以第一作者/通訊作者在Advanced science,Biomaterials,AHM,Critical care medicine,Spine等期刊發表SCI論文24篇,當選雜誌封面文章4篇。發明蠶絲蛋白接骨螺釘、複合關節頸椎假體等系列產品,獲臨床轉化投資,獲國家發明專利10餘項,醫療器械註冊證2項。作為負責人承擔後勤科研重點項目,國科金面上項目,陝西省重點研發基金等12項課題,經費總額950萬。作為主要完成人獲得陝西省技術發明一等獎,軍隊科技進步一等獎,中華醫學會青年科技獎。個人榮獲HOMA傑出青年學者,中國醫師協會骨科分會年度優秀個人,陝西省優博論文,陝西省首屆研究生創新大賽一等獎。
- 中文名:馮亞非
- 學歷:博士研究生
- 教學職稱:副教授、博士生導師
- 臨床職稱:主治醫師
- 執業地點:空軍軍醫大學西京醫院
- 專業:脊柱外科
1. 新型蠶絲蛋白骨植入材料的研發
2. 骨衰老疾病的機制探索
2005.08-2013.07 第四軍醫大學 臨床八年制 博士
2013.08—2019.11 第四軍醫大學西京醫院骨科 主治醫師,講師
2019.12至今 空軍軍醫大學西京醫院 副教授
- Osseointegration of chitosan coated porous titanium alloy implant by reactive oxygen species-mediated activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway under diabetic conditions. Biomaterials. 2015; 36: 44-54.
- Effect of reactive oxygen species overproduction on osteogenesis of porous titanium implant in the present of diabetes mellitus. Biomaterials. 2013; 34(9): 2234-43.
- The promotion of osteointegration under diabetic conditions using chitosan/hydroxyapatite composite coating on porous titanium surfaces. Biomaterials. 2014; 35(26): 7259-70.
- Insulin Alleviates Posttrauma Cardiac Dysfunction by Inhibiting Tumor Necrosis Factor-α-Mediated Reactive Oxygen Species Production. Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41(6): e74-84.
- A Novel Total Cervical Prosthesis for Single-level Cervical Subtotal Corpectomy: Radiological and Histomorphometric Analysis in a Caprine Model. Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques. 2015; 28(3):E166-72.
- Involvement of FAK-Mediated BMP-2/Smad Pathway in Mediating Osteoblast Adhesion and Differentiation on Nano-Hydroxyapatite/Chitosan Composite Coated Titanium Implant under Diabetes. Biomaterials Science. 2017;6(1):225-238.
- Lactic acid of PLGA coating promotes the angiogenesis on the interface between porous titanium and diabetic bone, Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2018;6(15):2274-2288.
- Adiponectin improves the osteointegration of titanium implant under diabetic conditions by reversing mitochondrial dysfunction via the AMPK pathway in vivo and in vitro. Acta Biomaterialia. 2017;61:233-248.
- Angiogenesis impairment by the NADPH oxidase-triggered oxidative stress at the bone-implant interface: Critical mechanisms and therapeutic targets for implant failure under hyperglycemic conditions in diabetes. Acta Biomaterialia.
- Surgical Management of Degenerative Lumbar Scoliosis Associated with Spinal Stenosis: Does the PI-LL Matter? Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2020; 45(15):1047-1054.
- All-Aqueous-Processed Injectable In Situ Forming Macroporous Silk Gel Scaffolds for Minimally Invasive Intracranial and Osteological Therapies. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2020;9(16):e2000879.
- In Situ Regulation of Macrophage Polarization to Enhance Osseointegration Under Diabetic Conditions Using Injectable Silk/Sitagliptin Gel Scaffolds. Advanced Science. 2020;8(3):2002328.
- Impairment of type H vessels by NOX2-mediated endothelial oxidative stress: critical mechanisms and therapeutic targets for bone fragility in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Theranostics 2021; 11(8):3796-3812.
- Spatiotemporal Regulation of Injectable Heterogeneous Silk Gel Scaffolds for Accelerating Guided Vertebral Repair。Adv Healthc Mater2023 Mar;12(7):e2202210.