- 中文名:魯厚芳
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:四川大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:四川大學化學工程學院博士生導師
- 職稱:籍貫
1992.6獲成都科技大學工學學士學位 ;1995.6獲成都科技大學工學碩士學位;2002.6 獲四川大學工學博士學位 ;1995.6~1997.7四川大學化工學院助教;1997.7~2002.7 四川大學化工學院講師; 2002.7~2010.6,副教授;2010.7至今,教授 ;2002.9~2005.3四川大學材料學院材料科學與技術博士後流動站作博士後研究。2005.10~2008.5: 江蘇中聯科技集團博士後工作站博士後研究。 2008.9~2009.9:State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry 訪問學者。
1. 生物化學品和能源技術開發
2. 化工過程研究及新工藝開發
3. 納/微米材料的套用技術開發研究
4. 海南東方 6 萬噸 /年生物柴油項目技術服務(中海油)
5. 生物柴油清潔高效連續技術示範及綜合利用(科技部國家支撐計畫)
6. 麻瘋樹油資源生物柴油產業化基礎問題研究(教育部重大科研項目)
7. 生物柴油生產評價試驗方法規範研究(中海油)
8. 天然氣液相直接氧化制甲醇研究(中石油)
9. 從釀酒廠CO2和廢水生產高價值油脂產品的微藻工藝
10. 四川省陽明能源科技有限公司生物柴油裝置的工藝最佳化
11. 高純鋁隧道孔模板的製備及納米陣列材料組裝
38. Shijie Liu, Houfang Lu, Ruofei Hu, Alan Shupe, Lu Lin, Bin Liang. A sustainable woody biomass biorefinery. Biotechnology Advances, 2012,30(4):785-810
37. Shijie Liu, Houfang Lu, Yichao Lei, Christopher D. Wood, Thomas E. Amidon, Bin Liang, Runcang Sun, Gary M. Scott. Separation of Hemicellulose by Hot-Water Extraction from Woody Biomass. Integrated Biorefineries: Design, Analysis, and Optimization Chapter 21.CRC Press, 2012
36. Liu Yingying, Lu Houfang*, Jiang Wei, Li Dongsheng, Liu Shijie, Liang Bin. Biodiesel production from Crude Jatropha curcas L. Oil with Trace Acid Catalyst. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2012, 20(4): 740-746
35. Kang Chao,Lu Houfang*,Yuan Shaojun,Hong Dongyin,Yan,Kangping,Liang Bin. Superhydrophilicity/superhydrophobicity of nickel micro-arrays fabricated by electroless deposition on an etched porous aluminum template, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 2012, 203:1-8
34. 楊平,陶川東,魯厚芳,梁斌,氣相色譜法測定丙酮丁醇梭菌發酵液中的代謝產物及糠醛,中國釀造,2012,31(3):160-162
33. Houfang Lu, Ruofei Hu, Al Ward, Thomas E. Amidon, Bin Liang, Shijie Liu,Hot-water extraction and its effect on soda pulping of aspen woodchips, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2012, 39:5-13
32. Qiong Shang · Jiao Lei · Wei Jiang ·Houfang Lu*· Bin Liang,Production of Tung Oil Biodiesel and Variation of Fuel Properties During Storage,Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2012, 168:106-115
31、 Houfang Lu, Ruofei Hu, Al Ward, Thomas E. Amidon, Bin Liang, Shijie Liu,Hot-water extraction and its effect on soda pulping of aspen woodchips, Biomass and Bioenergy (2011), doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2011.01.054
29、Lu, Houfang,Yan, Kangping,Yan, Jixin,Wang, Jianzhong.Fabrication of micro-Ni arrays by electroless and electrochemical depositions with etched porous aluminum template. Bulletin of Materials Science, 2010, 33(5): 641-645
28、Chen Xiao, Lu Houfang, Jiang Wei, Chu Liangyin, Liang Bin. De-emulsification of Kerosene/Water Emulsions with Plate-Type Microchannels. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Resarch, 2010, 49, 9279–9288
