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  • 中文名:麻醉學
  • 作者:王國林、郭曲練
  • 出版時間:2015年4月1日
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302394938 




Chapter 1 Introduction
1 History of anesthesiology
2 The scope of anesthesiology
3 Claassification of anesthesia
4 How to learn anesthesiology well
Suggested Reading
Chapter 2 Evaluation before Anesthesia
1 History
2 The physical examination
3 Laboratory studies
4 Anesthesiologjst-patient relationship
5 Premedication
6 Delaying surgical procedures
Suggested Reading
Chapter 3 Anesthesia Monitoring
1 Standard monitoring
2 Respiratory system monitoring
3 Cardiovascular system monitoring
4 Depth of anesthesia
5 Neuromuscular blockade monitoring
6 Temperature monitoring
Suggested Reading
Chapter 4 LocaI Anesthetics and RegionaI Anesthesia
1 Local anesthetics
2 Anatomy and physiology
3 Nerve block
4 Spinal anesthesia
5 Epidural anesthesia
6 Combined spinal and epidural anesthesia
7 Caudal anesthesia
8 Complications of neuraxial blocks
Suggested Reading
Chapter 5 Airway Evaluation and Management
1 Anatomy
2 Evaluation of airway
3 Equipment
4 Airway management
Suggested Reading
Chapter 6 GeneraI Anesthesia
1 Anesthetics for general anesthesia
2 Administration of general anesthesia
3 Complications of general anesthesia
Suggested Reading
Chapter 7 Acid-Base Balance and Fluid Therapy
1 Regulation of fluid and electrolytes
2 Fluid therapy
Suggested Reading
Chapter 8 The Postanesthesia Care Unit
1 Admission to the PACU
2 Monitoring
3 Complications
4 Recovery from regional anesthesia
5 Criteria for discharge
Suggested Reading
Chapter 9 Perioperative Acute Respiratory Failure and Acute Lung Injury (ALI) /Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
1 Perioperative respiratory failure
2 Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Suggested Reading
Chapter 10 Shock
1 Introduction
2 Classification of shock
3 Pathophysiology of shock
4 Diagnosis and management of shock
5 Patient monitoring
6 Treatment
7 Specific shock syndromes
Suggested Reading
Chapter 11 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Chapter 12 NutritionaI Aspects
Chapter 13 Pain Management


