- 中文名:高歌
- 外文名:Gao G.
- 職業:研究員、博士生導師
- 主要成就:入選“首批青年拔尖人才支持計畫”
- 研究領域:生物信息學
- 研究方向:非編碼RNA對幹細胞的過程調控
2. Xiao A, Cheng Z, Kong L, Zhu Z, Lin S, Gao G.*, Zhang B. 2014. CasOT: a genome-wide Cas9/gRNA off-target searching tool. Bioinformatics 30(8): 1180-1182.
3. Jin J, Zhang H, Kong L, Gao G.*, Luo J. 2014. PlantTFDB 3.0: a portal for the functional and evolutionary study of plant transcription factors. Nucleic Acids Res 42(1): D1182-1187.
4. Wang J., Kong L., Gao G., Luo J. 2013. A brief introduction to web-based genome browsers. Brief Bioinform 14(2): 131-143.
5. Xiao A., Wu, Y., Yang, Z. Hu, Y., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Kong, L., Gao, G., Zhu, Z., Lin, S., Zhang B. 2013. EENdb: a database and knowledge base of ZFNs and TALENs for endonuclease engineering. Nucleic Acids Research 41(D1): D415-D422.
6. Kong, L., Wang, J., Zhao, S., Gu, X., Luo, J., and Gao, G.* 2012. ABrowse - a customizable next-generation genome browser framework. BMC Bioinformatics 13: 2. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)
7. Wang, J., Kong, L., Zhao, S., Zhang, H., Tang, L., Li, Z., Gu, X., Luo, J., and Gao, G.*. 2011. Rice-Map: a new-generation rice genome browser. BMC Genomics 12: 165. (Featured as “Highly Accessed”)
8. Xie, C., Mao, X., Huang, J., Ding, Y., Wu, J., Dong, S., Kong, L., Gao, G., Li, C.Y., and Wei, L. 2011. KOBAS 2.0: a web server for annotation and identification of enriched pathways and diseases. Nucleic Acids Research 39(Web Server issue): W316-322.
9. Zhang, H., Jin, J., Tang, L., Zhao, Y., Gu, X., Gao, G.*, and Luo, J. 2010. PlantTFDB 2.0: update and improvement of the comprehensive plant transcription factor database. Nucleic Acids Research 39(Database issue): D1114-1117.
10. Zhao, S.Q., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Li, J.T., Gu, X., Gao, G.*, and Wei, L. 2009. BOAT: Basic Oligonucleotide Alignment Tool. BMC Genomics 10 Suppl 3: S2.