

魏輝,教授、博士生導師、青年千人計畫入選者、英國皇家化學會會士(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry)。 2003年本科畢業於南京大學化學系,期間在夏興華教授小組從事研究工作。同年進入中國科學院長春套用化學研究所電分析化學國家重點實驗室汪爾康院士小組攻讀研究生,2008畢業獲博士學位。之後分別在陸藝教授與聶書明教授小組從事博士後研究工作。2013年加入南京大學現代工程與套用科學學院。 自開展研究工作以來,在Nature Nanotechnology、Chemical Society Reviews、Analytical Chemistry、Chemical Science等國際學術期刊上發表50餘篇研究論文,論文被引用3000餘次,H-指數為29。目前,研究工作集中在生物納米功能材料、生物納米醫學、生物分析與感測等方面。現任自然(Nature)出版社《Scientific Reports》雜誌編委。

有多篇文章被選為封面論文、“高引用論文(ISI Highly Cited Paper)”、“研究前沿(Research Front)”等。研究成果多次被Nature Nanotechnology、英國皇家化學學會(Royal Society of Chemistry)等學術期刊、Nature等網站專題報導和述評,產生了廣泛的學術影響。


  • 中文名:魏輝
  • 國籍:中國
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:納米酶、生物納米功能材料、生物納米醫學、生物分析與感測等






2013-至今 南京大學 教授
2011-2013 埃默里大學 博士後
2009-2011 伊利諾伊大學厄本納-香檳分校 博士後
2003-2008 中科院長春套用化學研究所 博士
1999-2003 南京大學 學士




2015 英國皇家化學學會會士(Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry)
2014 江蘇省“雙創計畫”人才
2012 國家“青年千人計畫”
2008 中國科學院“院長優秀獎”



12. Hanjun Cheng, Shichao Lin, Faheem Muhammad, Ying-Wu Lin, Hui Wei*, Rationally modulate the oxidase-like activity of nanoceria for self-regulated bioassays, ACS Sensors, 2016, 1, 1336-1343.
11. Xiaoyu Wang, Yihui Hu, Hui Wei*, Nanozymes in bionanotechnology: from sensing to therapeutics and beyond, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2016, 6, 41-60.
10. Hanjun Cheng, Lei Zhang, Jian He, Wenjing Guo, Zhengyang Zhou, Xuejin Zhang, Shuming Nie, Hui Wei*, Integrated nanozymes with nanoscale proximity for in vivo neurochemical monitoring in living brains, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 5489-5497.
9. Hanjun Cheng, Xuefeng Qiu, Xiaozhi Zhao, Wei Meng, Da Huo, Hui Wei*, Functional nucleic acid probe for parallel monitoring K+ and protoporphyrin IX in living organisms, Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 88, 2937-2943.
8. Hanjun Cheng, Xiaoyu Wang, Hui Wei*, A Ratiometric Electrochemical Sensor for Effective and Reliable Detection of Ascorbic Acid in Living Brains, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87, 8889-8895.
7. Yubin Ding, Leilei Shi, Hui Wei*, A “Turn On” Fluorescent Probe for Heparin and Its Oversulfated Chondroitin Sulfate Contaminant, Chemical Science, 2015, 6, 6361-6366.
6. Hui Wei*, Erkang Wang*,Nanomaterials with enzyme-like characteristics (nanozymes): next-generation artificial enzymes, Chemical Society Reviews, 2013, 42, 6060-6093.
5. Hui Wei, Zidong Wang, Jiong Zhang, Stephen House, Yi-Gui Gao, Limin Yang, Howard Robinson, Li Huey Tan, Hang Xing, Changjun Hou, Ian M. Robertson, Jian-Min Zuo, Yi Lu*,Time-dependent, protein-directed growth of gold nanoparticles within a single crystal of lysozyme, Nature Nanotechnology, 2011, 6, 93-97.
4. Hui Wei, Erkang Wang*, Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles as Peroxidase Mimetics and Their Applications in H2O2 and Glucose Detection, Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 2250-2254.
3. Hui Wei, Jianyuan Yin, Erkang Wang*, Bis(2,2'-bipyridine)(5,6-epoxy-5,6-dihydro-[1,10] phenanthroline)ruthenium: Synthesis and Electrochemical and Electrochemiluminescence Characterization, Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 5635-5639.
2. Hui Wei, Chaogui Chen, Bingyan Han, Erkang Wang*, Enzyme colorimetric assay using unmodified silver nanoparticles, Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 7051-7055.
1. Hui Wei, Bingling Li, Yan Du, Shaojun Dong, Erkang Wang*, Simple and sensitive aptamer-based colorimetric sensing of protein using unmodified gold nanoparticle probes, Chemical Communications, 2007, 3735-3737.


5. Hanjun Cheng, Xiaoyu Wang, Hui Wei, “Artificial Enzymes: The Next Wave (Chapter 71)” in “Encyclopedia of Physical Organic Chemistry” (Ed.: Zerong Wang), 2017, John Wiley and Sons.
4. Xiaoyu Wang, Wenjing Guo, Yihui Hu, Jiangjiexing Wu, Hui Wei, Nanozymes: Next Wave of Artificial Enzymes, 2016, Springer.
3. Erkang Wang, Yubin Ding, Hui Wei, "Bionanosensing platforms for in vitro detection and diagnostics (Chapter 1)" in "Nanomaterials: emerging characteristics and biomedical applications" (Ed:, Xiyun Yan), 2014, Science Press.
2. Bingling Li, Hui Wei, Shaojun Dong, "Strategy for use of smart routes to prepare label-free aptasensors for bioassay using different techniques (Chapter 12)" in "Aptamers in Bioanalysis" (Ed:, Macro Mascini), 2009, John Wiely and Sons.
1. Hui Wei, Erkang Wang “Electrochemiluminescent sensors: fabrications and applications” in “Biosensors: Properties, Materials and Applications” (Ed.: Rafael Comeaux, Pablo Novotny), 2009, Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


