









理論與計算化學和生物物理化學。發展理論與計算方法研究蛋白質與DNA等生物分子的溶液構象,生物酶催化機制和化學反應中的溶劑化效應。研究組繼續開展關於分子模擬計算方法發展的研究:(1)發展相空間選擇性增強抽樣方法研究酶催化反應和液相與界面化學反應 (2)發展與路徑積分相結合的高效計算方法。主要關注的體系為:(1)DNA和蛋白質結構形成中的溶劑化效應(2)分子伴侶/膜蛋白相互作用機制(3)蛋白質/DNA的別構效應及其對序列、修飾的依賴性(4)多組份水溶液的動力學性質和光譜計算(5)自組裝的理論研究,團簇結構和形成路徑分析。


2012, 教育部創新團隊學術帶頭人
2011, 自然基金委,國家傑出青年基金
2008, 長江特聘教授
2006, Searle Scholar
2004, Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty Award
2001, Milton and Francis Clauser Prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis, 美國加州理工學院優秀博士論文
2001, Herbert Newby McCoy Award


15. Zhang L, Xie WJ, Liu S, Meng L, Gu C and Gao YQ. DNA Methylation Landscape Reflects the Spatial Organization of Chromatin in Different Cells. Biophys J. 2017;113:1395-1404.
14. Hou GL, Liu CW, Li RZ, Xu HG, Gao YQ and Zheng WJ. Emergence of Solvent-Separated Na(+)-Cl(-) Ion Pair in Salt Water: Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculations. J Phys Chem Lett. 2017;8:13-20.
13. Kan Z, Zhu Q, Yang L, Huang Z, Jin B and Ma J. Polarization Effects on the Cellulose Dissolution in Ionic Liquids: Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Polarization Model and Integrated Tempering Enhanced Sampling Method. J Phys Chem B. 2017;121:4319-4332.
12. Zhang J, Zhang Z, Yang YI, Liu S, Yang L and Gao YQ. Rich Dynamics Underlying Solution Reactions Revealed by Sampling and Data Mining of Reactive Trajectories. ACS Cent Sci. 2017;3:407-414.
11. Zhang Z, Xie WJ, Yang YI, Sun G and Gao YQ. Simulation Studies of the Self-Assembly of Halogen-Bonded Sierpiński Triangle Fractals. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinca. 2017;33:539-547.
10. Che X, Du XX, Cai X, Zhang J, Xie WJ, Long Z, Ye ZY, Zhang H, Yang L, Su XD and Gao YQ. Single Mutations Reshape the Structural Correlation Network of the DMXAA-Human STING Complex. J Phys Chem B. 2017;121:2073-2082.
9. Xie WJ, Meng L, Liu S, Zhang L, Cai X and Gao YQ. Structural Modeling of Chromatin Integrates Genome Features and Reveals Chromosome Folding Principle. Sci Rep. 2017;7:2818.
8. Structural Flexibility and Conformation Features of Cyclic Dinucleotides in Aqueous Solutions, X. Che, J. Zhang, Y.Y. Zhu, L.J. Yang, H. Quan, Y.Q. Gao*, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 2670-2680 (2016).
7. From Thermodynamics to Kinetics: Enhanced Sampling of Rare Events, L. Yang, C.W. Liu, Q. Shao, J. Zhang, Y.Q. Gao*, Acc. Chem. Res 48, 947–955 (2015).
6. Tautomerization-dependent Recognition and Excision of Oxidation Damage in Base-excision DNA Repair, C.X. Zhu, J. Zhang, L. Lu, C.X. Zhu, L. Lu, J. Zhang, Z. Yue, J. Song, S. Zong, M.H. Liu, O.G. Stoviceke, Y.Q. Gao*, C.Q. Yi*, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A (accepted).
5. Microsolvation of LiI and CsI in water: Anion photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio calculations, Y. Li, C.W. Liu, Y.Q. Gao, H. Jiang, W. J. Zheng, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 5190-5199 (2013).
4. Probing Allostery Through DNA, S. Kim, E. Broströmer, D. Xing, J. Jin, S. Chong, H. Ge, S. Wang, C. Gu, L. Yang,Y. Q. Gao, X. Su, Y. Sun, X. S. Xie Science 339, 816-819 (2013).
3. From Protein Denaturant to Protectant: Comparative Molecular Dynamics Study of Alcohol/protein Interactions, Q. Shao, Y.B Fan, L.J. Yang, Y.Q. Gao, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 115101 (2012).
2. The binding change mechanism of F1-ATPase revisited, Y. Q. Gao, W. Yang, and M. Karplus, Cell 123, 195-205 (2005).
1. Strange and unconventional isotopic effect in ozone formation, Y. Q. Gao and R. A. Marcus, Science 293, 259-263 (2001).


