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4. 地球科學信息聯盟基金,FUNding Friday Projects,Deep Time Climate Data,2019-07至2019-12,5000美元,完成,主持。
5. 美國國家自然基金,重點項目,EF-1241286,Inter-University Training for Continental-Scale Ecology: Bridging Scales and Systems with Isotopes,2017-02至2019-01,434萬美元,完成,參與。
6. 美國國家自然基金,重點項目,DBI-1565128,Origin Inference from Geospatial Isotope Networks,2017-02至2019-01,150萬美元,完成,參與。
7. 中國科學院前沿科學重點研究項目,新近紀東亞季風的軌道周期變化及其全球意義,2016年-2021年,250萬,完成,參與。
8. 美國國家自然基金,面上項目,EAR1337454,Collaborative Research: Investigating the biotic and paleoclimatic consequences of dust in the Late Paleozoic,2016-08至2017-01,6.7萬美元,完成,參與。
9. 美國國家自然基金,面上項目,EAR1151438,Deciphering the Beat of a Timeless Rhythm - The Future of Astrochronology,2012.09-2016.06,57.6萬美元,結題,參與。
10. 美國國家自然基金,面上項目,EAR0959108,Collaborative Research: Integrating Radioisotopic and Astronomical Time Scales for the Cretaceous,2010-09至2012-08,42萬美元,結題,參與。
11. 中國國家科技部,973計畫課題,2006CB701406,白堊紀重大地質事件與溫室氣候變化綜合研究,2008-08至2010-08,1100萬元,結題,參與。


[1] Ma, C., Hinnov, L.A., Eldrett, J.S., Meyers, S.R., Bergman, S.C., Minisini, D., Lutz, B., 2021. Centennial to millennial variability of greenhouse climate across the mid-Cenomanian event.
[2] Ao, H., Rohling, E. J., Zhang, R., Roberts, A. P., Holbourn, A. E., Ladant, J. B., ...Ma, C., ... & An, Z., 2021. Global warming-induced Asian hydrological climate transition across the Miocene–Pliocene boundary. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-13.
[3] Huang, H., Gao, Y., Ma, C., Niu, L., Dong, T., Tian, X., Cheng, H., Hei, C., Tao, H. and Wang, C., 2021. Astronomical constraints on the development of alkaline lake during the Carboniferous-Permian Period in North Pangea. Global and Planetary Change, p.103681.
[4] Huang, H., Gao, Y., Ma, C., Jones, M. M., Zeeden, C., Ibarra, D. E., ... & Wang, C., 2021. Organic carbon burial is paced by a~ 173-ka obliquity cycle in the middle to high latitudes. Science Advances, 7(28), eabf9489.
[5] Jin, S., Liu, S., Li, Z., Chen, A., Ma C., 2021 "Astrochronology of a middle Eocene lacustrine sequence and sedimentary noise modeling of lake-level changes in Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, p.110740.
[6] Que, X.,Ma, C.*, Ma, X. and Chen, Q., 2021. Parallel computing for Fast Spatiotemporal Weighted Regression.Computers & Geosciences, p.104723.
[7] Wang, C., Hazen, R.M., Cheng, Q., Stephenson, M.H., Zhou, C., Fox, P., Shen, S.Z., Oberhänsli, R., Hou, Z., Ma, X., Feng, Z., Fan, J.,Ma, C., H, X., Luo, B., Wang, J., 2021. The Deep-time Digital Earth program: data-driven discovery in geosciences.National Science Review.
[8] Que, X., Ma, X.,Ma, C.*and Chen, Q.,2020. A spatiotemporal weighted regression model (STWR v1. 0) for analyzing local nonstationarity in space and time.Geoscientific Model Development, 13(12), pp.6149-6164.
[9] Ma, C., Vander Zanden, H.B., Wunder, M.B. and Bowen, G.J., 2020. assignR: An R package for isotope‐based geographic assignment.Methods in Ecology and Evolution.
[10] Ma, C., Meyers, S.R., Hinnov, L.A., Eldrett, J.S., Bergman, S.C. and Minisini, D., 2020. A method to decipher the time distribution in astronomically forced sedimentary couplets.Marine and Petroleum Geology, p.104399.
[11] Ma, C., Li, M., 2020. Astronomical time scale of the Turonian constrained by multiple paleoclimate proxies,Geoscience Frontiers.
[12] Ma, X.,Ma, C.and Wang, C., 2020. A new structure for representing and tracking version information in a deep time knowledge graph.Computers & Geosciences, p.104620.
[13] Yang, H., Huang, Y., Ma, C.*, Zhang, Z. and Wang, C., 2020. Recognition of Milankovitch cycles in XRF core-scanning records of the Late Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation from the Songliao Basin (northeastern China) and their paleoclimate implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 194, p.104183.
[14] Ma, C,Meyers R.S., Sageman B.B., 2019, Testing Late Cretaceous astronomical solutions in a 15 million year astrochronologic record from North America.Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 513, 1–11.
