


  • 中文名:高澤亮
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新型光電功能晶體生長、晶體物理及光電器件
  • 任職院校:山東大學晶體材料研究所




1: 新型光電功能晶體生長




6: 2011.9-2013.9,新型晶體BaTeMo2O9高溫壓電性能研究,中國博士後科學基金面上項目,結題
1:Weiqun Lu,Zeliang Gao,*Xiaoli Du, Xiangxin Tian, Qian, Wu, Conggang Li, Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu, and Xutang Tao, Shedding Light on the Intrinsic Characteristics of 3D Distorted Fluorite-Type Zirconium Tellurite Single Crystals;Inorganic Chemistry,58, 7794-7802, 2019.(封面文章)
2:Conggang Li,Zeliang Gao,*Peng Zhao, Xiangxin Tian, Haoyuan Wang, Qian Wu, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao, Crystallographic Investigations into the Polar Polymorphism of BaTeW2O9: Phase Transformation, Controlled Crystallization, and Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties;Cryst. Growth Des., 19. 1767-1777, 2019.
3: Conggang Li, Peng Zhao, Zeliang Gao, Qian Wu, Xiangxin Tian, Dianxing Ju, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao; Investigation into the optimized growth, anisotropic properties and theoretical calculations of the polar material Cs2TeW3O12,CrystEngComm,21,2345-2354, 2019.
4:Weiqun Lu,Zeliang Gao,* Xitao Liu, Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Conggang Li,Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu, and Xutang Tao*, Rational Design of a LiNbO3like Nonlinear Optical Crystal, Li2ZrTeO6, with High Laser-Damage Threshold and Wide Mid-IR Transparency Window,J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 13089−13096, 2018.
5:Weiqun Lu,Zeliang Gao,*Qian Wu, Xiangxin Tian, Youxuan Sun, Yang Liu and Xutang Tao*, Tailored fabrication of a prospective acousto–optic crystal TiTe3O8endowed with high performance,J. Mater. Chem. C, 6, 2443, 2018.(封面文章)
6:Conggang Li, Xiangxin Tian,Zeliang Gao,*Qian Wu, Peng Zhao, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Deliang Cui, and Xutang Tao*, Controlled Growth of Layered Acentric CdTeMoO6Single Crystals with Linear and Nonlinear Optical Properties,Cryst. Growth Des. 18, 3376−3384, 2018.
7: Ning Jia, Shanpeng Wang,*Zeliang Gao,*, Qian Wu, Chunlong Li, Xixia Zhang, TongTong Yu, Qingming Lu, and Xutang Tao*,Optimized Growth of Large-Sized LiInSe2Crystals and the Electric−Elastic PropertiesCryst. Growth Des. 17, 5875−5880 2017..
8:Conggang Li, Zeliang Gao,* Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun and Xutang Tao*, Electric–elastic properties of a novel high-quality CdTeMoO6piezoelectric crystal,CrystEngComm, 20, 5602-5608, 2018.
9: Conggang Li,Zeliang Gao*, Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Fuan Liu, Xiaoli Du, Dongyang Huang, Youxuan Sun, Deliang Cui, Xutang Tao*, Investigations into anisotropic properties of the nonlinear optical material CdTeMoO6 with quasi-two-dimensional structure,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777, 59-66, 2019.
10:Xiangxin Tian,Zeliang Gao,*Feifei Chen, Qian Wu, Conggang Li, Weiqun Lu, Youxuan Sun and Xutang Tao*, Insights into the polymorphism of Bi2W2O9: single crystal growth and a complete survey of the variable-temperature thermal and dielectric properties,CrystEngComm, 20, 2669-2680, 2018.
