



  • 中文名:馬紫峰
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:浙江東陽
  • 出生日期:1963年8月
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學化工系(1981級)
  • 職稱:教授


1981年9月至1988年6月在浙江大學化工系學習,分獲學士與碩士學位。1988年7月至1998年9月,歷任華南理工大學化工系助教、講師和副教授,其中1992年3月至1995年9月在職攻讀博士學位,1995年獲華南理工大學工業催化專業工學博士學位。1998年10月到上海交通大學工作,1999年聘為化學工程教授,2000年任博士生導師。1999年1月-2011年6月任上海交通大學化工系系主任。2000年9月至2001年8月任美國能源部Brookhaven National Laboratory訪問科學家。曾先後在德國波恩大學、香港科技大學、澳大利亞University of Wollongong擔任訪問學者。


馬紫峰,廖小珍,張子峰,趙政威,丁建民,賀益君,楊 軍,尹韶文,何雨石,沈佳妮.磷酸鐵鋰動力電池製造及其套用過程關鍵技術,2018年度國家科學技術進步獎二等獎


《儲能科學與技術》副主編、《Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems》、《化工學報》、《高校化學工程學報》和《電化學》等期刊編委。主持完成國家973計畫項目1項、863計畫重點項目1項、國家自然科學基金項目3項,省部級科研項目和企業合作項目20多項。主編《過程工程導論》教材(化學工業出版社,2009)、主譯《動量、熱量和質量傳遞原理(第4版)》(化學工業出版社,2005),參編《燃料電池系統》、《燃料電池》、《過程工程:物質·能源·智慧》和《化學工程——從基礎研究到工業套用》等專著。已經表學術論文200多篇,其中SCI引用3000多次;獲省部級科技獎勵3項,中國發明專利授權30項。2002年獲上海市化學化工學會“莊長恭獎”提名獎;2003年入選上海市“曙光學者”;2004年入選首批教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”;2007年作為首席科學家,主持國家973計畫“電動汽車用低成本、高密度蓄電(氫)體系基礎科學問題研究”,2009年入選“上海市優秀學科帶頭人”,全國“寶鋼優秀教師獎”。2013年作為首席科學家,主持國家973計畫“基於超級電容器的大容量儲能體系及套用”項目,國家自然科學基金重點項目“石墨烯基電化學儲能系統電極設計及其製造過程工程基礎研究”。2014年創建“上海電化學能源器件工程技術研究中心”和“上海高校電化學能源系統及套用工程中心”。


