- 中文名:黃冬根
- 畢業院校:華南理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:環境污染控制技術、環境材料
- 職務:環境工程博士生導師
- 就職院校:南昌大學資源環境與化工學院
- 職稱:教授
2、黃冬根,劉雷,全水清等,鄱陽湖水體中微量氯酚的富集分離及可見光催化還原降解特性研究,教育部,2009.01– 2015.12,研究經費:80萬元,編號:708058。主持。
4、黃冬根,劉雷,全水清等,鄱陽湖局部水域中微量氯酚的富集分離及可見光還原-氧化降解關鍵技術、省科技支撐項目, 2010.01-2014.12, 研究經費:2.0萬元、編號:2010BSB03003。主持。
1、GUO Qin, HUANG Donggen, XIONG Wei,et al. Electrochemical preparation and photocatalytic performance of graphene/nano TiO2 composites[J]. Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica, 2017, 34(x):xxx-xxx(in Chinese).
3、Qin Guo, Donggen Huang*, Cui Luo, Wei Xiong, Tianzi Yang, Shuiqing Quan,Le Liu, Electrochemical stripping features of graphite and its productscharacterization, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures, 2017, 25(2):79-85.
4、Donggen Huang*, Tianzi Yang, Zhuanghong Mo, Qin Guo, Shuiqing Quan, CuiLuo, and Lei Liu,Preparation of Graphene /TiO2 Composite Nanomaterials andIts Photocatalytic Performance for the Degradation of 2,4-DichlorophenoxyaceticAcid,J. Nanomaterials, 2016, 26(10): 1-10
5、莫壯洪,黃冬根*,全水清,楊天資,劉章斌,劉苗, RGO/TiO2 光催化降解2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸研究, 環境科學學報, 2016,36(1): 178-184.
6、黃冬根, 莫壯洪, 全水清, 楊天資, 劉章斌, 劉苗, 石墨烯/納米TiO2複合材料的製備及光催化還原性能, 複合材料學報, 2016, 38(1): 155-162.
7、Liu, Miao,Huang, Donggen*,Quan, Shuiqing,Zheng, Jianhui,Zhang, Wentao,Liu, Lei,Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid in an Internal Circulation Three-Phase Fluidized Photoreactor Using N-TiO2/gamma-Al2O3 Granule as Adsorbent and Photocatalyst,Journal of Environmental Engineering,2014,2014, 140: 04014026-1-10. SCI收錄
8、Huang, Donggen ,Xie, Wenfa,Tu, Zhibin,Zhang, Feng,Quan, Shuiqing,Liu, Lei,N-TiO2/gamma-Al2O3 Granules: Preparation, Characterization and Photocatalytic Activity for the Degradation of 2,4-Dichlorophenol,Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology,2013,13(1):260-269。
9、Huang, Dong Gen ,Zhen, Jian Hui,Quan, Shui Qing,Liu, Miao,Liu, Lei,Risk assessment for niclosamide residues in water and sediments from Nan Ji Shan Island within Poyang Lake Region, Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 721 608-612,
10、Huang, Donggen ,Zhang, Feng,Tu, Zhibin,Yang, Qing,Quan, Shuiqing,Liu, Lei,Degradation of 4-Nitrophenol Using a Coupled Photocatalytic-Biological Aerated Filter Process,Environmental Engineering Science,2011,28(10):677-685
11、Huang D G, Liao S J, Quan S Q, Liu L, He Z. J, Wan J B, Zhou W. B, Synthesis and characterization of visible light responsive N-TiO2 mixed crystal by a modified hydrothermal process,Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2008,354:3965–3972
13、Huang D G, Liao S J, Quan S Q, Liu L, He Z J, Wan J B, Zhou W B. Preparation and characterization of anatase N–F-codoped TiO2 sol and its photocatalytic degradation for formaldehyde, Journal of materials research, 2007, 22(9): 2389-2397
14、Huang D G, Liao S J, Quan S Q, Liu L, He Z J, Wan J B, Zhou W B. Wenbin Zhou. Preparation of anatase F doped TiO2 sol and its performance for photodegradation of formaldehyde. Journal of Materials Science (2007) 42:8193–8202
15、黃冬根,廖世軍,黨志.催化螢光燈的製備及對甲醛降解性能,華南理工大學學報,2006,34(10): 35-39.
16、黃冬根, 廖世軍,黨志.銳鈦礦型F-TiO2溶膠光催化劑的製備及表征,化工學報,2006,57(11): 2778-2784.
17、Huang D. G.,Liao S. J., Dang zhi.. Preparation of visible-light responsive N-F-codoped TiO2 photocatalyst by a sol-gel-solvothermal method, J. Photochem. and Photobio. A: Chemistry, 2006, 184(3): 282-288.
18、黃冬根, 廖世軍,黨志.氟摻雜銳鈦礦型TiO2溶膠的製備,表征及催化性能,化學學報,2006,64(17): 1805-1811.
19、Liao S J, Huang D G, Yu D H, et al. Preparation and characterization of ZnO/TiO2- SO42-−/ZnO/ TiO2 photocatalyst and their photocatalysis. J. Photochem. and Photobio. A: Chemistry 2004,168, 7–13