



  • 書名:高職英語綜合練習·3
  • 作者:《高職英語》編寫組
  • ISBN:9787502169909
  • 出版社:石油工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2013
  • 開本:16
  • 所屬分類:高職教育


全套教材共分四冊,每冊包括《高職英語綜合教程》(附贈光碟)、《高職英語綜合練習》(附贈光碟) 和《高職英語教師參考書》三個分冊。本書為《高職英語綜合練習3》。


Unit 1 Work to Live or Live to Work?
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Unit 2 Hobbies and Interests
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 3 Sports and Games
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Unit 4 Seeing a Doctor
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 5 At the Post Office
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Cloze
Part V Reading Comprehension
Part VI Writing
Unit 6 At the Bank
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 7 At the Airport
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 8 Résumé
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 9 Job Hunting
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 10 Job Interview
Part I Listening Comprehension
Part II Vocabulary and Structure
Part III Translation
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Part V Writing
Unit 1 Work to Live or Live to Work?
Unit 2 Hobbies and Interests
Unit 3 Sports and Games
Unit 4 Seeing a Doctor
Unit 5 At the Post Office
Unit 6 At the Bank
Unit 7 At the Airport
Unit 8 Résumé
Unit 9 Job Hunting
Unit 10 Job Interview


