

黃合來,中南大學 交通運輸工程學院 教授,博士生導師,副院長,城市交通研究中心主任。


  • 中文名:黃合來
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:新加坡國立大學


任國際權威期刊《Accident Analysis and Prevention》副主編,《Analytic Methods in Accident Research》編委,《Journal of Geography and Regional Planning》編委,美國交通研究委員會TRB ABJ80學術委員,《交通運輸工程學報(英文版)》特邀編委,《武漢理工大學學報(交通科學與工程版)》編委。


2010- ,中南大學“升華學者計畫”特聘教授;


1. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Heng H.H. (2006). Effect of red light camera on accident risk at intersections. Transportation Research Record 1969, 18-36.
2. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2008). Severity of driver injury and vehicle damage in traffic crashes at intersections: Bayesian hierarchical analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 40(1), 45-54.
3. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2008). Examining exposure of motorcycles at signalized intersections. Transportation Research Record 2048, 60-65.
4. Huang H.*, Chin H.C. (2009). Disaggregate propensity study of RLR accident using quasi-induced exposure method. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135(3), 104-111.
5. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2009). Modeling fault among motorcyclists involved in crashes. Accident Analysis & Prevention 41(2), 327-335.
6. Huang H.*, Chin H.C., Haque M.M. (2009). Empirical evaluation of alternative approaches in identifying crash hotspots: naïve ranking, empirical Bayes and full Bayes. Transportation Research Record 2103, 32-41.
7. Haque, M.M.*, Chin H.C., Huang H. (2009). Applying Bayesian Hierarchical models to examine motorcycle crashes at signalized intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention 42(1), 203-212.
8. Chin H.C., Huang H.* (2009). Safety assessment of taxi drivers in Singapore. Transportation Research Record, 2114, 47-56.
9. Huang H.*, Chin H.C. (2010). Modeling road traffic crashes with zero-inflation and site-specific random effects. Statistical Methods & Applications 19(3), 445-462.
10. Ma M., Yan, X.P., Abdel-Aty M., Huang H.*, Wang X. (2010). Safety analysis of urban arterials under mixed traffic in Beijing. Transportation Research Record 2193, 101-115.
11. Ma M., Yan, X.P., Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2010). Safety of public transportation occupational drivers: risk perception, attitudes, and driver behavior. Transportation Research Record 2145, 72-79.
12. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M., Darwiche A.L. (2010) County-level crash risk analysis in Florida: Bayesian spatial modeling. Transportation Research Record 2148, 27-37.
13. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2010) Multilevel data and Bayesian analysis in traffic safety. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 42(6), 1556-1565.
14. Wang W., Yan X.P., Huang H.*, Chu X., Abdel-Aty M. (2011). Design and verification of a laser based device for pavement macrotexture measurement. Transportation Research Part C 19, 682-694
15. Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M., Siddiqui C. (2011). Indexing crash worthiness and crash Aggressivity by vehicle type. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 43(4):1364-70
16. Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M.*, Huang H., Wang X. (2011). Integrating trip and roadway characteristics in managing safety at traffic analysis zones. Transportation Research Record 2213, 20-28.
17 Ahmed M.*, Huang H., Abdel-Aty M., Guevara B. (2011). Exploring a Bayesian hierarchical approach for developing safety performance functions for a mountainous freeway. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 43(4):1581-1589.
18. Yan X.P., Ma M., Huang H.*, Abdel-Aty M. (2011). Motor vehicle-bicycle crashes in Beijing: irregular maneuvers, crash patterns, and injury severity. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43, 1751-1758
19 Abdel-Aty M.*, Ekram A., Huang H. (2011). A study on visibility obstruction related crashes due to fog and smoke. Accident Analysis & Prevention 43, 1730-1737
20 Siddiqui C., Abdel-Aty M.*, Huang H. (2012). Aggregate nonparametric safety analysis of traffic zones. Accident Analysis and Prevention 45, 317-325.
21. Shi F.*, Zhou Z., Yao J., Huang H. (2012). Incorporating transfer reliability into equilibrium analysis of railway passenger flow. European Journal of Operations Research 220, 378-385.
22. Xie K., Wang X.*, Huang H., Chen X. (2013). Corridor-level signalized intersection safety analysis in Shanghai, China using Bayesian hierarchical models. Accident Analysis and Prevention 50, 25-33.
23. Shi F.*, Xu G., Liu B. Huang H. (2014). Optimization method of alternate traffic restriction scheme based on elastic demand and mode choice behavior. Transportation Research Part C 39, 36-52.
24. Huang H.*, Hu S., Abdel-Aty M. (2014). Indexing crash worthiness and crash aggressivity by major car brands, Safety Science 62, 339-347.
25. Xu G., Shi F.*, Liu B. Huang H. (2014). Model and algorithm of optimizing alternate traffic restriction scheme in urban traffic network. Journal of Central South University. in press.
26. Dong N., Huang H. *, Xu P., Ding Z., Wang. D, (2014). Evaluating spatial proximity structures in TAZ-level crash prediction models. Transportation Research Record, 2432,46-52.
27. Xu P., Huang H.*, Dong N., Abdel-Aty M. (2014). Sensitivity analysis in the context of regional safety modeling: identifying and assessing the MAUP effects. Accident Analysis and Prevention 70 110-120.
28. Zeng Q., Huang H.* (2014). Bayesian spatial joint modeling of traffic crashes on an urban road network. Accident Analysis and Prevention 67, 105-112.
29. Huang H., Hu S., Zheng L.* (2014). Crash-level analysis on passenger cars' total secondary safety, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 19(6), 613-623.
30. Huang H., Wang D., Zheng L.*, Li X. (2014). Evaluating time-reminder strategies before amber: common signal, green flashing and green countdown, Accident Analysis and Prevention 71, 248-260.
31. Shi F., Xu G., Huang H. (2014). An augmented Lagrangian origin-based algorithm for link-capacitated traffic assignment problem. Journal of Advanced Transportation, in press.
32. Zeng Q., Huang H.* (2014). A stable and optimized neural network model for crash injury severity prediction. Accident Analysis and Prevention 73, 351-358.
33. Xu P., Huang H.* (2015). Modeling crash spatial heterogeneity: random parameter versus geographically weighting, Accident Analysis and Prevention 75, 16-25.
34. Lee J.*, Abdel-Aty M., Choi K., Huang H. (2015). Multi-level hot zone identification for pedestrian safety, Accident Analysis and Prevention 76, 64–73.


