
黃 贊 博士、武漢大學生命科學學院 教授(PhD, Professor)、博士生導師 學科專業:生物化學與分子生物學 科研方向:血細胞生成和惡變、肝臟代謝疾病與腫瘤發生。


  • 中文名:黃 贊
  • 職業:武漢大學生命科學學院教授
1990/09-1994/07,武漢大學 學士
1994/09-1998/07,武漢大學 碩士
2001/08-2006/05,Loyola University Chicago 博士
2006/01-2006/12,美國芝加哥大學腫瘤研究所 博士後
2007/01-2010/02,美國西北大學醫學院 博士後

1998/08-2001/01 上海市兒童醫院 研究助理
2001 Loyola University Chicago 研究助理
2010/03-至今:武漢大學生命科學學院 教授、博士生導師



1、生物化學 (本科)

1.Yang X, Lu B, Sun X, Han C, Fu C, Xu K, Wang M, Li D, Chen Z, Opal P, Wen Q, Crispino JD, Wang QF# &Huang Z#. ANP32A regulates histone H3 acetylation and promotes leukemogenesis.Leukemia. 2018;doi:10.1038/s41375-018-0010-7.
2. Ji YX*,Huang Z*, Yang X*, Wang X*, Zhao LP, Wang PX, Zhang XJ, Alves-Bezerra M, Cai L, Zhang P, Lu YX, Bai L, Gao MM, Zhao H, Tian S, Wang Y, Huang ZX, Zhu XY, Zhang Y, Gong J, She ZG, Li F, Cohen DE & Li H. The deubiquitinating enzyme cylindromatosis mitigates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Nat Med. 2018.
3. Yan FJ, Zhang XJ, Wang WX, Ji YX, Wang PX, Yang Y, Gong J, Shen LJ, Zhu XY,Huang Z# & Li H#. The E3 ligase tripartite motif 8 targets TAK1 to promote insulin resistance and steatohepatitis.Hepatology. 2017;65(5):1492-1511.
4. Wang X, Mao W, Fang C, Tian S, Zhu X, Yang L,Huang Z# & Li H#. Dusp14 protects against hepatic ischaemia-reperfusion injury via Tak1 suppression.J Hepatol. 2017.
5. Lu B, Ren Y, Sun X, Han C, Wang H, Chen Y, Peng Q, Cheng Y, Cheng X, Zhu Q, Li W, Li HL, Du HN, Zhong B#,Huang Z#. Induction of INKIT by Viral Infection Negatively Regulates Antiviral Responses through Inhibiting Phosphorylation of p65 and IRF3.Cell Host Microbe. 2017;22(1):86-98 e84.
6. Yan FJ, Zhang XJ, Wang WX, Ji YX, Wang PX, Yang Y, Gong J, Shen LJ, Zhu XY,Huang Z#, Li H#. The E3 ligase tripartite motif 8 targets TAK1 to promote insulin resistance and steatohepatitis.Hepatology. 2017;65(5):1492-1511.
7. Wang PX, Ji YX, Zhang XJ, Zhao LP, Yan ZZ, Zhang P, Shen LJ, Yang X, Fang J, Tian S, Zhu XY, Gong J, Zhang X, Wei QF, Wang Y, Li J, Wan L, Xie Q, She ZG, Wang Z,Huang Z, Li H. Targeting CASP8 and FADD-like apoptosis regulator ameliorates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in mice and nonhuman primates.Nat Med. 2017;23(4):439-449.
8. Jin Q, Ren Y, Wang M, Suraneni PK, Li D, Crispino JD, Fan J#,Huang Z#. Novel function of FAXDC2 in megakaryopoiesis.Blood Cancer J. 2016;6(9):e478.
9. Lu B, Sun X, Chen Y, Jin Q, Liang Q, Liu S, Li Y, Zhou Y, Li W,Huang Z#. Novel function of PITH domain-containing 1 as an activator of internal ribosomal entry site to enhance RUNX1 expression and promote megakaryocyte differentiation.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences: CMLS. 2015. 72(4): 821-832
