨人。浙江大學建築工程學院教授,博士生導師。2011年入選浙江大學求是青年學者。1999年和2002年先後獲得華中科技大學結構工程專業本科和碩士學位。碩士畢業後兩年分別就職於阿特金斯顧問(ATKINS深圳)和深圳市建築科學研究院,任職結構工程師。2008年獲得香港科技大學結構工程博士學位。


  • 中文名:黃銘楓
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:浙江諸暨
  • 職業:浙江大學教授
  • 畢業院校:香港科技大學


主要研究方向為結構風效應、結構動力可靠度最佳化和計算風工程。作為負責人主持了國家自然科學基金項目、2011年交通部重大科技專項子項目、中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目和浙江省科技計畫課題等10餘項研究項目。已發表國內外知名期刊論文50餘篇。出版英文專著2部。長期擔任Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE和Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE等國際期刊審稿人。自2013年起,擔任國際SCI期刊WIND AND STRUCTURES, An International Journal編委。


· 1995年-1999年,華中科技大學,土木工程系,本科
· 1999年-2002年,華中科技大學,土木工程系,碩士
· 2004年-2008年,香港科技大學,土木工程系,博士
· 2008.6-2009.6,香港科技大學,土木工程系,博士後
· 2009.6-2011.6,浙江大學,建築工程學院,博士後
· 2011.6-2011.12,浙江大學,建築工程學院,結構工程研究所,講師
· 2011.12-至今,浙江大學,建築工程學院,副教授




