- 中文名:馮淼林
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:中國科學技術大學
主持國家自然科學基金2項,參加國家自然科學基金2項。在研國家自然科學基金1項,歸國留學人員基金1項,橫向項目多項。在國內外學術刊物和會議論文集上發表學術論文四十餘篇。SCI/EI收錄論文二十餘篇,論文被引用一百餘次,其中2004年ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology文章被引用四十六次。
1) F. Ding, M.L. Feng, Y.Y. Jiang* Modeling of fatigue crack growth at notch, Int. J. Plasticity, 23, 1167-1188, 2007.
2) Y.Y. Jiang*, M.L. Feng, F. Ding, A reexamination of crack closure concept in fatigue crack propagation, Int. J. Plasticity, 21,1720-1740, 2005.
3) X.Q. Meng, J.H. Liu, J.Q. Xu, M.L. Feng*, Thermal fatigue test of electronic packages under temperature cycles, Mater. Research. Innov., 15, s36-s10(25), 2011.
4) H.L. Zhu, J.Q. Xu, M.L. Feng*, Time dependent singular behaviors at the interface edges of a chip, Mater. Research. Innov., 15, s18-s22, 2011.
5) H.L. Zhu, J.Q. Xu, M.L. Feng*, Singular fields near a sharp V-notch for power law creep material, Int. J. Fracture, 168,159-166,2011,
6) J.W. Dong*, M.L. Feng, Asymptotic expansion homogenization for simulating progressive damage of 3D braided composites, Comp. Struct., 92, 873-882, 2010.
7) M.L. Feng, F. Ding, Y.Y. Jiang*, A study of crack growth retardation due to artificially induced crack surface contact, Int. J. Fatigue, 27, 1319-1327, 2005.
8) M.L. Feng, F. Ding, Y.Y. Jiang*, A study of loading path influence on fatigue crack growth under combined loading, Int. J. Fatigue, 28, 19-27, 2006.
9) Y.Y. Jiang*, F. Ding, M.L. Feng, An approach for fatigue life prediction, ASME J. Engng. Mat. Tech., 129, 182-189, April, 2007.
10) M.L. Feng*, C.C. Wu, Study on 3-dimensional 4-step braided piezo-ceramic composites by homogenization method, Comp. Sci. Tech., 61, 1889-1998, 2001.
12) Y.Y. Jiang*, M.L. Feng, Modeling of fatigue crack propagation, ASME J. Engng. Mat. Tech., 126, 77-86, 2004.
13) J.W. Dong , M.L. Feng*, Damage simulation for 3D braided composites by homogenization method, Chinese J. Aeronautics, 23, 677-685, 2010.
14) M.L. Feng*, M. Dhanasekar and Q.Z. Xiao. A 2D hybrid stress element for improved prediction of the out-of-plane fields using Fourier expansion. Int J Struct Engng Mech, 13, 491-504, 2002.
15) Y.Y. Jiang*, F. Ding, M.L. Feng, An approach for fatigue life prediction, ASME PVP, 217-224, 2005.
16) Y.Y. Jiang*, M.L. Feng, A new approach to predicting fatigue crack propagation, ASME PVP, 23-31, 2004.