
高曉冬,男,教授。研究方向:糖生物學 (glycobiology),酶學 (enzymology),微生物學 (microbiology),生物工程 (biotechnology),酵母遺傳學 (yeast genetics) 和糖化學 (carbohydrate chemistry)。


  • 中文名:高曉冬
  • 出生日期:1965年1 月
  • 職業:教授
  • 畢業院校: 日本國立生命科學和技術研究所


出生日期:1965年1 月


1984.4-1988.3 日本山梨大學工學部 獲學士學位
1988.4-1990.3 日本山梨大學工學研究科 獲碩士學位
1990.4-1994.3 日本東京大學農學研究科 獲博士學位
1995.4-1998.3 日本國立生命科學和技術研究所(NIBH)博士後
1998.6-2002.6 美國紐約州立大學 研究員
2002.3-2003.7 美國紐約州立大學 助理教授
2003.8-2006.5 日本國立產業合研究所(AIST)糖鎖研究中心 主任研究員
2006.5-2011.8 日本北海道大學 先端生命科學研究院 副教授
2011.9- 江南大學生物工程學院 教授


糖鎖生物學會 會員(Society for Glycobiology)
日本農藝化學會 會員(Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry)
日本生物分子學會 會員(The Molecular Biology Society of Japan)
日本酵母遺傳學會 會員(Yeast Genetics Society of Japan)


1)Lu, J. Takahashi, T. Ohoka A, Nakajima K, Hashimoto, R. Miura, N. Hiroyuki Tachikawa, H. and Gao, X-D. (2011) Alg14 organizes the formation of a multi-glycosyltransferase complex required for initiation of lipid-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Glycobiology. (In press)
2)Gao, X-D., Moriyama, S., Miura, N., Dean, N. and Nishimura, S-I. (2008) Interaction between the C-termini of Alg13 and Alg14 mediate formation of the active UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex. J. Biol. Chem., 283: 32534-32541.
3) Gao, X-D., Tachikawa,H., Sato,T., Jigami,Y. and Dean,N. (2005) Alg14 recruits Alg13 to the cytoplasmic face of the endoplasmic reticulum to form a novel bipartite UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase required for the second step of N-linked glycosylation. J. Biol. Chem., 280: 36254 – 36262
4)Gao, X-D, Wang, J., Keppler-Ross, S. and Dean, N. (2005) ERS1 encodes a functional homologue of the human lysosomal cystine transporter. FEBS Journal. 272(10): 2497-511.
5)Gao, X-D., Nishikawa, A., Dean, N. (2004) Physical interactions between the Alg1, Alg2, and Alg11 mannosyltransferases of the endoplasmic reticulum. Glycobiology. 14 (6): 559-70.
6)Gao, X-D., Nishikawa, A., and Dean, N. (2001). Identification of a conserved motif in the yeast GDP-mannose transporter required for nucleotide sugar binding. J. Biol. Chem.276: 4424-4432.
7) Gao, X-D. and Dean, N. (2000). Distinct protein domains of the yeast Golgi GDP-mannose transporter mediate oligomer assembly and export from the endoplasmic reticulum. J. Biol. Chem., 275: 17718-17727.
8) Gao, X-D., Kaigorodov, V. and Jigami, Y. (1999) YND1, a homologue ofGDA1, encodes membrane bound apyrase required for Golgi N- and 0-glycosylation inSaccharomyes cerevisiae. J. Biol. Chem., 274: 21450 – 21456.
9)Gao, X-D., Katsumoto, T. and Onodera, K. (1995) Purification and characterization of chitin deacetylase from Absidia coerulea. J. Biochem., 117: 257-263.
10)Nakajima KI, Kanno Y, Nakamura M, Gao X-D, Kawamura A, Itoh F, Ishisaki A., (2011) Bovine milk lactoferrin induces synthesis of the angiogenic factors VEGF and FGF2 in osteoblasts via the p44/p42 MAP kinase pathway. Biometals, in press
11) Hinou, H., Miyoshi R., Takasu Y, Kai H., Kurogochi M., Arioka S., Gao, X-D., Miura N., Fujitani, N., Otomo S., Yoshinaga, T., Fujiwara, T., Noshi, T., Togame, H., Takemoto, H., and Nishimura, S-I. (2011) Novel Strategy for Neuraminidase Inhibitors Using Mechanism-based Labeling Information. Chem. Asian J, 1048-1056.
12) Hashimoto R., Fujitani N., Takegawa Y., Kurogochi M., Matsushita T., Naruchi K., Ohyabu N., Hinou H., Gao X-D., Manri N., Satake H., Kaneko A., Sakamioto T., and Nishimura S-I., (2010) "An efficient approach for the characterization of mucin type glycopeptides: The effect of O-glycosylation on the conformation of synthetic mucin peptides", Chem. Eur. J., 17, 2393-2404
13) Yoshimura, Y., Matsushita, T., Fujitani, N., Takegawa, Y., Fujihira, H., Naruchi, K., Gao, X-D., Manri, N., Sakamoto, T., Kato, K., Hinou, H. and Nishimura, S-I. (2010) Unexpected Tolerance of Glycosylation by UDP-GalNAc:Polypeptide α-N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase Revealed by Electron Capture Dissociation Mass Spectrometry: Carbohydrate as Potential Protective Groups. Biomchem J. 49, 5929-5941
14) Ishihara, M., Suda, Y., Inoue, I., Tanaka, T., Takahashi, T., Gao, X-D., Fukui, Y., Ihara, S., Neiman, AM. and Tachikawa, H. (2009) Protein Phosphatase Type 1-Interacting Protein Ysw1 Is Involved in Proper Septin Organization and Prospore Membrane Formation during Sporulation. Eukaryot Cell.8 (7): 1027-1037
15) Averbeck, N., Gao, X-D., Nishimura, S-I. and Dean, N. (2008) Alg13, the catalytic subunit of the ER UDP-GlcNAc glycosyltransferase, is a target for proteasomal degradation. Mol Biol Cell.19 (2): 2169-2178
16) Nakajima, K., Nakamura, M., Gao, X-D., Kozakai, T. (2008) Possible Involvement of Prolactin in Synthesis of Lactoferrin in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry,72 (4): 1103-1106
17) Saida, K., Uchida, T., Usui, A., Gao, X-D., Tomizuka, N., Oka, S. and Masuda, H. (2000)
The endothelin-2 / Vasoactive intestinal contractor (VIC) gene: Expression and promoter activity in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells, J Cardiovasc Pharmacol.36: S9-11.
18) Tachikawa, H., Funahashi, W., Takeuchi, Y., Nakanishi, H., Nishihara, R., Katoh, S., Gao, X-D., Mizunaga, T. and Fujimoto, D. (1997) Overproduction of Mpd2p suppresses the lethality of protein disulfide isomerase depletion in a CXXC sequence dependent manner. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 239: 710-714.
19) Saida, K., Gao, X-D., Matsui, M. and Mitsui, Y. (1996) Vasoactive intestinal contractor (VIC) / mouse ET-2 and VIC receptor. Journal of Clinical Medicine,54 (4): 1115-1121.
20) Tachikawa, H., Takeuchi, Y., Funahashi, W., Miura, T., Gao, X-D., Fujimoto, D., Mizunaga, T. and Onodera, K. (1995) Isolation and characterization of a yeast gene, MPD1, the overexpression of which suppresses inviability caused by protein disulfide isomerase depletion. FEBS Letters, 369: 212-216.