11:Qian Wu,Zeliang Gao, Xiangxin Tian, Xiancui Su, Guoru Li, Youxuan Sun, Shengqing Xia, Jingliang He, Xutang Tao, Biaxial crystal β-BaTeMo2O9: theoretical analysis and the feasibility as high-efficiency acousto-optic Q-switch,Optics Express, 25(21), 24893-24900, 2017.
12:ZeliangGao, Xiangxin Tian, Junjie Zhang, Qian Wu, Qingming Lu, Xutang Tao*, Large-SizedCrystal Growth and Electric-Elastic Properties of α‑BaTeMo2O9Single Crystal,CrystalGrowth & Design, 15,759-763,2015.
13:Zeliang Gao, Qian Wu, Xitao Liu, Youxuan Sun, Xutang Tao*, Biaxialcrystal α-BaTeMo2O9: theory study of large birefringenceand wide-band polarized prisms design,Optics Express, 23(4), 3851-3860,2015.
14:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang,Jingliang He, Xutang Tao*, Self-frequency-doubled BaTeMo2O9Raman laser emitting at 589 nm,Optics Express, 21(6), 7821-7827, 2013.
15:Zeliang Gao, Shande Liu, Shaojun Zhang Weiguo Zhang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, High efficient external resonator Raman laser based on themonoclinic single crystal BaTeMo2O9,Applied PhysicsLetters, 100, 261905, 2012.
16:Zeliang Gao, Xiangxin Tian, Shaojun Zhang, Xutang Tao*,Determination and analysis of the linear and second order nonlinear opticalproperties of Na2TeW2O9,Optical MaterialsExpress, 6(1), 106-113, 2016.
17:Zeliang Gao, Youxuan Sun, Junjie Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Xutang Tao*, Investigationsof the electro-optic behavior of Cs2TeMo3O12single crystal,Journal of Applied Physics, 116, 043502, 2014.
18:Zeliang Gao,Shande Liu, Junjie Zhang, Shaojun Zhang, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, JingliangHe, Xutang Tao*, A high efficiency third order Stokes Raman laser operatingat 1500 nm based on a BaTeMo2O9crystal,Laser PhysicsLetters, 10, 125403, 2013.
19:Zeliang Gao, Xutang Tao*,Xin Yin, Weiguo Zhang, Minhua Jiang, Elastic, dielectric, and piezoelectricproperties of BaTeMo2O9single crystal,AppliedPhysics Letters, 93, 252906, 2008.
20:Zeliang Gao, Xin Yin,Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Electro-opticproperties of BaTeMo2O9single crystal,AppliedPhysics Letters, 95, 151107, 2009.
21:Zeliang Gao, YouxuanSun, Xin Yin, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, Growth andelectric-elastic properties of KTiOAsO4single crystal,Journalof Applied Physics,108, 024103, 2010.
22:Zelaing Gao, XinYin, Weiguo Zhang, Shanpeng Wang, Minhua Jiang, Xutang Tao*, TemperatureDependence of Elastic Properties and Piezoelectric Applications of BaTeMo2O9Single Crystal,IEEE, TUFFC, 58, 2753-2757, 2011.
23: Peng Zhao, Hengjiang Cong,Xiangxin Tian, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang, Shengqing Xia,ZeliangGao,*and Xutang Tao*, Top-Seeded Solution Growth, Structure, Morphology, andFunctional Properties of a New Polar Crystal- Cs2TeW3O12,Crystal Growth & Design, 15, 4484-4489, 2015.
24:Xiangxin Tian, Qian Wu, Peng Zhao, Zheng Wang, Xiaoxiao Feng, Conggang Li,Youxuan Sun, Shanpeng Wang,Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Top-seededsolution growth and characterization of a Bi2Mo2.66W0.34O12single crystal, CrystEngComm, 17, 4525, 2015.
25:Peng Zhao, Qian Wu, Chunlong Li, Shaojun Zhang, Youxuan Sun, Chengqian Zhang,Shengqing Xia,Zeliang Gao,* and Xutang Tao*, Second ordernonlinear optical properties of Cs2TeW3O12single crystal,Optical Materials Express, 6(2), 451-458, 2016.




