- 中文名:黃紅宇
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:耶魯大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:中國古典文學文化及其海外傳播
- 職務:院長助理
Ph.D., Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Yale University 耶魯大學東亞語言文學系博士
M.A., Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Wisconsin at Madison 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區東亞語言文學系碩士
B.A., Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University 復旦大學中國語言文學系學士
M.A., Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Wisconsin at Madison 威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區東亞語言文學系碩士
B.A., Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Fudan University 復旦大學中國語言文學系學士
2017-presentAssociate Professor, Director of the Division of General Education in Humanities and Social Sciences, (since July 2018) Assistant Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) 哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)人文與社會科學學院副教授,(2017年10月起)人文社科通識教研組負責人,(2018年7月起)院長助理。
2014-2017Associate Research Fellow & Director of Information Management, International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會國際合作中心副研究員,信息辦主任
2009-2014Assistant Professor of Chinese, Department of Foreign Languages, the United States Military Academy (West Point), USA 美國西點軍校外語系助理教授
2008-2009Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Swarthmore College, USA 美國斯沃斯摩爾學院現代語言文學系助理教授
2007-2008Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University, USA 美國衛斯理安大學亞洲語言文學系客座助理教授
2003-2005Teaching Fellow, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures,Yale University 美國耶魯大學東亞語文系助理教師
2014-2017Associate Research Fellow & Director of Information Management, International Cooperation Center of the National Development and Reform Commission 國家發展和改革委員會國際合作中心副研究員,信息辦主任
2009-2014Assistant Professor of Chinese, Department of Foreign Languages, the United States Military Academy (West Point), USA 美國西點軍校外語系助理教授
2008-2009Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Swarthmore College, USA 美國斯沃斯摩爾學院現代語言文學系助理教授
2007-2008Visiting Assistant Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, Wesleyan University, USA 美國衛斯理安大學亞洲語言文學系客座助理教授
2003-2005Teaching Fellow, Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures,Yale University 美國耶魯大學東亞語文系助理教師
Pre-modern Chinese Literature and Literary Culture in Light of International Sinology 中國古典文學文化及其海外傳播
Translation and Comparative Literature 翻譯與比較文學
Translation and Comparative Literature 翻譯與比較文學
2009-2011Completed West Point‘s two-year Master Teacher Program and was certified as a Master Teacher
2004-2005Reviewer for American writer Philip Roth, providing quality assessment and control of the contractual Chinese translations of Roth's novels to be published in Sinophone areas
2009-2011Completed West Point‘s two-year Master Teacher Program and was certified as a Master Teacher
2004-2005Reviewer for American writer Philip Roth, providing quality assessment and control of the contractual Chinese translations of Roth's novels to be published in Sinophone areas
2018-2020Participant of William H. Nienhauser's group project translating Shi ji (The Grand Scribe's Records) into English with scholarly annotation and analysis 美國漢學家倪豪士《史記》英譯研究項目成員
2009ASIANetwork-Freeman Student-Faculty Fellowship for Collaborative Research in Asia 主持美國“亞洲網路-弗里曼基金”文理學院師生亞洲聯合研究項目
2018-2020Participant of William H. Nienhauser's group project translating Shi ji (The Grand Scribe's Records) into English with scholarly annotation and analysis 美國漢學家倪豪士《史記》英譯研究項目成員
2009ASIANetwork-Freeman Student-Faculty Fellowship for Collaborative Research in Asia 主持美國“亞洲網路-弗里曼基金”文理學院師生亞洲聯合研究項目
2014Commander’s Award for Civilian Service, awarded by the US government. Federal employees who have established a pattern of excellence in initiative, skill, leadership and competence are eligible for this award 美國政府文職服務司令官獎章,表彰在主動性、專業技能、領導力和競爭力方面表現一貫卓越的聯邦政府雇員
Yale University Fellowship (6 years)耶魯大學博士生全額獎學金
Yale University Fellowship (6 years)耶魯大學博士生全額獎學金
University of Wisconsin-Madison Fellowship (1 year) & Vilas Award威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區研究生全額獎學金,Vilas獎
Fudan UniversityKwang-hua Scholarship,Jianguo Scholarship,Renmin Scholarship (first rank) 復旦大學光華獎學金,建國獎學金,人民獎學金一等獎
Work in Progess:
1.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume VI: The Hereditary Houses of Han China, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming under contract, 2021.
2.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume VII: The Memoirs of Pre-Han China, rev.ed., Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming under contract, 2020.
1.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume VI: The Hereditary Houses of Han China, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming under contract, 2021.
2.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume VII: The Memoirs of Pre-Han China, rev.ed., Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming under contract, 2020.
