- 中文名:馮海榮
- 國籍:中華人民共和國
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:西南交通大學
馮海榮 博士,四川師範大學商學院副教授
個人基本信息 (Personal Data)
出生日期(Date of Birth): 25/11/1982
工作地: (Place of Work): 成都,中國 (Chengdu, P.R China)
健康狀況(Health): 良好(Excellent)
語言(Language proficiency): 國語流利 Mandarin (fluent)、英語熟練 English (fluent)
教育經歷 (Education)
2008.09-2012.07 西南交通大學經濟管理學院,管理學博士
2005.09-2008.07 四川師範大學數學與軟體科學學院,理學碩士
2001.09-2005.07 四川師範大學數學與軟體科學學院,理學學士
工作經歷 (Teaching Experience:)
[1] 副教授 Associate Professor (substantiated) 2015-目前
四川師範大學商學院 (School of Business, Sichuan Normal University)
[2]講師 lecturer (substantiated) 09/2012-12/2014
四川師範大學商學院 (School of Business, Sichuan Normal University)
發表主要論文 (Publications in Refereed Journals:)
[1]Jun Li, Hairong Feng, Yinlian Zeng.Inventory games with permissible delay in payments.European Journal of Operational Research, 2014,234(3):694-700.
[2]Jun Li, Hairong Feng, Kun-Jen Chung. Using the Algebraic Approach to Determine the Replenishment Optimal Policy with Defective Products, backlog and delay of payments in the Supply Chain Management. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2012,8 (1):263-269. .
[3]馮海榮, 李軍, 曾銀蓮. 易腐品供應鏈橫向企業聯合採購與費用分配研究, 系統科學與數學, 2011, 31(11):1454-1466.
[4]Jun Li, Hairong Feng. Retailer’s optimal replenishment policy under cash discount and trade credit linked to order quantity, International Journal of Information and Decision Science, 2010, 2(4): 375-400.
[5]Hairong Feng, Jun Li, Ying Zeng, Retailer’s optimal replenishment policy with defective products under cash discount and trade credit, International Conference on Management Science and Artificial Intelligence, Henan, 2010.
[6]Jun Li, Hairong Feng, Minchao Wang. A replenishment policy with defective products, backlog and delay of payments, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2009, 5(4): 867-880.
[7]李軍, 岳青, 馮海榮. 基於合作博弈的易腐品聯合採購策略分析. 西南交通大學學報, 2012, 47(6):1049-1056.
[8]馮海榮, 李軍, 曾銀蓮.延期支付下的易腐品聯合採購費用分配研究. 系統工程理論與實踐,2013,33(6):1411-1423.
[9]Hairong Feng, Jun Li. Retailer's optimal replenishment and payment policies in the EPQ model under cash discount and two-level trade credit policy. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2013,37(5):3322-3339.
[10] 馮海榮, 李軍.考慮數量和價值損耗的易腐性產品運輸設施選擇博弈.數學的實踐與認識. 2015, 45(24): 20-30.
[11] 曾銀蓮, 李軍, 馮海榮. 隨機需求環境下零擔貨物運輸合作[J]. 管理科學學報, 2015, 18(7):48-58.
[12] 廖斌, 馮海榮, 王文軻. 次任務法腦力負荷度量實驗的分析與改進[J]. 實驗技術與管理, 2014(10):176-178.
[13] 馮海榮, 丁協平. q- 一致光滑Banach空間含(A,)-增生運算元的廣義集值變分包含組. 四川師範大學學報: 自然科學版,2008,31(3):262-267.
[14] Xieping Ding, Hairong Feng. The p-step iterative algorithm for a system of generalized mixed quasi-variational inclusions with(A,)-accretive operators in q-Uniformly Smooth Banach Spaces[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2008, 220(1-2):163-174
[15] Hairong Feng, Xieping Ding. Generalized vector quasi-equilibrium problems with pseudomonotone set-valued bifunctions in FC-spaces[J]. 套用泛函分析學報, 2009, 11(2): 97-105.
[16] Hairong Feng, Xieping Ding. A new system of generalized nonlinear quasi-variational-like inclusions with A-monotone operators in Banach spaces[J]. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,2009, 225:365-373.
[17] Xieping Ding, Hairong Feng.Fixed point theorems and existence of equilibrium points of noncompact abstract economies for -majorized mappings in FC-spaces[J]. Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods & Applications, 2010, 72(1):65-76.
[18] Xieping Ding, Hairong Feng. Algorithm for solving a new class of generalized nonlinear implicit quasi-variational inclusions in Banach spaces. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2009, 208(2):547-555.
研究項目(Academic Research Project:)
[1] 國家自然科學基金項目:生鮮農產品供應鏈橫向企業的聯合訂貨決策與成本分攤研究(71401118):2015-2017,主持。
[2] 四川省教育廳科研項目:考慮商業信用的供應鏈庫存最佳化與協調研究(14ZB0027): 2014-2015,主持。
研究興趣 (Research Interest)
其他榮譽(Other Achievement )
[1] 2013年入選四川師範大學第二批“251重點人才培養工程”
[2] 2014年獲四川師範大學畢業論文優秀指導教師
[3] 2014年獲四川省第十六次社會科學優秀成果三等獎.