

作者: 裘新江 楊錦鴻
論文題名: 英文題名:On Nominal Rectification and Conservation of the Fengyang Flower Drum Opera and its Present Research
作者機構: 滁州學院中文系,安徽滁州239000
題名、責任者附註: Qiu Xinjiang, Yang Jinhong (Department of Chinese, Chuzhou University, Chuzhou 239000, China)
語種: Chinese 漢語
分類: 中圖分類:J825
期刊收錄: 0
作者簡介: 作者簡介:裘新江(1963-),男,副教授,研究方向:中國古代小說和戲曲;楊錦鴻(1964-),女,高級講師,研究方向:中國現代文學。
期刊收錄: 基金項目:安徽省教育廳人文社會科學研究重點項目(2010sk465zd)
來源: 滁州學院學報, Journal of Chuzhou University,2010,003
標識號: ISSN:1673-1794CN:34-1288/Z
中文關鍵字: 鳳陽花鼓戲 鳳陽花鼓 鳳陽花鼓燈 正名 保護 研究現狀
英文關鍵字: the Fengyang Flower Drum Opera; the Fengyang Flower Drum; the Fengyang Flower Drum Lantern; nominal rectification; conservation; present research
中文摘要 鳳陽花鼓戲雖有過一時的輝煌,但整體來看,其發展的境遇一直並不太順利。究其原因,既有它作為地方戲種藝術發展上的先天不足,也與政治經濟環境忽視對它的保護和學界長期忽視對它的研究有關。社會上不少人(包括有的學者)以為“鳳陽花鼓戲”就是“鳳陽花鼓”,其實兩者並不是一回事。鳳陽花鼓戲一旦滅絕,我們對整個“鳳陽花鼓”的認識將會是片面的、膚淺的,以後也將很難認識伴隨著整個“鳳陽三花”所形成的鳳陽花鼓文化。只有通過全面系統的研究,才能為瀕臨滅絕的鳳陽花鼓戲提出真正有針對性的保護措施與建議。
英文摘要 [In spite of its once brilliant time, development of the Fengyang Flower Drum Opera has not been found so smooth as a whole. In terms of the reasons, it is inherently weak in its artistic development as a local opera, its conservation has been ignored under some adverse political and economic con- ditions and its research has long been overlooked by scholars as well. Some pertinent conserving meas- ures and suggestions can be put forward for the endangered Fengyang Flower Drum Opera only by making an overall and systematic research.]


