


  • 書名:高等院校國際經貿類教材:進出口貿易實務
  • 出版社:格致出版社
  • 頁數:331頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:格致出版社
  • 作者:王學惠
  • 出版日期:2012年9月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787543220904





王學惠 安徽農業大學經濟與管理學院教師。主要研究方向:國際貿易實務,信用證業務及相關慣例。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Import and Export Trade
1. 1 Characteristics of Import and Export Trade
1. 2 How to Get Started in Import and Export Trade
1.3 Tips on Getting Started an Import or Export Business
1. 4 How to Write a Good Developing Letter
1. 5 Structure of the Book
1. 6 Summary
Chapter 2 Negotiation and Signing of Import and Export Contracts
2. 1 Forms and Procedures of Negotiation
2. 2 Negotiation of Main Clauses
2. 3 Negotiation of General Clauses
2. 4 Signing of Written Contracts
2. 5 Forms of Written Contracts
2. 6 Tips to Keep in Mind
2. 7 Summary
Chapter 3 Performance of Import and Export Contracts
3. 1 Performance of Import Contracts
3. 2 Performance of Export Contracts
3. 3 Summary
Chapter 4 Subject Matter of Contracts
4. 1 Name and Quality of Goods
4. 2 Quantity of Goods
4. 3 Packaging of Goods
4. 4 Summary
Chapter 5 International Price
5.1 Denotation of International Price
5. 2 Trade Terms and International Trade Practices
5.3 Costing for Import and Export
5. 4 Commission and Discount
5. 5 Foreign Exchange Risk Management
5.6 Price Clauses in Contracts
5. 7 Summary
Chapter 6 International Cargo Transportation
Chapter 7 International Marine Cargo Insurance
Chapter 8 International Payment
Chapter 9 General Clauses in Contracts
Chapter 10 E-commerce in Import and Export Trade of Goods
Chapter 11 Common Fraud Schemes and Management


