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本科、碩士與博士分別畢業於香港理工大學香港科技大學和美國瑪里蘭巴爾地摩大學。 專業是可靠性工程、最佳化設計、無損檢測、非線性動力與結構性震動測試。本科畢業之後, 投身於發電廠維修、精密機器設計與機電系統製造工業中。 在顧問工程方面,主要負責工業安全、機電設備的系統設計與安裝。加入電子科大團隊以前,在德克薩斯理工大學任訪問副教授。




課程教授方面, 一與二階系統的時間與頻率反應、狀態空間模型、微分方程及其拉普拉斯變換, 巳運用在系統與震動課程里。 電腦輔助分析課程廣泛使用MatLab去分析典型的機械系統。 這些系統包括流體力學的勢流、熱能交換器的殼與管道設計、凸輪輪廓的製造。 現代設計方法概論和機電產品現代設計方法課程, 主要內容是系統化設計法、創造性設計法、最佳化設計、可靠性設計與有限元法。 課程實驗方面, 負責實驗儀器之設計與安裝, 包括油釭、復擺鐘、耦合擺鐘與頻率反應震動台。
主要研究領域:可靠性設計方面,發展了兩個方法。第一個是在航空發動機可靠性分析中。使用傅立葉變換方程,把可靠性分布參數包括在傅立葉分布中。第二個方法是基於應力強度干涉模型的機率計算。 將模型的離散數據以拉格朗日多項式連線,形成模型的連續函式。這可計算干涉模型的可靠度。最佳化設計的研究主要集中在使用震動方法去偵察和評估線性工程結構之材料性質。 識認剛度的自動化程式配合了有限元碼與各種最最佳化方法。為了獲取這些大型結構的震動模態泊松衝擊法的隨機模型也被建立, 且在太空架的數值和模態分析上被證實了。 在非線性動力研究一個採用多項式泰勒係數的系統參數辨識方法巳被建立, 且準確辨識雜性多體動力系統的結構參數。其它研究方向包括普及攝動,隨機性模型,橋樑狀態分析,磁流變液之最優參數與機器人力學。


[1] C.N. Wong, W.D. Zhu and G.Y. Xu, On an Iterative General-Order Perturbation Method for Multiple Structural Damage Detection, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 273, pp.363-386, 2004.
[2] C.N. Wong and A.A. Barhorst, Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Hybrid Parameter Multibody Dynamic System with Contacts using a Polynomial Interpolated Taylor Series Method, Proceedings of the 5th ASME International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics and Control, Paper No. DETC2005-84742, Long Beach, CA, Sept., 2005.
[3] C.N. Wong and A.A. Barhorst, Polynomial Interpolated Taylor Series Method for Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Dynamic System, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 1 (3), pp.248-256, July, 2006.
[4] C.N. Wong and A.A. Barhorst, Stochastic Analysis of Poisson Impact Series using Discrete Form, Spectrum Analysis and Time Correlation, Journal of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 21 (1), pp.151-164, Jan., 2007.
[5] W.D. Zhu, N.A. Zheng and C.N. Wong, A Stochastic Model of the Random Impact Series Method in Modal Testing, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 129(3), pp.265-275, June 2007.
[6] J.T. Foster, A.A. Barhorst, C.N. Wong and M.T. Bement, Modeling Loose Joints in Elastic Structures— Experimental Results and Validation, Journal of Vibration and Control, 15(4) , 549-565, 2009.
[7] C.N. Wong and A.A. Barhorst, General-Order Perturbation with Skew-symmetric Approach for Structural Health Monitoring of Modular Beam, Journal of Vibration and Control, 15(12), pp.1783–1807, 2009.
[8] C.N. Wong, J. Xiong, H. Huang and Y.J. Zhao, A Polynomial Algorithm for Model Updating of Engineering Truss, Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 38, pp.1-24, 2010.
[9] C.N. Wong, H. Huang, J. Xiong and T. Hu, Weibull Distributed Stress-Dependent Strength Analysis of Aeroengine Alloy using Lagrange Factor Polynomial, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28090, August 2010.
[10] C.N. Wong, J. Xiong, H. Huang and T. Hu, Damage Detection of Space Truss using Second Order Polynomial Method with BFGS Quasi-Newton Optimization, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28091, August 2010.
[11] C.N. Wong, H. Huang, J. Xiong and T. Hu, Part Reliability Design of Air-cooled Turbine Blade under Thermal Stress-Dependent Strength using Polynomial Method, Proceedings of the ASME 2010 IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28113, August 2010.
[12] C.N. Wong, H. Huang, J. Xiong and H.L. Lan, Generalized Order Perturbation with Explicit Coefficients for Damage Detection of Modular Beam, Archive of Applied Mechanics, In press.
[13] C.N. Wong, H. Huang, J. Xiong, T. Hu and H.L. Lan, Perturbed Eigenvalue Problem with the Davidon–Fletcher–Powell Quasi-Newton Approach for Damage Detection of Fixed-fixed beam, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, In press.


