
駱建文,上海交通大學長聘教授、博士生導師、博士、供應鏈管理研究中心主任;先後畢業於南京大學、浙江大學,2002年上海交通大學管理科學與工程博士後流動站出站並留校工作;入選教育部新世紀優秀人才計畫(2004)、上海市曙光計畫(2005)和上海市領軍人才(2008);曾獲上海交通大學SMC優秀青年教師獎、上海交通大學包玉剛獎教金、安泰經濟與管理學院最受研究生歡迎的教師和學院本科項目教學優秀獎勵;編著有教材《採購與供應管理》和《多元統計分析》;作為項目負責人主持承擔了12項國家級科研項目,其中國家自然科學基金面上項目6項、國家哲學社會規劃課題1項;在Operations Research、European Journal of Operational Research、Omega等管理科學國際著名期刊發表20多篇SSCI/SCI學術論文(其中國際B級期刊及以上的學術論文10多篇),CSSCI(C刊)學術論文50多篇。研究成果先後獲省部級社會科學優秀成果一、二、三等獎。


  • 中文名:駱建文
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1966年09月19日
  • 畢業院校:上海交通大學
  • 籍貫:浙江杭州
  • 性別:男
  • 職稱:教授




[1] 國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:70271039),隨機最佳化問題的啟發式逼近算法研究,2003/01-2005/12,已結題、主持。
[2] 國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:70572101),易腐物品供應鏈庫存的協作控制研究,2006/01-2008/12,已結題,主持。
[3] 國家哲學社會科學基金項目(批准號:07BJY036),鼓勵和支持自主創新的政府採購政策研究,2007/06-2010/06,已結題,主持。
[4] 國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:71072063),面向供應鏈庫存協作管理的交易信用激勵機制研究,2011/01-2013/12,已結題,主持。
[5] 國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:71372107),面向資金約束供應商的供應鏈融資策略研究,2014/01-2017/12,已結題,主持。
[6] 國家自然科學基金項目(批准號:771772122),資金約束供應鏈融資風險的分擔與轉移策略研究,2018/01-2021/12,正在主持。


在Operations Research、European Journal of Operational Research、Omega、Journal of the Operational Research Society、Operations Research letters、International Journal of Production Economics等管理科學國際著名期刊發表20多篇SCI/SSCI論文(其中國際B+期刊及以上的學術論文10餘篇),代表性論文:
  • Information Flow - Sustainability and Performance Implications.Journal of the Operational Research Society(2019).(with D. Yu and L.Jiang)
  • Non-collaborative and collaborative financing in a bilateral supply chain with capital constraints.Omega(2018).(with W. Jin, Q. Zheng)
  • Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing product-specific gift cards.Omega74 (2018): 92-102.(with Q. Zhang, D Zhang, A. Segerstedt)
  • Optimal ordering and financing decisions under advance selling and delayed payment for a capital-constrained supply chain.Journal of the Operational Research Society(2018): 1-16.(with W. Jin, and Q. Zheng.)
  • Optimal markdown pricing for holiday basket with customer valuation.International Journal of Production Research(2018): 1-15.(with H. Wang , S. Li)
  • Supplier encroachment under nonlinear pricing with imperfect substitutes: Bargaining power versus revenue-sharing.European Journal of Operational Research(2017).(with H.Yang, Q. Zhang)
  • Combining process and product information for quality improvement.International Journal of Production Economics(2017).(with X. Xiao, W. Jiang)
  • The role of revenue sharing and first-mover advantage in emission abatement with carbon tax and consumer environmental awareness.International Journal of Production Economics193 (2017): 691-702.(with H. Yang, H. Wang.)
  • Optimal inventory and insurance decisions for a supply chain financing system with downside risk control.Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry33.1 (2017): 63-80.(with W. Jin)
  • Buyer-vendor coordination for fixed lifetime product with quantity discount under finite production rate,International Journal of Systems Science,2016,47(4):821~834(with Q. Zhang,Y. Duan)
  • Optimal financial and ordering decisions of a firm with insurance contract,Technological and Economic Development of Economy,2015,21(2):257~279(with W. Wang)
  • Trade credit: A new mechanism to coordinate supply chain,Operations Research Letters,2012,40(5):378~384(with Q. Zhang)
  • Coordination of a Buyer-Vendor Supply Chain for a Perishable Product Under Symmetric and Asymmetric Information,Asia Pacific Journal of Operational Research,2011,28(5):673~688(with Q. Zhang)
  • Buyer-vendor Inventory Coordination with Quantity Discount Incentive for Fixed Lifetime Product,International Journal of Production Economics,2010,128(1):351~357(with Y. Duan, J. Huo)
  • A case study of multi-team communications in construction design under supply chainpartnering,Supply Chain Management: An International Journal,2010,15(5):363~370(C. Xie,D. Wu, X. Hu)
  • Buyer-vendor inventory coordination with credit period incentives,International Journal of Production Economics,2007,108:143~152
  • A note on Inventory models with cost changes,Operations Research,2003,51(3)(with P. Huang)
  • EOQ under date-terms supplier credit:A comment on a paper by Carlsonand Rousseau,Journal of the Operational Research Society,2002,53(10):(with P. Huang)


