Eileen Huang, the founder and director of ICMC in Positano, Italyand Shanghai since 1998, was born in Chongqing, China.She began her piano studies at age 6. At the age of eleven, she won the National Young Musicians Performance Competition and that year was admitted to the Central Conservatory in Beijingfrom where she graduated in 1966. Like many other Chinese musicians, her career was put on hold for 7 years during the Cultural Revolution.She immigrated to San Franciscoin 1979 and received the Master of Fine Arts Degree from MillsCollege in Oakland, Californiain 1982 and was honored with the Flora Boyd Memorial Award for Best Piano Performance. At Mills her mentor was Bernard Albramowitsch. She also studied inFrance, Portugal and at the Mozarteum in Salzburg under Helena Costa, whose mentors included Alfred Cortot and Edwin Fischer.
Since 1990, Eileen has been living in Austria, Switzerland,Italy and France. She has taught Master classes and given Piano Recital: “ East meets West “ “ Piano on Silk Road” “Chopin and China” “Golden Autumn Melody” in the United States, Asia and Europe.
She was also a guest artist to perform on her pop singer star Shunza's concerts in China and Taiwan.
She has recorded and produced numerous CDs of Chinese piano works and European classical music including: “Ancient and Modern Chinese Music Volume I, Volume II ”, “Chinese Piano Concertos”, “24 Chinese Folk Songs”, “Longing”, “Flowing Through Time”, “Beethoven Sonata and Chinese Music”, “Venezia e Napoli”, and “Bach-Busoni, Ravel and 22 Chinese Folk Songs.” Her works have been distributed by Wind Record Company and Wind Song, Ltd. Taiwan, ASV Ltd. London, Divox of Basel, Switzerland and Disques Dom of Paris.She is also a Tai-Chi teacher and the author of several books in Chinese: “Flowing -Chinese Gypsy Woman”, “Struggle –How to Build Happiness”, “19 Letters from Positano”, “My Homes” and “My Corner of Paradise-Positano.”, “ I am Sunza’s Mom – From Beijing to Positano”.
1990年移居古典音樂之鄉–歐洲,曾居住奧地利,瑞士,在音樂會演奏和音樂學校教授鋼琴。1997年搬居義大利南部地中海邊,鄰近拿波里的波色太濃Positano,並於1998年夏熱情創立了「波色太濃國際室內樂大課音樂節」 ICMC ( International Chamber Music Courses & Festival ) 。 2007年夏她又走回祖國,開辦了第一屆ICMC上海。