27、Wei JIANG, Hou-fang LU, Tao QI, Shu-li YAN, and Bin LIANG, Preparation, Application, and Optimization of Zn/Al Complex Oxides for Biodiesel Production under Sub-critical Conditions,Biotechnology Advances,2010, 28: 620–627
26、Qiong Shang, Wei Jiang, Houfang Lu, Bin Liang,Properties of Tung oil biodiesel and its blends with 0# diesel,Bioresource Technology,2010, 101 : 826–828
25、Yingying Liu, Houfang Lu, and Bin Liang,Effect of Water on the Pre-Esterification of Jatropha curcas L. Oil for Biodiesel Production,J. Biobased Mater. Bioenergy, 2009, 3: 342–347
23、Yingying Liu, Houfang Lu, Changjun Liu, and Bin Liang. Solubility Measurement for the Reaction Systems in Pre-Esterification of High Acid Value Jatropha curcas L. Oil, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 2009, 54 (5), 1421-1425
22、Houfang Lu, Yingying Liu, Hui Zhou, Ying Yang, Mingyan Chen, Bin Liang. Production of Biodiesel from Jatropha Curcas L. Oil. Computers and Chemical Engineering,2009, 33(5): 1091-1096
21、Lu Houfang, Yan Kangping, Yan Jixin, Wang Jianzhong. Synthesis of TiO2 Microscale Arrays with Etched Porous Aluminum Template. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2009, 38,suppl. 1: 472-476
20、Shuli Yan, Houfang Lu, Bin Liang. Supported CaO Catalysts Used in the Transesterification of Rapeseed Oil for the Purpose of Biodiesel Production. Energy & Fuels , 2008, 22, 646–651
19、Houfang Lu, Kangping Yan, Jixin Yan, Jianzhong Wang, Bin Huang. Fabrication of copper micro-tubes by electroless deposition with an etched porous aluminum template without using sensitization and activation. Materials Chemistry and Physics,110 (2008) :136–139
16、Zhou Hui, Lu Houfang, Liang Bin. Solubility of multicomponent systems in the biodiesel production by transesterification of Jatropha curcas L. oil with methanol [J]. J Chem Eng Data, 2006, 51 (3): 1130-1135
15、楊 穎,魯厚芳,梁 斌, SO42-/TiO2固體酸煅燒條件對其催化酯化反應活性的影響 [J],化學反應工程與工藝, 2007,23(1):13-18
14、魯厚芳,閆康平,嚴季新,陳建軍,王建中,金屬有序納米孔道陣列模板合成法 [J],材料導報,2006,S2:7-9
13、高 鵬,顏姝麗,魯厚芳,梁 斌,氧化鋅催化菜籽油制生物柴油 [J]. 工業催化,2006,14(11):45-48
12、Zhou, H, Lu, HF, Liang, B.Solubility of multicomponent systems in the biodiesel production by transesterification of Jatropha curcas L. oil with methanol [J]. J CHEM ENG DATA, 2006, 51 (3): 1130-1135
11、周 慧,魯厚芳,唐盛偉,梁 斌, 麻瘋樹油製備生物柴油的酯交換工藝研究 [J]. 套用化工,,2006,35(4):284 -287
8、魯厚芳,鐘本和,梁斌,張允湘, P 2 O 5 含量對石膏碳銨轉化過程的影響,化學反應工程與工藝,2001(17),2
5、魯厚芳,王世華等,淺談實行學分制後的基礎化學實驗教學, 四川大學學報 (工程科學版),2002(34),增刊
4、魯厚芳,肖玉梅等,適應學分制 加強“大學化學”課程建設,高等教育發展研究, 2002(19),2
3、魯厚芳,學生學習動機的分析,高教研究, 2000增刊
2、魯厚芳,談在非化學化工專業開設化學選修課的重要性,高教研究, 1999,4
1、魯厚芳,談化學史教育在《工科大學化學》教學中的作用,高教研究, 1996,4
1、閆康平, 魯厚芳. 用於組裝納米-微米陣列材料的金屬鋁模板製備方法. ZL 2005
2、梁斌,蔣煒,魯厚芳,劉穎穎,齊濤,雷姣. 酯化/酯交換反應生物柴油快速清潔生產工藝. ZL2008
2、大學化學教程,科學出版社, 2006.8 ,參編
3、工科化學實驗,四川大學出版社, 2006.6 ,主編之一
4、近代化學基礎(第二版),高等教育出版社, 2006.5 ,主編之一
5、無機化學教程,科學出版社, 2000.9,參編