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高文遠,男;天津大學藥物科學與技術學院 天然藥物學系主任,教授;中藥學(套用生物化學)專業 博士生導師,藥事管理學專業 博士生導師,天津科技大學中藥生物工程研究所所長。


  • 中文名:高文遠
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1965年2月
  • 性別:男


03/1998 - 02/2000: 博士後,韓國忠北大學 尖端園藝技術研究所(生物工程);
09/1989 - 06/1994: 博士(碩 - 博連讀),中國醫學科學院中國協和醫科大學藥用植物研究所(中藥學),副研究員;
09/1989 - 06/1985: 學士,吉林農業大學 中藥材學院。


11/2005- 《國外醫藥 植物藥分冊》 編委
09/2005- 《Asian journal of Traditional medicines》 編委
09/2005- 《中華現代中西醫雜誌》 編委
08/2005- 中華中醫藥學會 中成藥分會 委員
07/2004- 教育部高等學校與科研院所學位與研究生教育評估所 評估專家
07/2004- 國家教育部科技項目 評審專家
05/2004- 中國生態學學會中藥資源生態專業委員會 委員
05/2004- 國家自然科學基金委 項目評議專家
02/2004- 《中華實用醫藥雜誌》 常務編委
10/2003- 國家科技部中藥現代化項目 評審專家
10/2003- 中國中西醫結合學會中藥專業委員會 委員
08/2003- 中華中醫藥學會中藥鑑定分會 副主任委員
05/2002- 《中草藥》 編委
04/2002- 國家計委現代中藥產業化專項項目 評審專家
01/1998- 《中國中藥雜誌》 編委
10/1997- 韓國藥用植物協會 高級會員
03/1995- 中國藥學會 高級會員


