- 中文名:黃強先
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:教授、博士生導師
- 學位:博士
發表論文60多篇,2005年作為參加人(排名3)完成的論文《Sub-hundred nanometer pitch measurements using an AFM with differential laser interferometers for designing usable lateral scales》獲得國際著名學術期刊《Measurement Science and Technology》的“Outstanding Precision Measurement Paper Award 2005”。申請發明專利8項,其中4項獲得授權。
1. 國家自然科學基金 , “機械與儀器常用零件受溫變形理論與建模”,1995.1—1998.12
2. 國家教委博士點基金,“機械零件最佳熱配合參數研究”,1996.1—1998.12
3. 國家自然科學基金“動態測試實時誤差修正技術研究”,1996.1—1998.12
4. 機械工業部基金“精密機械零件熱變形若干基礎理論及套用研究”,1997.1—1999.12
5. 國家自然科學基金委員會重點資助項目“現代質量控制、溯源的理論與技術基礎”,1998.1— 2000.12
7. 國家自然科學基金“機械配合熱變形誤差的基礎理論與套用技術研究”,2001.1—2003.12
9. 國家自然科學基金,“複雜規則機械形體熱變形誤差基礎理論及套用研究”,2005.1—2007.12
10. 日本新エネルギー ? 総合技術開発機構 ,“3D ナノメートル評価用標準物質創成技術”, 2003.2—2007.3
11、 國防科工委資助項目,“軸類零件綜合檢查儀”,完成
12、 國家重點實驗室開放基金項目,“基於自檢測的納米/亞納米掃描探針技術研究”,在研,主持
3. Fei Yetai, Huang Qiangxian. Calculation Problems of the Temperature Affection on Instrument and Measurement Accuracy , Proc. of ISM Ⅱ '96, Yokohama , Japan , 1996
4. Huang Qiangxian, Fei Yetai, et al. Theoretical Analysis and Research of Thermal Deformation Error in Measuring and Testing Technical , The 6 th ISMQC IMEKO Symposium, wien, Austria, 1998
5. Huang Qiangxian, Fei Yetai. A New Accurate Calculation Method of Mechanical Part's Thermal Deformation in Precision Measurement, Proc. of ISMTII'98, Miskolc-Lillafrured, Hungary, 1998
6. Huang Qiangxian, Fei Yetai, et al. Analysis of Influences of Mechanical Part's Thermal Deformation on Precision Machining; Proceeding of China-Japan Bilateral Symposium on Advanced Manufacturing Engineering, China, 1998.
7. 黃強先,費業泰. 新型高精度零件受溫變形測量裝置研究,《全國計量測試學術大會論文集》,北京,1999
8. 黃強先,費業泰,黃其聖等,精密測試中影響機械零件受熱變形的因素研究,合肥工業大學學報,1999.4, Vol.22, No.2:11-15
9. 費業泰,黃強先,機械熱變形及最佳熱配合設計研究,機械月刊,VOL.286,NO.5,1999.5
12. Qiangxian Huang, Yetai Fei, Qisheng Huang, The Error Analysis and Correction on Traditional Thermal Deformation Calculation Method in Precision Measurement, ISIST'99 Proceedings of 1 st International Symposium on Instrumentation Science and Technology, China, 1999.8
15. 陳曉懷,黃強先,費業泰,廣義動態測量精度模型及不確定度研究,中國科學技術大學學報, 2001, 31(6):738-743
16. Qiangxian Huang, Ken Takahashi, Takeshi, Hatsuzawa, Evaluation on Piezo-electrical PVDF Film Used in a Tapping Stylus of Profilometer ; Proceeding of the seventh conference on achievements in scientific research of Chinese scholars in Japan ; Osaka , Japan 2002.12
17. Qiangxian Huang, Takeshi Hatsuzawa, Surface TopographicMeasurement Using Piezo-Electrical PVDF Film Stylus, 電気學會論文志 C, VOL.123,NO.3,2003
18. Taeho Keem, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Qiangxian Huang, Kurosawa Tomizo, Removing the cyclic error of a homodyne interferometer with quadrature detector systems by adjusting the gain of the detectors, 2003年度日本精密工學會秋季大會學術講演會講演論文集,富山,2003.10
19. 三隅伊知子,権太聡,黃強先,金泰皓,黒澤富蔵,差動式レーザ乾渉計を搭載した原子間力顕微鏡の開発(第一報),2003年度日本精密工學會秋季大會學術講演會講演論文集,富山,2003.10