2006 -2007日本科學技術振興機構 『シーズ発掘試験』研究費 項目主任;經費:2,000,000 日元
2009-2012 日本科學研究費補助金基磐研究 (C) 項目主任; 經費:5,000,000 日元
2009-2011 日本科學技術振興費 『未來創薬・醫療イノベーション拠點形成』
配合主任; 分擔經費:30,000,000 日元
2010-2011 日本自然科學研究機構共同利用研究費 項目主任; 經費:300,000 日元


1)『A yeast model for screening mutations in cystinosis』;Xiao-Dong Gao and Neta Dean; R-7651(USA);
2) 『フコース結合タンパク質合成系遺伝子が導入された酵母形質転換體』地神 芳文、千木良
裕子、高 暁冬、董四君;11/113081(USA)、04/23/2005
3) 『精製されたキチンデアセチラーゼ』 高 暁冬、小野寺 一清; 特開平7-231787(JAPAN); 09/05/95(平成7年9月5日)特願平6-26635 (JAPAN); 02/24/94(平成6年2月24日)
4) 『フコース結合タンパク質合成系遺伝子が導入された酵母形質転換體』地神 芳文、千木良 裕子、高 暁冬、董四君;特願2004-128796 (JAPAN)、04/15/2004


1) 中國教育部派遣本科留學生 (April 1984 --- March 1993)
2) Selected and Interviewed as “Dedicated postdoc” by AAAS (ref: Science,294 (5541): p410 2001)


