
駱興國浙江大學數學系;香港大學經濟金融學院金融學博士,浙江大學副教授,博士生導師,浙江大學經濟學院、浙江大學金融研究院(AFR)、浙江大學工程師學院網際網路金融分院(SIF),浙江大學“求是青年學者”,浙江省151人才工程培養人員。近年來擔任Management Science等10多種SSCI/SCI學術期刊的匿名審稿人,多次在主流金融學國際會議宣讀論文,曾擔任第一屆和第二屆International Conference on Energy Finance(ICEF2016&ICEF2017)的共同主席(Co-Chair), 2016 First China Derivatives Markets Conference (CDMC)的程式委員會委員(Program Committee),擔任國際金融管理學會(Financial Management Association, FMA)2010年會、亞洲金融學會(Asian Finance Association)2012年會、第五至七屆期貨與衍生品國際會議(ICFOD, 2016 & 2017 &2018)、第十五和十六屆金融系統工程與風險管理國際年會(FSERM, 2017&2018)的分會場主席(Session Chair)。2012年獲得芝加哥商業交易所集團(CME Group,全球最大的期貨期權交易市場)的特別研究獎勵,2015-2017年獲得金融系統工程與風險管理國際年會優秀論文獎。


  • 中文名:駱興國
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 畢業院校:香港大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:資產定價、衍生品市場、量化高頻、金融工程、綠色金融和ABS等
  • 職務:浙江大學金融系副系主任




  1. 國家自科面上項目,主持人,2018-21; 2. 國家自科青年項目,主持人,2014-16;3. 浙江省“錢江人才計畫”,主持人,2013-15;4. HKU Small Project Funding, Principal Investigator, 2012


1. Expected stock returns and forward variance,Journal of Financial Markets, 2017.
2. The dynamic correlations between the G7 economies and China: Evidence from both realized and implied volatilities,Journal of Futures Markets,2017.
3. Stochastic volatility vs. jump diffusions: Evidence from the Chinese convertible bond market,International Reivew of Economics and Finance,2017. (封面首篇)
4. The information content of implied volatility and jumps in forecasting volatility: Evidence from the Shanghai gold futures market,Finance Research Letters, 2016.
5. Predicting volatility of the Shanghai silver futures market: What is the role of the U.S. options market?,Finance Research Letters, 2015
6. Sell in May and Go Away: Evidence from China,Finance Research Letters,2014
7. Is Warrant Really a Derivative? Evidence from the Chinese Warrant Market,Journal of Financial Markets, 2013
8.The Term Structure of VIX,Journal of Futures Markets, 2012 (封面首篇)
9. Forecasting the Term Structure of Chinese Treasury Yields,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2012 (封面首篇)
10. The Dynamics of Long Forward Rate Term Structures,Journal of Futures Markets,2010


1. Derivatives and Risk Management, Undergraduate, Spring and Summer 2015-18;2. Advanced Derivatives, Graduate, Spring 2014-18;3.連續時間金融,本科,春夏 2014;4.金融經濟學,本科,冬 2013;5.信用風險管理,碩博,冬 2013;6.資產定價理論,碩博,春 2013;7.金融工程學,本科,春夏 2013-14


1. 2013 China International Conference in Finance, Shanghai, Jul 10-13, 2013 (Discussion)
2.2013 AFR Summer Institute of Economics and Finance, Hangzhou, Jun 15-16, 2013
3. 2013 FMA Asian Conference, Shanghai, Apr 17-19, 2013
4. Sixth Annual Risk Management Conference, Singapore, July 12-13, 2012
5. AsianFA 2012 International Conference, Taipei, July 6-9, 2012 (Session Chair)
6. 22nd Asia-Pacific Futures Research Symposium, Shanghai, April 26-27, 2012
7. 2011 FMA Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, October 19-22, 2011
8. AsianFA 2011 International Conference, Macau, July 10-13, 2011
9. 2010 FMA Annual Meeting, New York, USA, October 20-23, 2010 (Session Chair)
10. 2010 FMA Asian Conference, Singapore, July 14-16, 2010
11. 2010 FMA European Conference, Hamburg, German, June 9-11, 2010
12. International Risk Management Conference, Florence, Italy, June 3-5, 2010
13. Quantitative Methods in Finance 2008 Conference, Sydney, Australia, Dec 17-20, 2008


