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  • 中文名:馬駿
  • 畢業院校:西澳大利亞大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:小麥遺傳育種
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


2011年3月-2013年6月:英國約翰英納斯中心, 博士後
2007年4月-2011年5月: 西澳大利亞大學,博士
2005年9月-2008年7月: 中國農業科學院生物技術研究所,碩士
2001年9月-2005年7月: 河北農業大學,學士





1.Ma J, Li RQ, Wang HG, Li DX, Wang XY, Zhang YC, Zhen WC, Duan HJ, Yan GJ, Li YM (2017) Transcriptomics analyses reveal wheat responses to drought stress during reproductive stages under field conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8
2.Ma J, Du GY, Li XH, Guo JK, Yan GJ (2016) A QTL on chromosome 3B in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) is associated with leaf width under well watered and water deficit conditions. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 34 (3):690-697
3.Ma J, Du GY, Li XH, Zhang CY, Guo JK (2015) A major locus controlling MDA content under water stress condition is associated withFusariumcrown rot resistance in wheat. Molecular Genetics and Genomic,290 (5):1955-1962
4.Ma J, Zhang CY, Yan GJ and Liu CJ (2013) Improving yield and quality traits of durum wheat by introgressing chromosome segments from hexaploid wheat. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12:6120-6129
5.Ma J, Zhang CY, Yan GJ, Liu CJ (2012). Identification of QTLs conferring agronomic and quality traits in hexaploid wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 11:1399-1408
6.Ma J, Zhang CY, Yan GJ, Liu CJ (2012) Enhancing crown rot resistance of durum wheat by introgressing chromosome segments from the hexaploid wheat. Euphytica, 186:67-73
7.Ma J, Yan GJ, Liu CJ (2012) Development of near-isogenic lines for a major QTL on 3BL conferring crown rot resistance in hexaploid wheat. Euphytica, 183:147-152
8.Ma J, Li HB, Zhang CY, Yang XM, Liu YX, Yan GJ, Liu CJ (2010) Identification and validation of a major QTL conferring crown rot resistance in hexaploid wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 120:1119-1128
9. Kong YB, Li XY,Ma J, Li WL, Yan GJ, Zhang CY (2014) GmPAP4, a novel purple acid phosphatase gene isolated from soybean (Glycine max), enhanced extracellular phytate utilization inArabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Reports, 33:655-667
10.Chen GD, Liu YX,Ma J, Zheng Z, Wei YM, et al.(2013) A novel and major quantitative trait locus forFusariumcrown rot resistance in a genotype of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneumL.). PLoS ONE,e58040
11.Liu YX,Ma J, Yan W, Yan GJ, Zhou MX, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Liu CJ (2012) Different tolerance in bread wheat, durum wheat and barley toFusariumcrown rot disease caused byFusarium pseudograminearum. Journal of Phytopathology, 160:412-417
12.Liu CJ,Ma J, Li HB, Liu YX, Liu G.R, Wen SM, Zhou MX, Yan GJ, Chakraborty S (2011) The homoeologous regions on long arms of group 3 chromosomes in wheat and barley harbour major crown rot resistance loci. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, 47:109-114
13.Liu JF,Ma J, Wang XF, Ma ZY (2011)Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.) with a fungal phytase gene improves phosphorus acquisition. Euphytica, 181:31-40
14.Zhang CY, Dong CH,Ma J, Yan GJ, Liu CJ, Li GM (2011) Inheritance and QTL analysis of dough rheological parameters in wheat. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 5:15-21
15.Li HB, Xie GQ,Ma J, Liu GR, Wen SM, Ban T, Chakraborty S, Liu CJ (2010) Genetic relationships between resistances toFusariumhead blight and crown rot in bread wheat (Triticum aestivumL.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 121:941-950
16.Liu YX, Yang XM,Ma J, Wei YM, Zheng YL, Ma HX, Yao JB, Manners JM, Liu CJ (2010) Plant height affectsFusariumcrown rot severity in wheat. Phytopathology, 100: 1276-1281
17.Yang XM,Ma J, Li HB, Ma HX, Yao JB, Liu CJ (2010) Different genes can be responsible for crown rot resistance at different developmental stages of wheat and barley. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 128:495-502