2.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume V.1: The Hereditary Houses of Pre-Han China, rpt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019.2.27. ISBN: 9780253039569
3.黃紅宇譯,(英)伯特蘭·羅素《倫理學和政治學中的人類社會》,上海譯文出版社,2018年8月。ISBN:9787532777877 [入選2018年12月人文社科聯合書單(由全國人文社科領域優秀出版單位聯合發布,致力於推薦最優秀的人文社科圖書)][2018年12月2日《深圳晚報》領讀版列為深閱讀書單首選]
4.胡春陽、黃紅宇譯,(美)SAGE版《人際傳播研究手冊》(第四版),復旦大學出版社,2015。734頁/本人承擔50餘萬字。ISBN: 9787309117257 [書評見王怡紅、吳昊《人際傳播:知識積累與超越》,《新聞記者》(CSSCI)2016年第8期,88-92頁。]
5.胡春陽、黃紅宇、姚建華譯,(加)文森特·莫斯可《傳播政治經濟學》,上海譯文出版社,2013。384頁/本人承擔10萬字。ISBN:9787532760466 [引證:122]
7.黃紅宇主譯(英)簡·斯托克斯《媒介與文化研究方法》並作後記,復旦大學出版社,2006。ISBN:9787309048186 [引證:273]
2.Hongyu Huang, co-translator (with scholarly annotation and "Translator's Note") of William H. Nienhauser Jr. ed., The Grand Scribe’s Records, Volume V.1: The Hereditary Houses of Pre-Han China, rpt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2019.2.27. ISBN: 9780253039569
3.黃紅宇譯,(英)伯特蘭·羅素《倫理學和政治學中的人類社會》,上海譯文出版社,2018年8月。ISBN:9787532777877 [入選2018年12月人文社科聯合書單(由全國人文社科領域優秀出版單位聯合發布,致力於推薦最優秀的人文社科圖書)][2018年12月2日《深圳晚報》領讀版列為深閱讀書單首選]
4.胡春陽、黃紅宇譯,(美)SAGE版《人際傳播研究手冊》(第四版),復旦大學出版社,2015。734頁/本人承擔50餘萬字。ISBN: 9787309117257 [書評見王怡紅、吳昊《人際傳播:知識積累與超越》,《新聞記者》(CSSCI)2016年第8期,88-92頁。]
5.胡春陽、黃紅宇、姚建華譯,(加)文森特·莫斯可《傳播政治經濟學》,上海譯文出版社,2013。384頁/本人承擔10萬字。ISBN:9787532760466 [引證:122]
7.黃紅宇主譯(英)簡·斯托克斯《媒介與文化研究方法》並作後記,復旦大學出版社,2006。ISBN:9787309048186 [引證:273]
1. “重審六朝文學的‘經典’和‘周邊’——美國漢學家田菱訪談錄”. 國際漢學(CSSCI)19.2(2019):26-34.(封面亮點文章)
2. 譯註(美)Jon Meacham《羅斯福與邱吉爾:兩頭雄獅在咆哮》. 英語學習 6(2019):6-15.(封面亮點和頭條文章)
3. 閱讀感評《羅素:倫理學和政治學中的人類社會》和“導言”譯註. 英語學習 12(2018):52-60.(封面亮點文章)
4. 導讀譯註(美)Tracy Kidder & Richard Todd《好文章如何開頭》. 英語學習 8(2018):56-63.(封面亮點文章)
5. 導讀譯註(美)哈羅德·布魯姆《巴爾扎克與“惡魔精神”》. 英語學習 4(2018):55-63.(封面亮點文章)
6. “當比利·懷爾德遇到阿加莎·克里斯蒂”. 英語學習 2(2018):16-21.(封面亮點文章)
7. 導讀譯註(英)David Barnett《為什麼我們依然熱愛阿加莎·克里斯蒂?》. 英語學習 2(2018):8-15.(頭條文章)
8. 閱讀感評(英)N.B.《〈敦刻爾克〉:不像戰爭片的戰爭片》和注釋. 英語學習 12(2017):8-14.(封面亮點和頭條文章)
9. 導讀譯註(美)Tracy Kidder & Richard Todd《回憶錄》. 英語學習 11(2017):28-33.
10. 漢譯(美)布魯金斯學會“中國企業走出去:邁向歐洲的長征”. 中國科技投資 27(2016):52-56.
11. 《重寫一位說書人的生平傳奇:吳偉業〈柳敬亭傳〉及其傳承》,載劉寧主編, 《柳敬亭研究》(南京:鳳凰出版社,2013),頁694-712。
12. 漢譯(美)孫康宜“金天翮與蘇州的詩史傳統”. 中山大學學報(CSSCI)5(2007):1-6.
