

魏朝富,男,1962 年生,1985 年畢業於西南農學院並獲碩士學位,2001年在中國農業大學獲博士學位。現任西南大學研究員、博士研究生導師,土壤學報編委、中國土壤學會理事、重慶土壤學會副理事長。2004年6月至11月在日本北海道大學做訪問學者。


  • 中文名:魏朝富
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


魏朝富,男,1962 年生,1985 年畢業於西南農學院並獲碩士學位,2001年在中國農業大學獲博士學位。現任西南大學研究員、博士研究生導師,土壤學報編委、中國土壤學會理事、重慶土壤學會副理事長。2004年6月至11月在日本北海道大學做訪問學者。






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2. 耕地地力提升與退化耕地修復關鍵技術研究. 國家科技支撐計畫課題2006BAD05801
3.坡地高效生態農業的基礎設施配套技術研究. 國家科技支撐計畫課題2008BAD98B02
4. 重慶新型土地平衡制度研究. 重慶市重大決策諮詢研究課題2008ZB04


SHAO Jing-an, Huang Xue-xia1, Gao Ming, WEI Chao-fu*, XIE De-ti1, Cai Zu-cong Response of CH4 Emission from Paddy Fields to Land Management Practices at a Microcosmic Cultivation Scale Journal of Environmental Sciences 2005 17(4), 691-698 SCI Number: 944NP
SHAO Jing-an, WEI Chao-fu, XIE De-ti. Land use change and its ecological responses: a review Journal of Geographical Science, 2005, 15(3): 305-328
Jingan Shao, Chaofu Wei*, Deti Xie. Sustainable land use planning based on ecological health: the case of Beiwenquan town, Chongqing, China Chinese Geographical Science 2005 15(2): 137-144
Jingan Shao, Chaofu Wei*, Deti Xie. Mountain Land Use Planning of Metropolitan Suburbs: the Case of the Jinyun Mountain and Its Surrounding area, Chongqing, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2005 2(2): 116-128
LIU Cangcai, ZHANG Jiahui,TIAN Guanglong, WEI Chaofu. The Effects of Land Uses on Purpleish Soil Erosion in Hilly Area of Sichuan Province, China. Journal of Mountain Science 2005 2(1): 68-75
倪九派 魏朝富 謝德體. 土壤侵蝕定量評價的空間尺度效應. 生態學報, 2005, 25(8),2061-2067
熊亞蘭 魏朝富. 坡面土壤水分特性的空間變異及其水庫貯量. 水土保持學報, 2005, 19(1): 136-139
黃雪夏 倪九派 高明 魏朝富* 謝德體. 重慶市土壤有機碳庫的估算及其空間分布特徵. 水土保持學報. 2005, 19(1).-54-58
高明 李陽兵 魏朝富 謝德體. 稻田長期壟作免耕對土壤肥力性狀的影響研究. 水土保持學報, 2005, 19(3). 29-33
李陽兵 高明 邵景安 謝德體 魏朝富. 岩溶山區不同植被群落土壤生態系統特性研究. 地理科學 2005, 25(5): 606-613
Chaofu Wei*, Jiupai Ni, Ming Gao, Deti Xie, Shuichi Hasegawa. Anthropic pedogenesis of purple rock fragments in Sichuan Basin, China. Catena 2006 68:51-58 SCI Number: 108UU
Chaofu Wei*, Ming Gao, Jingan Shao, Deti Xie and Genxing Pan. Soil aggregate and its response to land managements. CHINA PARTICUOLOGY, 2006, 4(5 ): 211-219,
Huang, X. X., Gao, M., Wei, C. F., Xie, D. T. and Pan, G. X. Tillage effect on organic carbon in a purple paddy soil Pedosphere. 2006 16(5): 60-667. SCI Number: 088OE
SHAO Jing-an, WEI Chao-fu*, XIE De-ti, Integrated Indicators-based Gradation of Cultivated Land Quality in Mountainous Region of Southwestern China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2006 3(3): 259~270
SHAO Jing-an, WEI Chao-fu, XIE De-ti, An insight on drivers of land use change at regional scale Chinese Geographical Science, 2006, 16(2): 176- 182,
SHAO Jing’an, GE Xiaofeng, WEI Chaofu, XIE Deti Classification and Gradation of Cultivated Land Quality in Bishan County of Chongqing, China . Chinese Geographical Science 2007 17(1) 082–091
Jing’an Shao Chaofu Wei Deti Xie Explanation of land use in mountainous area, China: from field to village level. GeoJournal , 2007, 68:357–368
Shao Jing’an, Tang Xiaohong, Wei Chaofu*, Xie Deti. Effects of conservation tillage on soil organic matter in paddy rice cultivation. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007, 27(11): 4434–4442.
LV Jiake ,WANG Xuan and ZOU Xianchun WEI Caofu and LIU Hongbin Research and Development of Web-based Intelligent Learning System. Advanced Computer Technology, New Education, 2007 2:66-71 ISTP
Jing’an Shao Chiying Xu Chaofu Wei* Deti Xie Effects of conservation tillage and wheat cultivation on soil nutrients 農業工程學報 2007 23(10):62-69 EI 074810951942
邵景安,李陽兵,孟月玲,魏朝富,謝德體. 重慶岩溶區土壤景觀多樣性. 生態學報, 2007, 27(10),2048-2058
唐曉紅 邵景安 黃雪夏 魏朝富* 謝德體 潘根興 壟作免耕下紫色水稻土有機碳的分布特徵 土壤學報,.2007,44(12):235-243
張貞,魏朝富*,李萍,倪九派,秦建成 西南丘陵山區土地整理方案比選研究; 農業工程學報 2007 23(10):98-106 EI 074810951947
王成,魏朝富,袁敏,蔣偉,李陽兵 不同地貌類型下景觀格局對土地利用方式的回響. 農業工程學報 2007 23(9),64-71 EI 074510910056
WEI Chao-fu*, SHAO Jing-an, NI Jiu-pai1, GAO Ming, XIE De-ti, PAN Gen-xing and Shuichi Hasegawa Soil Aggregation and Its Relationship with Organic Carbon of Purple Soils in the Sichuan Basin, China
SHAO Jing-an WEI Chao-fu* and XIE De-ti Effects of Land Management Practices on Soil Water in Southwestern Mountainous Area, China Agricultural Sciences in China 2008 7(7): 871-886
Zhen Zhang, Chaofu Wei* , Deti Xiea, Ming Gao, Xibai Zeng. Effects of land use patterns on soil aggregate stability in Sichuan Basin, China Particuology (2008) 6:157–166 SCINumber: 322PS