  1. Yingying Xie, Hong Wang, Guiliang Xu, Jiajun Wang, Huaping Sheng, Zonghai Chen, Yang Ren, Cheng-Jun Sun, Jianguo Wen, Jun Wang, Dean Miller, Jun Lu, Khalil Amine,* and Zi-Feng Ma*, In operando XRD and TXM study on the metastable structure change of NaNi1/3Fe1/3Mn1/3O2 under electrochemical sodium ion intercalation, Advanced Energy Materials, 2016,1601306
  2. Jingjing Ma, Yu-Shi He and Zi-Feng Ma. An experimental insight into the advantages of in situ solvothermal route to construct 3D graphene-based anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Nano Energy,16(2015) 235-246
  3. Yi-Jun He, Jia-Ni Shen, and Ji-Fu Shen, Zi-Feng Ma, State of Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries: AMultiscale Gaussian Process Regression Modeling Approach, AIChE Journal, 2015, 61(5):1589-1600
  4. Dezhi Yang, Jing Xu, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Yu-Shi He, HaimeiLiu, Zi-Feng Ma, Structure optimization of prussian blue analogue cathode materials for advanced sodium ion batteries, Chemical Communications, 2014, 50(87):13377-13380
  5. Jie-Wei Yin, Yi-Mei Yin, Jun Lu, Chunming Zhang, Nguyen Q. Minh and Zi-Feng Ma,Structure and Properties of Novel Cobalt-Free Oxides NdxSr1−xFe0.8Cu0.2O3−δ (0.3 ≤ x ≤ 0.7) as Cathodes of Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 13357−13368
  6. Xianxia Yuan, Xin-Long Ding, Chao-Yang Wang, Zi-Feng Ma. Use of Polypyrrole in Low Temperature Fuel Cells. Energy Environmental Science. 6 (2013)4:1105-1124
  7. Xiaowei Yang, Ling Qiu, Chi Cheng, Yanzhe Wu, Zi-Feng Ma, Dan Li, Ordered gelation of chemically converted grapheme: Towards a new generation of electroconductive hydrogel films, AngewandteChemie International Edition, 2011, 50(32):7325-7328
  8. Xianxia Yuan, XinZeng, Hui-Juan Zhang, Zi-Feng Ma, Chao-Yang Wang. Improved Performance of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with p-Toluenesulfonic Acid-Doped Co-PPy/C as Cathode Electrocatalyst. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 132(2010)6:1754- 1755
  9. Yu-Shi He, Da-Wei Bai, Xiao-Wei Yang, Jun Chen, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma*, A Co(OH)2-graphenene nanosheets composite as a high performance anode material for rechargeable lithium batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 12(2010)570-573
  10. Hui-Juan Zhang, Xianxia Yuan, Wen Wen, Dong-Yun Zhang, Liangliang Sun, Qi-Zhong Jiang, Zi-Feng Ma, Electrochemical performance of a novel CoTETA/C catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochemistry Communications, 11 (2009) 206–208
  11. Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma, Qiang Gong, Yu-Shi He, Li Pei, Ling-JieZeng, Low-temperature performance of LiFePO4/C cathode in a quaternary carbonate-based electrolyte, Electrochemistry Communications, 10 (2008) 691-694
  12. Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma, Xiao-Zhen Liao, and Yi Jiang, Synthesis and characterization of submicron-sized LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 by a simple self-propagating solid-state metathesis method, Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 163(2), 1053–1058
  13. Xianxia Yuan, Yajun Chao, Zi-Feng Ma, Xiaoyan Deng, Preparation and characterization of carbon xerogel (CX) and CX-SiO composite as anode material for lithium-ion battery,Electrochemistry Communications,2007, 9(10), 2591-2595
  14. Xiao-Zhen Liao, Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma, Xiao-Ming Zhang and Liang Wang, Effects of Fluorine-substitution on the Electrochemical Behavior of LiFePO4/C cathode materials, Journal of Power Sources, 2007, 174(2), 720-725
  15. Xian-Yu Xie, Zi-Feng Ma∗, Xing Wu, Qi-zhiRen, Xianxia Yuan, Qi-Zhong Jiang, Liqing Hu, Preparation and electrochemical characteristics of CoTMPP-TiO2NT/BP composite electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction, Electrochimica Acta, 52 (2007) 2091–2096
  16. Zi-Feng Ma,*, Xian-Yu Xie, Xiao-Xia Ma, Dong-Yun Zhang, QizhiRen, NataschaHeß-Mohr, Volkmar M. Schmidt, Electrochemical characteristics and performance of CoTMPP/BP oxygen reduction electrocatalysts for PEM Fuel Cell, Electrochem. Commun. 2006, 8(3) : 389-394
  17. Dong-Yun Zhang, Zi-Feng Ma, Guoxiu Wang, KonstaKonstantinov, Xianxia Yuan, Hua-Kun Liu, Electro-oxidation of ethanol on Ptx-WO3/C electrocatalyst,Electrochem. Solid-State lett. 2006, 9(9) : A423-426
  18. Yu-Shi He, Zi-Feng Ma*, Xiao-Zhen Liao, and Yi Jiang, Synthesis and characterization of submicron-sized LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 by a simple self-propagating solid-state metathesis method, Journal of Power Sources, 163 (2007) 1053–1058
  19. Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma Yu-Shi He, Xiao-Ming Zhang, Liang Wang, and Yi Jiang, Electrochemical Behavior of LiFePO4/C Cathode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2005,152(10):A1969-1972
  20. Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma, Liang Wang, Xiao-Ming Zhang, Yi Jiang, Yu-Shi He, A new synthesis route for LiFePO4/C cathode materials for lithium ion batteries, Electrochem. Solid-State Lett. 2004,7(12) :A522-525
  21. Xiao-Zhen Liao, Zi-Feng Ma, Jian-Hua Hu, Yang-Zheng Sun, Xianxia Yuan, SnNi-deposited Carbonaceous Mesophase Spherule as anode material for lithium ion batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 2003, 5(8): 657-661
  22. Xiao-Zi Yuan, Zi-Feng Ma, Qing-gang He, J. Hagen, Y. Drillet, V.M.Schmidt, Electro-generative hydrogenation of allyl alcohol applying PEM fuel cell reactor, Electrochemistry Communications, 2003, 5(2):189
  23. Zi-Feng Ma, Xiao-Zi Yuan, Dan Li, Xiao-Zhen Liao, Structrual and electrochemical characterization of carbonaceous mesophase spherule anode material for rechargeable lithium batteries, Electrochemistry Communications, 2002, 4(2) : 188
  24. Xiao-Zi. Yuan, Zi-Feng Ma*, Qi-Zhong Jiang and Wei-Sheng Wu, Cogeneration of cyclohexylamine and electrical power using PEM fuel cell reactor, Electrochemistry Communications, 2001, 3 (11) :599
  25. Z.F. Ma, X.Q. Yang, X. Z. Liao, J. McBreen, Electrochemical evaluation of the composite cathodes based on blends of LiMn2O4 and LiNi0.8Co0.2O2, Electrochemistry Communications, 2001,3 (8) : 425


