


  • 中文名:黃俊駿
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:植物生殖細胞生物學
  • 任職院校:河南師範大學生命科學學院






先後有20餘篇研究論文在“Molecular Biology”、“Planta”、“Plant and Cell Physiology”、“Plant Science”、“Plant and Soil”、“Plant Signaling &Behavior”等國際學術刊物及國內學術期刊上發表。主持和參與國家自然科學基金、河南省基礎與前沿技術研究計畫項目、河南省教育廳科學技術研究重點項目等資助的科研項目
4.葡萄糖-6-磷酸脫氫酶與NO在植物抗旱性中的協同作用,河南省教育廳科學技術研究重點項目,14B180035,主持, 2014/01-2015/12。
1. JJ Huang, WJ An, KJ Wang, TH Jiang,Q Ren, WH Liang, HH Wang*. Expression Profile Analysisof MATE Gene Family in Rice, Biologia Plantarum. 2019, 63:556-564
2. JJ Huang, XTYan, JJ Li, J Shi, JJ Peng, JY Du, HW Ge, MN Wang, WJ An, KJ Wang, HH Wang, WH Liang*.OsRhoGAP2 Promoter drives Inflorescence‑ preferential Expression andConfers Responses to Abiotic Stresses in Transgenic Arabidopsis. ActaPhysiologiae Plantarum, 2019, 41:67
3. HH Wang, F Ji, YYZhang, JJ Hou, WW Liu, JJ Huang, WHLiang. Interactions between Hydrogen Sulphide and Nitric Oxide Regulate Two SoybeanCitrate Transporters during the Alleviation of aluminium toxicity. Plant Cell & Environment, 2019,42(8):2340-2356
4. JJ Huang*, JZhang, YF Hao, XT Yan, J Shi, GH Wang, JY Du, HW Ge, HH Wang, WH Liang. DistinctExpression Patterns of the GDP Dissociation Inhibitor Protein Gene (OsRhoGDI2)from Oryza sativa L. duringDevelopment and Abiotic Stresses. Biologia, 2016, 71(11):1230-1239
5. HH Wang*,JJ Huang, Y Li, CA Li, JJ Hou, WHLiang. Involvement of nitric oxide-mediated alternativepathway in tolerance of wheat to drought stress by optimizing photosynthesis. Plant Cell Reports, 2016, 35:2033-2044
6. JJ Huang*, HH Wang, WH Liang, XJ Xie, GQ Guo. DevelopmentalExpression of ArabidopsisMethyltransferase Genes MET1, DRM2, and CMT3. Molecular Biology, 2014, 48(5):681-687
7. HH Wang*,JJ Huang, WH Liang, XL Liang, YR Bi.Involvement of putrescine and nitric oxide in aluminum tolerance by modulatingcitrate secretion from roots of red kidney bean. Plant and Soil, 2013,366(1-2): 479-490
8. HH Wang*, WH Liang, JJ Huang. Putrescine mediatesaluminum tolerance in red kidney bean by modulating aluminum-induced oxidativestress. Crop Science. 2013, 53(5):2120-2128.
9. HH Wang, JJ Huang, XL Liang, YR Bi*. Involvementof hydrogen peroxide, calcium and ethylene in the induction of alternativerespiratory pathway in chilling-stressed Arabidopsiscallus. Planta, 2012, 235(1): 53-67
10. XJ Xie, JJ Huang, GQ Guo*.Expression patterns of two Arabidopsisendo-beta-1,4-glucanase genes (At3g43860,At4g39000) in reproductivedevelopment. Molecular Biology, 2011, 45: 503-509
11. JJ Huang, HH Wang, XJ Xie, HH Gao, GQ Guo*.Developmental Changes in DNA Methylation of Pollen Mother Cells of David Lilyduring Meiotic Prophase I. Molecular Biology, 2010, 44(5): 754-759
12. JJ Huang*, HH Wang, XJ Xie, DZhang, Y Liu, GQ Guo*. Roles of DNA methyltransferases in Arabidopsis Development. African Journalof Biotechnology, 2010, 9(50): 8506-8514
13.HH Wang, JJ Huang,YR Bi*. Nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxideproduction is involved in aluminum tolerance in red kidney bean roots. PlantScience, 2010, 179(3):281-288
14. HH Wang, XL Liang, JJ Huang, DK Zhang, HX Lu, ZJ Liu, YR Bi*. Involvement of ethylene andhydrogen peroxide in induction of alternative respiratory pathway in
salt-treated Arabidopsis calluses. Plant and Cell Physiology.2010, 51:1754-1765.
15. HH Wang, JJ Huang, YR Bi *. Induction ofalternative respiratory pathway involves nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide andethylene under salt stress. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2010,5(12):1636-1637.
1. 梁衛紅,王高華,李佳佳,張靜,黃俊駿,閆鑫甜,杜京堯,石佳,葛慧雯.
一種基於水稻OsMY1基因降低水稻株高的方法. ZL201610124961.2. 授權日:2019年10月1日. 申請人或專利權人:河南師範大學。
2. 梁衛紅,閆鑫甜,李佳佳,張靜,黃俊駿,王高華,杜京堯,石佳,葛慧雯.
水稻OsRhoGAP2基因在提高水稻有效分櫱中的套用. ZL201610002409.6. 授權日:2019年3月5日. 申請人或專利權人:河南師範大學。
3.梁衛紅,黃俊駿,楊丹丹,張靜,石佳,閆鑫甜,王高華.水稻促分裂原活化蛋白激酶基因OsMPK15在提高種子活力上的套用. ZL2015102888587. 授權日:2018年4月24日. 申請人或專利權人:河南師範大學。