13. 漢譯(美)孫康宜“寫作的焦慮:龔自珍艷情詩中的自注”. 北京大學學報(CSSCI)4(2006):55-61.
14. 漢譯(美)孫康宜《錢謙益及其在歷史上的地位》,載鄭培凱主編《 九州學林》2006年夏季4卷2期(復旦大學出版社簡體版,香港城市大學中國文化中心繁體版),頁1-25。
15. 漢譯(瑞典)馬悅然《漢學與國學:高本漢和錢穆的〈左傳〉研究》,載任繼愈主編《國際漢學》第11輯(鄭州:大象出版社,2004),頁41-48。(封面亮點文章)
16. 陳思和、黃紅宇. “漫談大山裡的文學:納張元作品研討紀實”. 當代作家評論(CSSCI)3(2001):117-121.[被《中國現代當代文學研究》(中國人民大學書報資料社,2001)收錄]。
17. 《〈二十四詩品〉是司空圖作的嗎?》,《文學報》1998年2月5日[被《詩刊》(北大核心)1998年第4期收錄]。
18. 《無處告別:讀“人格與藝術精神”叢書》,《作家報》1997年10月30日。
19. 《他的粉墨世界:訪京劇臉譜畫家李正綱》,載《特藝家》(上海:學林出版社,1997),頁327-330。
20. “一部學術暢銷書的誕生”. 書與人 6(1996):111-114.(封面亮點文章)
21. 《創作和人生背景:吳正訪談》(第三作者),載《吳正研究》(北京:中國文聯出版公司,1995),頁55-63。
2. 譯註(美)Jon Meacham《羅斯福與邱吉爾:兩頭雄獅在咆哮》. 英語學習 6(2019):6-15.(封面亮點和頭條文章)
3. 閱讀感評《羅素:倫理學和政治學中的人類社會》和“導言”譯註. 英語學習 12(2018):52-60.(封面亮點文章)
4. 導讀譯註(美)Tracy Kidder & Richard Todd《好文章如何開頭》. 英語學習 8(2018):56-63.(封面亮點文章)
5. 導讀譯註(美)哈羅德·布魯姆《巴爾扎克與“惡魔精神”》. 英語學習 4(2018):55-63.(封面亮點文章)
6. “當比利·懷爾德遇到阿加莎·克里斯蒂”. 英語學習 2(2018):16-21.(封面亮點文章)
7. 導讀譯註(英)David Barnett《為什麼我們依然熱愛阿加莎·克里斯蒂?》. 英語學習 2(2018):8-15.(頭條文章)
8. 閱讀感評(英)N.B.《〈敦刻爾克〉:不像戰爭片的戰爭片》和注釋. 英語學習 12(2017):8-14.(封面亮點和頭條文章)
9. 導讀譯註(美)Tracy Kidder & Richard Todd《回憶錄》. 英語學習 11(2017):28-33.
10. 漢譯(美)布魯金斯學會“中國企業走出去:邁向歐洲的長征”. 中國科技投資 27(2016):52-56.
11. 《重寫一位說書人的生平傳奇:吳偉業〈柳敬亭傳〉及其傳承》,載劉寧主編, 《柳敬亭研究》(南京:鳳凰出版社,2013),頁694-712。
12. 漢譯(美)孫康宜“金天翮與蘇州的詩史傳統”. 中山大學學報(CSSCI)5(2007):1-6.
13. 漢譯(美)孫康宜“寫作的焦慮:龔自珍艷情詩中的自注”. 北京大學學報(CSSCI)4(2006):55-61.
14. 漢譯(美)孫康宜《錢謙益及其在歷史上的地位》,載鄭培凱主編《 九州學林》2006年夏季4卷2期(復旦大學出版社簡體版,香港城市大學中國文化中心繁體版),頁1-25。
15. 漢譯(瑞典)馬悅然《漢學與國學:高本漢和錢穆的〈左傳〉研究》,載任繼愈主編《國際漢學》第11輯(鄭州:大象出版社,2004),頁41-48。(封面亮點文章)
16. 陳思和、黃紅宇. “漫談大山裡的文學:納張元作品研討紀實”. 當代作家評論(CSSCI)3(2001):117-121.[被《中國現代當代文學研究》(中國人民大學書報資料社,2001)收錄]。
17. 《〈二十四詩品〉是司空圖作的嗎?》,《文學報》1998年2月5日[被《詩刊》(北大核心)1998年第4期收錄]。
18. 《無處告別:讀“人格與藝術精神”叢書》,《作家報》1997年10月30日。
19. 《他的粉墨世界:訪京劇臉譜畫家李正綱》,載《特藝家》(上海:學林出版社,1997),頁327-330。
20. “一部學術暢銷書的誕生”. 書與人 6(1996):111-114.(封面亮點文章)
21. 《創作和人生背景:吳正訪談》(第三作者),載《吳正研究》(北京:中國文聯出版公司,1995),頁55-63。
1.Discussant, Workshop on the Shi ji Translation Project, Elling O. Eide Center in Sarasota, FL, Nov 1-4, 2018.