[1]Huang MF,Tu ZB, Li Q, Lou WJ, and Li QS. 2017. Dynamic wind load combination for a tall building based on copula functions.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 8 (2017) 1750092.
[2]Huang MF, Huang S, Feng H and Lou WJ. 2016. Non-Gaussian time-dependent statistics of wind pressure processes on a roof structure.Wind and Structures, Vol. 23, No. 4 (2016) 275-300.
[3]Huang MF, Li Qiang, Chan CM, Lou WJ, Kwok KCS and Li G. 2015. Performance-based design optimization of tall concrete framed structures subject to wind excitations.Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 139:70-81.
[4]Huang MF*, Chan CM, Lou WJ, Bao S. 2015. Time-domain Dynamic Drift Optimization of Tall Buildings Subject to Stochastic Wind Excitation.Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 2, 97–111.
[5]Lou WJ, Zhang L,Huang MF*, Li QS. 2015. Multi-Objective Equivalent Static Wind Loads on Complex Tall Buildings Using Non-Gaussian Peak Factors.Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 141(11), 04015033.
[6]Lou WJ, Yang L,Huang MF*, and Yang X. 2014. Two-Parameter Bifurcation and Stability Analysis for Nonlinear Galloping of Iced Transmission Lines.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 140(11), 04014081.
[7]Lou WJ, Lv J,Huang MF*, Yang L, Yan D. 2014. Aerodynamic force characteristics and galloping analysis of iced bundled conductors.Wind and Structures, Vol. 18, No. 2, 135-154.
[8]Huang MF, Pan X, Lou W, Chan CM and Li QS. 2014. Hermite extreme value estimation of non-Gaussian wind load process on a long-span roof structure.Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 140(9), 04014061.
[9]Yiu CF, Chan CM,Huang MF, Li G. 2014. Evaluation of lateral-torsional coupling in earthquake response of asymmetric multistory buildings.Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, Volume 23, Issue 13, pages 1007–1026.
[10]Huang MF, Lou W, Chan CM, Lin N and Pan X. 2013. Peak distributions and peak factors of wind-induced pressure processes on tall buildings.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 139(12), 1744–1756.
[11]Huang MF, Lou WJ, Chan CM, Bao S. 2013. Peak factors of non-Gaussian wind forces on a complex-shaped tall building.Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 22(14), 1105–1118.
[12]Lou WJ,Huang MF, Zhang M, Lin N. 2012. Experimental and zonal modeling for wind pressures on double-skin facades of a tall building.Energy and Buildings, 54:179-191.
[13]Huang MF, Chan CM, and Lou WJ. 2012. Optimal performance-based design of wind sensitive tall buildings considering uncertainties.Computers and Structures, 98-99(7-16).
[14]Huang MF, Chan CM, Lou WJ and Kwok KCS. 2012. Statistical extremes and peak factors in wind-induced vibration of tall buildings.Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A (Applied Physics and Engineering), 13(1):18-32.
[15]Huang MF, Lou WJ, Yang L, Sun BN, Shen GH, and Tse KT. 2012. Experimental and computational simulation for wind effects on the Zhoushan transmission towers.Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 8(8):781-799.
[16]Huang MF, Chan CM, Kwok KCS. 2011. Occupant comfort evaluation and wind-induced serviceability design optimization of tall buildings.Wind and Structures, 2011, 14(6):559-582.
[17]Huang MF, Tse KT, Chan CM, and Lou WJ. 2011. Integrated structural optimization and vibration control for improving wind-induced dynamic performance of tall buildings.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 11(6):1139-1161.
[18]Huang MF, Lau IWH, Chan CM, Kwok KCS and Li G. 2011. A hybrid RANS and kinematic simulation of wind load effects on full-scale tall buildings.Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 99(11):1126–1138.
[19]Huang MF, Tse KT, Chan CM, Kwok KCS, Hitchcock PA, Lou WJ. 2011. Mode shape linearization and correction in coupled dynamic analysis of wind-excited tall buildings.Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 20(3):327-348 (doi: 10.1002/tal.620).
[20] Lou WJ,Huang MF, Jin H, Shen GH, and Chan CM. 2010. Three-dimensional Wind load effects and wind-induced dynamic responses of a tall building with X-shape.Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 19(8):885-900 (doi: 10.1002/tal.514).
[21]Huang MF, Tse KT, Chan CM, Kwok KCS, Hitchcock PA, Lou WJ, Li G. 2010. An integrated design technique of advanced linear-mode-shape method and serviceability drift optimization for tall buildings with lateral-torsional modes.Engineering Structures, 32(8):2146-2156.
[22] Chan CM,Huang MF, and Kwok KCS. 2010. Integrated wind load analysis and stiffness optimization of tall buildings with 3D modes.Engineering Structures, 32(5):1252-1261.
[23]Bao S, Jin WL,Huang MF. 2010. Mechanical and magnetic hysteresis as indicators of the origin and inception of fatigue damage in steel.Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A,11(8):580-586.
[24] Bao S, Jin WL,Huang MF, Bai Y. 2010. Piezomagnetic hysteresis as a non-destructive measure of the metal fatigue process.NDT&E International, 43:706-712.
[25]Huang MF, Chan CM, Kwok KCS, and Hitchcock PA. 2009. Cross correlation of modal responses of tall buildings in wind-induced lateral-torsional motion.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 135 (8):802-812.
[26] Chan CM,Huang MF, and Kwok KCS. 2009. Stiffness optimization for wind-induced dynamic serviceability design of tall buildings.Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 135 (8):985-997.
[27] Chan CM, Chui JKL, andHuang MF. 2009. Integrated aerodynamic load determination and stiffness optimization of tall buildings.Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 18:59–80.
[28] Tse T, Kwok KCS, Hitchcock PA, Samali B andHuang MF. 2007. Vibration control of a wind-excited benchmark tall building with complex lateral-torsional modes of vibration.Advances in Structural Engineering, 10(3):283-304.
[29]樓文娟,李進曉,沈國輝,黃銘楓. 2011.超高層建築脈動風壓的非高斯特性.浙江大學學報(工學版), 45 (4):671-677.
[30]林巍,樓文娟,申屠團兵,黃銘楓. 2012.高層建築脈動風壓的非高斯峰值因子方法.浙江大學學報(工學版), 46(4): 691-697.
[31]章李剛,樓文娟,黃銘楓. 2012.基於POD法控制模態選擇的大跨屋蓋風振回響分析.浙江大學學報(工學版), 46(9): 1659-1604.
[32]林巍,黃銘楓,郭中秀,樓文娟. 2012.颱風下香港K 11大樓風振回響實測及分析.深圳大學學報理工版. 29(1): 45-50.
[33]黃銘楓. 2013.基於風振性能的高層建築抗風設計最佳化.工程力學, 30(2): 240-246.
[34]楊倫,黃銘楓,樓文娟. 2013.高層建築周邊三維瞬態風場的混合數值模擬.浙江大學學報(工學版), 47(5): 824-830.
[35]塗志斌黃銘楓*樓文娟. 2014.基於Copula函式的高層建築動力風荷載相關性組合.浙江大學學報(工學版), 48(8):1370-1375
[36]潘小濤黃銘楓*樓文娟. 2014.複雜體型屋蓋表面風壓的高階統計量與非高斯峰值因子.工程力學, 31(10):181-187.
[37]塗志斌黃銘楓*樓文娟. 2016.風浪耦合作用下橋塔-基礎體系的極限荷載效應研究.浙江大學學報(工學版),50(5):813-821.
[38]馮鶴,黃銘楓*,李強,史傳洪. 2016.大跨乾煤棚網殼風振時程分析和等效靜風荷載研究.振動與衝擊, 1:164-172.
[39]黃銘楓,徐卿,吳承卉,樓文娟. 2016.基於實測數據的香港K11大樓颱風風場模擬與風振分析.建築結構學報, 37(12): 1-9.
[40]黃銘楓,吳承卉,徐卿,張鳳亮,樓文娟. 2017.基於實測數據的某高層建築結構動力參數和氣動阻尼識別.振動與衝擊
[1]《Optimum Stiffness Design of Wind-excited Tall Buildings》,黃銘楓, VDM-Verlag,德國,2009-06,ISBN:978-3-639-16253-0,243頁。
[2]《High-Rise Buildings under Multi-Hazard Environment-Assessment and Design for Optimal Performance》,黃銘楓,科學出版社/SPRINGER, 2016-08, ISBN:978-981-10-1743-8,232頁.


·國際SCI期刊Wind and Structures編委(2013-)
·2014年風和結構國際學術會議“The 2014 International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS14)”學術委員會委員
·國際學術期刊Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE審稿人
·國際學術期刊Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE審稿人
·國際學術期刊Engineering Structures審稿人
·國際學術期刊Structure and Infrastructure Engineering審稿人


[1]. 彈性力學(雙語),本科生課程。
[2]. 工程彈塑性力學,研究生課程。


