姓 名: 馮義輝
性 別: 男
職 務: 助理研究員
職 稱: 中級
學 歷: 博士研究生
通訊地址: 北京市北四環西路15號中國科學院力學研究所
2012.3-, 中國科學院力學研究所非線性力學國家重點實驗室,助理研究員
[1] Yu C, Feng Y H, Yang R, Peng G J, Lu Z K, Zhang T H. An integrated method to determine elastic-plastic parameters by instrumented spherical indentation. Journal of Materials Research
[2] Lu Z K, Feng Y H, Peng G J, Yang R, Huan Y, Zhang T H. Estimation of Surface Equi-biaxial Residual Stress by Using Instrumented Sharp Indentation. Materials Science & Engineering A
[3] Feng Y H, Zhang T H, Yang R. A work approach to determine Vickers indentation fracture toughness.Journal of The American Ceramic Society
[4] Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Yang R, Jiang P. A method to determine fracture toughness using cube-cornerindentation. Scripta Materialia
[5] Peng, G J, Feng Y H, Huan Y, Zhang T H. (2013). Characterization of the viscoelastic-plastic properties of UPVC by instrumented sharp indentation. Polymer Testing
[6] Peng G J, Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Huan Y. Determination of shear creep compliance of linear viscoelastic-plastic solids by instrumented indentation. Polymer Testing
[7] Peng G J, Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Yang R. Determination of shear creep compliance of linear viscoelasticsolids by instrumented indentation when the contact area has a single maximum. Journal of Materials Research
[8] Yang R, Zhang T H, Feng Y H. Theoretical analysis of the relationships between hardness, elasticmodulus, and the work of indentation for work-hardening materials. Journal of Materials Research
[9] Jiang P, Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Yang R, Liang N G. Determination of plastic properties by instrumented spherical indentation: Expanding cavity model and similarity solution approach. Journal of Materials Research
[10] Zhang T H, Jiang P, Feng Y H, Yang R. Numerical verification for instrumented spherical indentation techniques in determining the plastic properties of materials. Journal of Materials Research
[11] 逯智科,馮義輝,張泰華. 儀器化壓入測試材料表面殘餘應力的研究進展. 理化檢驗(物理分冊)
[12] Gu J S, Wei B C, Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Sun Z W. Serrated flow and shear band evolution in a Zr-based bulk metallic glass after plastic deformation and annealing. Journal of Alloys And Compounds
[13] Gu J S, Wei B C, Zhang T H, Feng Y H, Hu Y P, Sun Z W. Effect of structural relaxation on the deformation behavior of a Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10 bulk metallic glass under nanoindentation. International Journal of Modern Physics B
《微/納米力學測試技術 — 儀器化壓入的測量、分析、套用及其標準化》第12章《斷裂韌度》,2013,科學出版社
[1] 張泰華,馮義輝,楊榮,姜鵬. 一種提取材料斷裂韌度的方法. 中國. 授權日2011-01-05
[2] 宋金龍,張泰華,馮義輝. 一種儀器化壓入試驗的夾具. 中國. 授權日2011-10-05