2.Discussant, Nankai University English Translation of Chinese Classics Workshop,June 23-24, 2018.
3.Hostess of Forum I “The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Policies and Actions” of the Annual Conference on China’s Economy and International Cooperation (New Bashan Cruise Conference), Beijing, Nov.26, 2016.
4.“How to Teach CSL by Question-And-Answer,” the 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, New York University, May 3-4, 2014.
5. Panel Discussant on the topics of Chinese language education and teacher development & Invited speaker on “Word Grouping, Sentence Formation, and Storytelling: Instructional Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition, ”the Huaxia Consortia of Chinese Schools Annual Teacher Training Conference, Somerset, NJ, Nov.17-18, 2012.
6.“Effective Native and Non-Native Teacher Rotation to Benefit Foreign Language Learning” (coauthored with Brady Crosier), the 7th Chinese LEARN (Language Education and Resources Network) Symposium, West Point, NY, July 24-27, 2012.
7.“Living Near the Central Power: Government Policy and the Realities of Life in Contemporary Beijing,” poster presentation representing Swarthmore College, the ASIANetwork Annual Meeting, Atlanta, April 2010.
8.“The Trope of Intertextual Doubling in Chinese Narrative Poetry,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Atlanta, April 2008.
9.“Wu Weiye’s War Poems and the Chinese Tradition of Poetry as Witness to Historical Trauma,” the 217th Annual Meeting of American Oriental Society, San Antonio, March 2007.
10.“Reconstructing A Storyteller’s Life: Wu Weiye’s Biographical Writing and the Problematic of Zhuan,” the 216th Annual Meeting of American Oriental Society, Seattle, March 2006.
11.“National Crisis and the Femme Fatale in the Meicun Style of Poetry,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 31-April 3, 2005.
12.“A Fisherman-Woodcutter’s Leisurely Talk: Hu Lancheng’s Memoir on Collaboration under the Wang Jingwei Regime,” Harvard East Asian Society Graduate Student Conference, Harvard University, February 28-March 1, 2003.
3.Hostess of Forum I “The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road: Policies and Actions” of the Annual Conference on China’s Economy and International Cooperation (New Bashan Cruise Conference), Beijing, Nov.26, 2016.
4.“How to Teach CSL by Question-And-Answer,” the 12th New York International Conference on Teaching Chinese, New York University, May 3-4, 2014.
5. Panel Discussant on the topics of Chinese language education and teacher development & Invited speaker on “Word Grouping, Sentence Formation, and Storytelling: Instructional Strategies for Vocabulary Acquisition, ”the Huaxia Consortia of Chinese Schools Annual Teacher Training Conference, Somerset, NJ, Nov.17-18, 2012.
6.“Effective Native and Non-Native Teacher Rotation to Benefit Foreign Language Learning” (coauthored with Brady Crosier), the 7th Chinese LEARN (Language Education and Resources Network) Symposium, West Point, NY, July 24-27, 2012.
7.“Living Near the Central Power: Government Policy and the Realities of Life in Contemporary Beijing,” poster presentation representing Swarthmore College, the ASIANetwork Annual Meeting, Atlanta, April 2010.
8.“The Trope of Intertextual Doubling in Chinese Narrative Poetry,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Atlanta, April 2008.
9.“Wu Weiye’s War Poems and the Chinese Tradition of Poetry as Witness to Historical Trauma,” the 217th Annual Meeting of American Oriental Society, San Antonio, March 2007.
10.“Reconstructing A Storyteller’s Life: Wu Weiye’s Biographical Writing and the Problematic of Zhuan,” the 216th Annual Meeting of American Oriental Society, Seattle, March 2006.
11.“National Crisis and the Femme Fatale in the Meicun Style of Poetry,” the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 31-April 3, 2005.
12.“A Fisherman-Woodcutter’s Leisurely Talk: Hu Lancheng’s Memoir on Collaboration under the Wang Jingwei Regime,” Harvard East Asian Society Graduate Student Conference, Harvard University, February 28-March 1, 2003.