

《高等職業技術教育教材·建築工程專業英語》是 2007年 武漢理工大學出版社出版的圖書 。


  • 書名:高等職業技術教育教材·建築工程專業英語
  • 頁數: 187頁
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


出版社: 武漢理工大學出版社; 第1版 (2007年8月1日)
平裝: 187頁
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787562925798
條形碼: 9787562925798
尺寸: 25.6 x 18.2 x 1 cm
重量: 322 g


《高等職業技術教育教材?建築工程專業英語》是高等職業技術院校建築工程相關專業的專業英語教材。全書共12 個單元,以Buildillg Construction為主線貫穿其中,每個單元有一個主題,包括2-4幅插圖、兩篇課文和相應的習題,書後還附有一套房屋建築圖紙.《高等職業技術教育教材?建築工程專業英語》選材新穎,語育規範,點面結合,編排獨特,實用性強,突出了建築工程專業的實際需求。


Introduction Civil Engineering and Its Career
Unit 1 Making Buildings
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Designing Buildings
Passage B Building Systems
Unit 2 Construction Process
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Stages of a Single House Construction(Part 1)
Passage B Stages of a Single House Construction(Part 2)
Unit 3 Foundations
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Foundations and Loads
Passage B Foundation Structure
Unit 4 Brick Mmnry
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Brick Masonry
Passage B Wall Types
Unit 5 Steel Frame Construction
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A The Construction Process(Fabrication)
Passage B The Construction Process(Erection)
Unit 6 Concrete Construction
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Making and Placing Concrete
Passage B Handling and Placing Concrete
Unit 7 Sitecast Concrete
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Casting a Concrete Slab on Grade
Passage B Casting a Concrete Wall
Unit 8 Preeast Concrete
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Precast Concrete Structural Elements and Assembly Concepts
Passage B Precast Concrete and Its Uniqueness
Unit 9 Cladding system
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A The Design Requirements for Cladding
Passage B The Curtain WaU
Unit 10 Interior Finishes
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Interior Finishes
Passage B Interior Finish Systems
Unit 11 Drawing Reading
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Three View Drawing
Passage B Reading a Set of Blueprints
Unit 12 Construction Surveying
Part Ⅰ Illustrated Words and Concepts
Part Ⅱ Passages
Passage A Construction Surveying
Passage B The Survey of a Plot Plan
Appendix Professional Words


