- 中文名:馮劍琳
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職稱:教授
- Database Systems: similarity search, OLAP and data warehousing, NewSQL for New Hardware
- Data Mining and Bioinformatics:word embedding,sequence alignment, rank aggregation, biclustering.
- Chuhan Zhang, M. Phil, 2019, Ph.D student, Harbin Institute of Technology
- Xiaolu Yang, FYP. 2019, Engineer, Tencent
- Qiang Huang, Ph. D, 2017, Post-doc , National University of Singapore
- Zhen Wang, Ph.D, 2017, Ali Star, Alibaba
- Zhuobin Deng, M. Phil, 2017, engineer , Baidu
- Yikai Zhang, M. Phil, 2016, Ph. D student, Chinese University of HongKong
- Yingying Zhou, M. Phil, 2014, SRE engineer , Google at Sydney
- Fan Yang, FYP, 2014,engineer, DeepMind
- Junhao Gan, M. Phil, 2013, Lecturer, University of Melbourne
- PC Member
NDBC 2010--2015, 2017-2019
CIKM 2012, APWEB 2013, 2014, DASFAA 2013
SIGMOD 2009 Repeatability and Workability Evaluation Committee
DASFAA 2009 PhD Workshop
ICDM 2006 Workshop on Mining Evolving and Streaming Data
WISE 2006 Workshop on Web-Based Massive Data Processing
- Reviewer
- External Reviewer
ICDE 2007, ICDE 2008, SIGMOD 2007, SIGKDD 2007, ICDM 2007, WSDM 2008, ICDE 2013.
- Database Systems. Spring, 2019 (Spring, 2011-2018; Fall, 2009-2010, 2017.)
- Algorithm Analysis and Design. Fall, 2016
- Compiler Systems. Fall, 2015 (Fall, 2014.)
- Artificial Intelligence. Fall, 2013. (Fall, 2012; Fall, 2011).
- Data Warehousing and Data Mining. Spring, 2018.( Spring, 2010, 2013.)
- C-Store (Column-Oriented Database Management Systems). Spring, 2009.
- Text Mining, Fall, 2004
Publications marked with a ‘#’ are papers where the first author is my student, those with a `*' are papers where I am the corresponding author.
- #Qiang Huang, Guihong Ma, Jianlin Feng, Qiong Fang, Anthony K. H. Tung. Accurate and Fast Asymmetric Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme for Maximum Inner Product Search. Accepted and to Appear in SIGKDD, 2018.
- #Qiang Huang, Jianlin Feng, Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng. Two Efficient Hashing Schemes for High-Dimensional Furthest Neighbor Search. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering VOL. 29, NO. 12, 2772-2785,DECEMBER 2017
- #Qiang Huang, Jianlin Feng, Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng, Wei Wang.Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme for lpNorm. VLDB J. 26(5): 683-708 (2017)
- #Qiang Huang, Jianlin Feng, Qiong Fang. Reverse Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing for High-Dimensional Furthest Neighbor Search. In Proc. of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’ 2017), P167-170.
- #Qiang Huang, JianlinFeng, Yikai Zhang, Qiong Fang, and Wilfred Ng. Query-Aware Locality-Sensitive Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search. In Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Volume 9, pages 1-12, 2015-2016. Download: QALSH Code; QALSH Manual (Draft).
- #Zhen Wang, Jianwen Zhang, JianlinFeng, Zheng Chen. Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding. In ACL EMNLP, 2014: 1591-1601.
- #Zhen Wang, Jianwen Zhang, JianlinFeng, Zheng Chen. Knowledge Graph Embedding by Translating on Hyperplanes. In AAAI, 2014: 1112-1119. (Zhen is co-supervised with Dr. Jianwen Zhang and Dr. Zheng Chen at MSRA)
- Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng, JianlinFeng and Yuliang Li. Mining Order-Preserving SubMatrices from Probabilistic Matrices. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, volume 39, issue 1, article 6, January 2014.
- #Junhao Gan, JianlinFeng, Qiong Fang, and Wilfred Ng. Locality-Sensitive Hashing Scheme Based on Dynamic Collision Counting. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (acceptance rate: 48/289, 16.61%), SIGMOD 2012, pp. 541-552., Scottsdale, USA, May 20-24, 2012. Download: DataProcessor Source Code; C2LSH Source Code.
- Qiong Fang, JianlinFeng, and Wilfred Ng. Identifying Differentially-Expressed Genes via Weighted Rank Aggregation. In IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) (6-pages short paper, acceptance rate: 18.8% with 101 full papers and 47 short papers, out of 786 submissions), pp. 1038-1043, Vancouver, Canada, December 11-14, 2011.
- *Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng, JianlinFeng, Yuliang Li. Mining Bucket Order-Preserving SubMatrices in Gene Expression Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 24(12): 2218-2231 (2012). (pre-print)
- Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng, JianlinFeng. Discovering Significant Relaxed Order-Preserving Submatrices. In: Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (full presentation paper, acceptance rate: 77/578, 13.3%), pp. 433-442.,Washington, DC, USA, 2010.
- S. Manegold, I. Manolescu, L. Afanasiev, J. Feng, G. Gou, M. Hadjieleftheriou, S. Harizopoulos, P. Kalnis, K. Karanasos, D. Laurent, M. Lupu, N. Onose, C. Re, V. Sans, P. Senellart, T. Wu, and D. Shasha. Repeatability & Workability Evaluation of SIGMOD 2009. ACM SIGMOD Record, September 2009 (Vol. 38, No. 3).
- JianlinFeng, Qiong Fang, Wilfred Ng. Discovering Bucket Orders from Full Rankings. In: Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (acceptance rate: 78/435, 17.9%), SIGMOD 2008, pp. 55-66. Vancouver, Canada, June 9-12, 2008.
- Wei Wang , JianlinFeng, Hongjun Lu and Jeffrey Xu Yu. Condensed Cube: An Effective Approach to Reducing Data Cube Size. In Proc. of the 18th IEEE Int. Conf. on Data Engineering (IEEE ICDE’02, acceptance rate: 54/287, 18.8%), P155-165, San Jose, Feb. 2002.