[15] Ma, C,Meyers R.S., Sageman B.B., 2017, Late Cretaceous Secular Resonances and Confirmation of the Chaotic Behavior of the Solar System.
[16] Matthias Sinnesael, David De Vleeschouwer, Christian Zeeden, Sietske J. Batenburg, Da Silva Anne-Christine, Niels J. de Winter, Jaume Dinarès-Turell, Anna Joy Drury, Gabriele Gambacorta, Frits Hilgen, Linda Hinnov, Alexander J.L. Hudson, David B. Kemp, Margriet Lantink, Jiri Laurin, Mingsong Li, Diederik Liebrand,Chao Ma, Stephen Meyers, Johannes Monkenbusch, Sandro Montanari, Theresa Nohl, Heiko Pälike, Damien Pas, Micha Ruhl, Nicolas Thibault, Maximilian Vahlenkamp, Luis Valero, Sébastien Wouters, Huaichun Wu, Philippe Claeys. 2019. The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls.Earth-Science Reviews, p.102965.
[17] Zhang, C., Jiang, S., Liu, D.D., Chakrabarti, R., Zeng, J.H., Santosh, M., Luo, Q., Spencer, C.J.,Ma, C., Liu, L.F. and Kong, X.Y., 2019. A novel model for silicon recycling in the lithosphere: Evidence from the Central Asian Orogenic Belt.Gondwana Research,76, pp.115-122.
[18] Ma, C, Meyers, R.S., Sageman, B.B., Jicha B., Singer, B., 2014, Testing the Astronomical Time Scale for Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, and its Extension into Cenomanian Strata of the Western Interior Basin.GSA Bulletin.
[19] Carvajal, C.P., Soreghan, G.S., Isaacson, P.E.,Ma, C., Hamilton, M.A., Hinnov, L.A. and Dulin, S.A., 2018. Atmospheric dust from the Pennsylvanian Copacabana Formation (Bolivia): A high-resolution record of paleoclimate and volcanism from northwestern Gondwana.Gondwana Research. 58, 105-121.
[20] Ma, P., Wang, C., Meng, J.,Ma, C., Zhao, X., Li, Y. and Wang, M., 2017. Late Oligocene-early Miocene evolution of the Lunpola Basin, central Tibetan Plateau, evidences from successive lacustrine records.Gondwana Research, 48, pp.224-236.
[21] Eldrett, J.S.,Ma, C., Bergman, S.C., Ozkan, A., Minisini, D., Lutz, B., Jackett, S.J., Macaulay, C., Kelly, A.E., 2015. Origin of limestone–marlstone cycles: astronomic forcing of organic-rich sedimentary rocks from the Cenomanian to early Coniacian of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA.Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.423, 98–113.
[22] Eldrett, J.S.,Ma, C., Bergman, S.C., Lutz B., Gregory, J., Dodsworth, P., Phipps M., Hardas P., Minisini, D., Ozkan, A., Ramezani, J., Bowring, S.A., Kamo, S.L., Ferguson, K., Macaulay, C., Kelly, A.E.,2015, An astronomically calibrated stratigraphy of the Cenomanian, Turonian and earliest Coniacian from the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA: Implications for global chronostratigraphy. Cretaceous Research, v. 56, p.316-344.
[23] Chen, X., Wang, C., Wu, H., Kuhnt, W., Jia, J., Holbourn, A., Zhang, L. and Ma, C., 2015. Orbitally forced sea-level changes in the upper Turonian–lower Coniacian of the Tethyan Himalaya, southern Tibet.Cretaceous Research, 56, pp.691-701.
[24] Chen X., Wang C., Kuhnt W., Holbourn A., Huang Y.,Ma,C., 2011,Lithofacies, microfacies and depositional environments of Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds (Chuangde Formation) in southern Tibet.Sedimentary Geology, 235(2011) 100-110.
[25] Li, Y., Wang, C., Zhao, X., Yin, A., and Ma, C., 2012. Cenozoic thrust system, basin evolution, and uplift of the Tanggula Range in the Tuotuohe region, central Tibet.Gondwana Research, 22, pp.482-492.
[26] Li, Y., Wang, C.,Ma, C., Xu, G. and Zhao, X., 2011, Balanced cross-section and crustal shortening analysis in the Tanggula-Tuotuohe Area, Northern Tibet.Journal of Earth Science, 22(1).
[27] Li, Y., Wang, C., Xu, G., Zhao, X.,Ma, C., 2010, Crustal Shortening in the Tanggula-Tuotuohe Area, Northern Tibet, in Leech, M.L., and others, eds., Proceedings for the 25th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey, OpenFile Report 2010-1099, 2 p.
[28] Li Y., Wang C., Li Y.,Ma, C., Wang L., Peng S., 2010, The Cretaceous tectonic event in the Qiangtang Basin and its implications for hydrocarbon accumulation.Petroleum Science, 7: 466-471.
[29] 李林, 周錫強, 黃永建, 馬超, 2009. 色度學方法的深時研究: 以藏南貢扎剖面白堊系賽諾曼/土侖階為例. 地學前緣, 16(5), 153.
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