20. Ichiko Misumi, Satoshi Gonda, Qiangxian Huang, Taeho Keem, Kurosawa Tomizo, Development of nanometrological, dimensional standards in NMI, Proceedings of Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanoengineering, Korea, 2003.11
21. Taeho Keem, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Qiangxian Huang, Kurosawa Tomizo, Simple method for reducing the nonlinearity of a homodyne interferometer with a quadrature detector system, Proceedings of Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Nanoengineering, Korea, 2003.11
22. Qiangxian Huang, Takeshi Hatsuzawa, A novel tapping-mode stylus with a polyvinylidene fluoride unimorph sensor, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.3, 2004.3 (SCI、EI收錄)
23. Qiangxian Huang, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Taeho Keem, Tomizo Kurosawa, Precision pitch measurement of 240nm grating standard by AC mode atomic force microscope, Proceeding of first international symposium on standard material and metrology for nanotechnology, Tokyo, 2004.3
24. Ichiko Misumi, Satoshi Gonda, Qiangxian Huang, Taeho Keem, Tomizo Kurosawa, Less than 100 nm pitch measurements using a nanometrological AFM with differential laser interferometers, Proceeding of first international symposium on standard material and metrology for nanotechnology, Tokyo, 2004.3
25. Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Qiangxian Huang, Taeho Keem, Tomizo Kurosawa, Concepts of a traceable atomic force microscope with ultra-precision laser interferometers for lateral dimensional metrology, Proceeding of first international symposium on standard material and metrology for nanotechnology, Tokyo, 2004.3
26. 三隅伊知子,権太聡,黃強先,金泰皓,黒澤富蔵,差動式レーザ乾渉計を搭載した原子間力顕微鏡の開発(第二報)——ピッチ測定の不確かさ評価, 2004年度日本精密工學會春季大會學術講演會講演論文集,東京,2004.3
27. Taeho Keem, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Qiangxian Huang, Tomizo Kurosawa, Removing Nonlinearity of a Homodyne Interferometer by Adjusting the Gains of its Quadrature Detector Systems , Applied Optics , Vol.43, No.12, 2004.10 (SCI、EI 收錄)
28. 黃強先,高橋健,初澤毅,基於電化學研磨的 SPM 鎢探針製備方法研究,儀器儀表學報, Vol.26 , No.3 , 2005.3. (EI收錄)
29. Taeho Keem, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Qiangxian Huang, Tomizo Kurosawa, Simple, real-time method for removing the cyclic error of a homodyne interferometer with a quadrature detector system, Applied Optics , Vol.44, No.17, 2005.6 (SCI、EI收錄)
29. 黃強先,高橋健,初澤毅,表面輪廓測定用掃描探針測頭研究,機械工程學報, Vol.41 , No.8,2005.8 (EI收錄)
30. Ichiko Misumi, Satoshi Gonda, Qiangxian Huang, Taeho Keem, Tomizo Kuroswa. Sub-hundred nanometer pitch measurements using an AFM with differential laser interferometers for designing usable lateral scales. Meas. Sci. Technol. Vol.16, No.9, 2005. (SCI、EI收錄)
31. Qiangxiang Huang, Satoshi Gonda, Ichiko Misumi, Taeho Keem, Tomizo Kurosawa. Nonlinear and hysteretic influence of piezoelectrical actuators in AFMs on lateral dimension measurement, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol.126, 2005
1、原機械工業部科技進步獎, 二等獎
2、安徽省科學技術獎 ,二等獎