天然藥物學系 主任,教授;中藥學專業和藥事管理學專業 博士生導師
韓國忠北大學 尖端園藝技術研究所 博士後


(1) 中藥飲片的現代研究與套用,天津:天津大學出版社,2008;
(2) 《中藥大規模組織培養》,北京:化學工業出版社,2005;
(3) 《藥物控釋新劑型》,北京:化學工業出版社,2005。
1 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Paridis saponins inhibiting carcinoma growth and metastasis in vitro and in vivo. Arch Pharm Res, 2011, 34 (1): 43-50.
2 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Identification of chemical constituents in Rhizoma Paridis Saponins and their oral administration in rat plasma by UPLC/Q-TOF/MS. Biomed Chromatogr, 2011, 25(6): 712-719.
3 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Formosanin C-inhibited pulmonary metastasis through repression of Matrix metalloproteinase on mouse lung adenocarcinoma. Cancer biology & therapy, 2011, 11 (6): 592-598.
4 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Qualitative and quantitative determination of major saponins in Paris L. and Trillium L. by HPLC-ELSD and HPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Chromatography B, 2010, 878(29): 2943-2948.
5 Man S,Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Separation and Purification of Effective Constituents of Rhizoma Paridis Saponins by Serum Pharmacochemistry Guiding. Lat Am J Pharm, 2010, 29 (7): 1193-1198.
6 Huang X, Gao W*, Man S, et al. Structure-activity relationship Study of twelve compounds from Paris polyphylla Smith var. pubescends. Lat Am J Pharm, 2010, 29 (3): 401-407.
7 Ma C, Gao W*, Man S, et al. A Quantitative Method Using One Marker for Simultaneous Assay of Steroidal Saponins in Rhizoma Paridis. Lat Am J Pharm, 2010, 29, 1171-6
8 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Characterization of steroidal saponins in saponin extract from Paris polyphylla by liquid chromatography tandem multi-stage mass spectrometry. Anal Bioanal Chem, 2009, 395(2): 495-505
9 Man S, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. Antitumor and Antimetastatic Activities of Rhizoma Paridis saponins. Steroids, 2009, 74: 1051-1056.
10 Yan L, Gao W*, Zhang Y, et al. In vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of steroid saponins of Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis. Experimental oncology, 2009, 31(1): 27-32.
11 Xueyan Hu, Yuanqiang Guo, Wenyuan Gao*, Haixia Chen, Tiejun Zhang. A new triterpenoid from Alisma orientalis. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2008, 19: 438-440.
12 Zhiyong Tian, Hongxia Ma, Songqiang Xie, Xue Wang, Jin Zhao, Chaojie Wang*, Wenyuan Gao*. Synthesis, DNA binding and topoisomerase inhibition of mononaphthalimide homospermidine derivatives. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2008, 19: 509-512.
13 Lulu Yan, Wenyuan Gao*, Yanjun Zhang, Yu Wang. A new phenylpropanoid glycosides from Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis. Fitoterapia, 2008, 79:306-307.
14 Liu Xin-Qiao, Guo Yuan-Qiang, Gao Wen-Yuan*, Zhang Tie-Jun, Yan, Lu-Lu. Two new phenanthrofurans from Pleione bulbocodioides. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10(5): 453-457.
15 Zhiyong Tian, Songqiang Xie, Yaowu Du,Hongxia Ma, Jin Zhao, Wenyuan Gao*, Chaojie Wang. Synthesis, cytotoxicity and apoptosis of naphthalimide polyamine conjugates as antitumor agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2008, xx: 1-7.
16 Xu Wang, Wenyuan Gao*, Liming Zhang, Peigeng Xiao, Yi Liu, Kefeng Li, Weiguang Xie. Study on the morphology, crystalline structure and termal properties of yam starch acetates with different degrees of substitution. Science in China Series B: Chemistry, 2008, 51(9):859-865.
17 Ye Shengying, Wenyuan Gao*. Hydroxysafflor yellow A protects neuron against hypoxia injury and suppresses inflammatory responses following focal ischemia reperfusion in rats. Arch Pharm Res, 2008, 31(8):1010-1015.
18 Ying Xiong, Kezhong Deng, Yuanqing Guo, Wenyuan Gao*, Tiejun Zhang. Two new sucrose esters from Sparganium stoloniferum. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10(5): 425-428.
19 Xueyan Hu, Yuanqiang Guo,Wenyuan Gao*, Tiejun Zhang, Haixia Chen. Two new triterpenes from Alisma orientalis. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2008, 10(5): 487-490.
20 Shujun Wang, Yu Jinglin, Wenyuan Gao*, Jiping Pang, Jiugao Yu, Peigen Xiao. Comparison of starches separated from three different F. cirrhosa. Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 80:417-422.
21 Shujun Wang, Yu Jinglin, Wenyuan Gao*, Jiping Pang, Jiugao Yu, Peigen Xiao. Characterization of starch isolated from Fritillaria traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Journal of Food Engineering, 2007, 80:727-734.
22 Zhi Yao, Xuchuan Che, Rong Lu, Minna Zheng, Zhifeng Zhu, Jinping Li, Jian Xu, Linxi Shi, Junyan Liu, Wenyuan Gao*. Inhibition by tyroserleutide (YSL) on the invasion and adhesion of the mouse melanoma cell. Molecular Medicine, 2007,13(1-2):14-21.
23 Quanlin Yu, Hongquan Duan, Wenyuan Gao*, Yoshihisa Takaishi. A new triterpene and a saponin from Centella asiatica. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18(1): 62-64.
24 Yu Wang, Wenyuan Gao*, Tiejun Zhang, Yuanqiang Guo. A novel phenylpropanoid glycosides and a new derivation of phenolic glycoside from Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18: 548-550.
25 Shujun Wang, Yu Jinglin, Wenyuan Gao*, Jipng Pang, Hongyan Liu, Jiugao Yu. Granule structural changes in native Chinese Yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb var. Anguo) starch during acid hydrolysis. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2007, 69(2): 286-292.
26 Pang Jiping, Wang Shujun, Yu Jinglin, Liu Hongyan, Yu Jiugao and Gao Wenyuan*,Comparative studies on morphological and crystalline properties of B-type and C-type starches by acid hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 105(3), 2007:989-995.
27 Jinbo Fang, Wei Jia, Wenyuan Gao*, Zhi Yao, Jie Teng, AH Zhao, Hongquan Duan. Antitumor constituents from Alternanthera philoxeroides. J Asian Nat Prod Res, 2007, 9(6):511-515.
28 Xinqiao Liu, Wenyuan Gao*, Yuanqiang Guo, Tiejun Zhang, Lulu Yan. Two new , -unsaturated butyrolactone derivatives from Pleione bulbocodioides. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18: 1075-1077.
29 Ying Xiong, Kezhong Deng, Wenyuan Gao*, Yuanqiang Guo, Teijun Zhang. A novel alkenoic acid ester and a new benzophenone from Ranunculus ternatus. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18: 1364-1366.
30 Xinqiao Liu, Wenyuan Gao*, Yuanqiang Guo, Tiejun Zhang, Lulu Yan. A new phenanthro [2,3-b] furan from Pleione bulbocodioides. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18: 1089-1091.


