1. Feng JF, Gurkoff GG, Van CK, Song M, Lowe DA, Zhou J, Lyeth BG.NAAG peptidase inhibitor reduces cellular damage in a model of TBI with secondary hypoxia. Brain Research. 2012; 1469: 144-52.
2. Feng JF, Zhao X, Gurkoff GG, Van KC, Shahlaie K, Lyeth BG.Posttraumatic hypoxia exacerbates neuronal cell death in the hippocampus.Journal of Neurotrauma. 2012; 29(6): 1167-79.
3. Feng JF, Liu J, Zhang XZ, Zhang L, Jiang JY, Nolta J, Zhao M. Guided Migration of Neural Stem Cells Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells by an Electric Field. Stem Cells. 2012; 30(2): 349-55.
4. Feng JF, Van KC, Gurkoff GG, Kopriva C, Olszewski RT, Song M, Sun S, XuM, Neale JH, Yuen PW, Lowe DA, Zhou J, Lyeth BG. Post-injury administration of NAAG peptidase inhibitor prodrug, PGI-02776, in experimental TBI. Brain Research. 2011; 1395: 62-73.
5. Feng JF, Zhang KM, Jiang JY, Gao GY, Fu X, Liang YM. Effect of therapeutic mild hypothermia on the genomics of the hippocampus after moderate traumatic brain injury in rats. Neurosurgery. 2010; 67(3): 730-42.
6. Weng W, Gao W, Zhao X, Mao Q, Gao G, Feng J.Bilateral Mydriasis Secondary to Propofol Administration in a Patient With Hypertensive Cerebellar Hemorrhage. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol. 2018; 30(3): 278-279.
7. Wang CF, Zhao CC, Weng WJ, Lei J, Lin Y, Mao Q, Gao GY, Feng JF, Jiang JY.Alteration in Long Non-Coding RNA Expression after Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats.J Neurotrauma. 2017; 34(13): 2100-2108.
8. Feng JF, Liu J, Zhang L, Jiang JY, Russell M, Lyeth BG, Nolta JA, Zhao M.Electrical Guidance of Human Stem Cells in the Rat Brain.Stem Cell Reports. 2017; 9(1): 177-189.
10. Weng WJ, Yang C, Huang XJ, Zhang YM, Liu JF, Yao JM, Zhang ZH, Wu XS, Mei T, Zhang CD, Jia J, Shi XF, Mao Q, Feng JF, Gao GY, Jiang JY. Effects of Brain Temperature on the Outcome of Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Prospective Observational Study. J Neurotrauma. 2018 Oct 10. doi: 10.1089/neu.2018.5881.
11. Weng WJ, Li HP, Zhao XC, Yang C, Wang S, Hui JY, Mao Q, Gao GY, Feng JF. The depth of catheter in chronic subdural haematoma: does it matter?. Brain Inj. 2018 Oct 16: 1-6. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1531312.
12. Yang C, Wang L, Weng WJ, Wang S, Ma YX, Mao Q, Gao GY, Chen R, Feng JF. Steered migration and changed morphology of human astrocytes by an applied electric field. Exp Cell Res. 2019 Jan 15;374(2):282-289.
13. Shen Wang, Yuxiao Ma, Xiaochun Zhao, Chun Yang, Jiacheng Gu, Weiji Weng, Jiyuan Hui, Qing Mao, Guoyi Gao, Junfeng Feng. Risk factors of hospital mortality in chronic subdural hematoma: A retrospective analysis of 1117 patients, a single institute experience. J Clin Neurosci. 2019 Jun 15. pii: S0967-5868(19)30283-8.
14. Feng JF,Jiang JY.Monitoring traumatic brain injury in China - Authors' reply. Lancet Neurol.2019 Sep;18(9):813-814.