8. 《Study on Psychology of Audience Luxury Brand Clothing in Online Shopping》,Advances in Economics,Business and Management Research,August 13-14,2016.Yinchuan,China.第一作者.
9. 《The Research of Dress Skills in Online Games》,Advances in Economics,Business and Management Research,August 13-14,2016.Yinchuan,China. 獨撰.
10. 《Study on the Role of Computers in Teaching Reform of Clothing Performance》,2016 3rd International Conference on Management, Education Technology and Sports Science,September 24-25, 2016. Guilin, China. 第一作者.
11.《The pricing analysis of Cheongsam network customization》,2016 International Conference on the Education and Managementof Science and Technology.獨撰.
12.《Study on the influential factors of college students' network clothingconsumption behavior》,Advances in Engineering Research.第一作者.