10. Lin Y, Li D, Liang Q, Liu S, Zuo X, Li L, Sun X, Li W, Guo M,Huang Z#. miR-638 Regulates Differentiation and Proliferation in Leukemic Cells by Targeting Cyclin-dependent Kinase 2.J Biol Chem. 2015. 290(3): 1818-1828
11. Sun X, Lu B, Hu B, Xiao W, Li W,Huang Z#. Novel function of the chromosome 7 open reading frame 41 gene to promote leukemic megakaryocyte differentiation by modulating TPA-induced signaling.Blood Cancer J.2014. 4: e198
12. Liu L, Wen Q, Gong R, Gilles L, Stankiewicz MJ, Li W, Guo M, Li L, Sun X, Crispino JD,Huang Z#. PSTPIP2 dysregulation contributes to aberrant terminal differentiation in GATA-1-deficient megakaryocytes by activating LYN.Cell Death & Disease. 2014. 5: e988
13. Wang W, Cai J, Wu Y, Hu L, Chen Z, Hu J, Li W, Guo M,Huang Z#. Novel activity of KRAB domain that functions to reinforce nuclear localization of KRAB-containing zinc finger proteins by interacting with KAP1.Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences: CMLS.2013. 70(20): 3947-3958
14. Khan I*,Huang Z*, Wen Q, Stankiewicz MJ, Gilles L, Goldenson B, Schultz R, Diebold L, Gurbuxani S, Finke CM, Lasho TL, Koppikar P, Pardanani A, Stein B, Altman JK, Levine RL, Tefferi A, Crispino JD. AKT is a therapeutic target in myeloproliferative neoplasms.Leukemia.2013. 27(9): 1882-1890
15. Wen Q, Goldenson B, Silver SJ, Schenone M, Dancik V,Huang Z, Wang LZ, Lewis TA, An WF, Li X, Bray MA, Thiollier C, Diebold L, Gilles L, Vokes MS, Moore CB, Bliss-Moreau M, Verplank L, Tolliday NJ, Mishra R, Vemula S, Shi J, Wei L, Kapur R, Lopez CK, Gerby B, Ballerini P, Pflumio F, Gilliland DG, Goldberg L, Birger Y, Izraeli S, Gamis AS, Smith FO, Woods WG, Taub J, Scherer CA, Bradner JE, Goh BC, Mercher T, Carpenter AE, Gould RJ, Clemons PA, Carr SA, Root DE, Schreiber SL, Stern AM, Crispino JD. Identification of Regulators of Polyploidization Presents Therapeutic Targets for Treatment of AMKL.Cell.2012. 150(3): 575-589
16. Wang W, Guo M, Hu L, Cai J, Zeng Y, Luo J, Shu Z, Li W#,Huang Z#. The zinc finger protein ZNF268 is overexpressed in human cervical cancer and contributes to tumorigenesis via enhancing NF-kappaB signaling.J Biol Chem.2012. 287(51): 42856-42866
17.Huang Z, Dore LC, Li Z, Orkin SH, Feng G, Lin S, Crispino JD. GATA-2 reinforces megakaryocyte development in the absence of GATA-1.Mol Cell Biol. 2009;29(18):5168-5180.
18.Huang Z, Richmond TD, Muntean AG, Barber DL, Weiss MJ, Crispino JD. STAT1 promotes megakaryopoiesis downstream of GATA-1 in mice.J Clin Invest. 2007;117(12):3890-3899.
John D. Crispino,Qiang Wen,Zan Huang,Andrew M. Robert J. Stern,Dimethyl fasudil for inducing polyploidization of megakaryocytes and for treating blood and bone marrow diseases and disorders,Issue Date: January 13, 2015, United States,8933071。


