- 中文名:馬淑紅
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1974年11月
- 職務:碩士生導師
研究組: 凝聚態物理學和光學
Ma Shu Hong, et al., Effect of preadsorbed S on the adsorption of CO on Co(0001). J.Phys.Chem.C, 113(2009)16210.
Ma Shu Hong, et al., Coverage effects on the adsorption of sulfur on Co(0 0 0 1): A DFT study. Surface Science 604 (2010) 817.
Ma Shu Hong, et al., Density functional study of K and Na adsorbed on Co(0001). Eur. Phys. J. B 75 (2010) 469.
4. Ma Shu Hong, et al., A theoretical study…on Co(0 0 0 1), Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 963(2011)125-129
Ma Shu Hong, et al., CO adsorption on magnetic Co(0001) surface: A study of density functional theory. Solid State Communications, 147(2008) 152.
Ma Shu Hong, et al., Effect of S adsorption on magnetic Co(0001) surface: a DFT study. Eur. Phys. J. B, 61(2008)319.
Ma Shu Hong, et al., A test of empirical correction to site preference: DFT calculations for CO adsorption on Co(0001) surface.J. Mol. Struc.:THEOCHEM,864(2008)68.
Ma Shu Hong, et al., Adsorption of S on Ir(100) surface from first-principles calculations. Chem. Phys. Lett., 441(2007) 53
Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Wang Tian-Xing, Yang Ji-Fei, “Theoretical investigation of the elastic, electronic, thermodynamic and optical properties of the zinc-blende structure AlN under high pressure”. Mol. Phys. 108 (2010) 1641-1648.
Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Yang Ji-Fei, “ A comparison of the electronic and optical properties of zinc-blende, rocksalt and wurtzite AlN: A DFT study”. Solid State Sci. 13 (2011)331-336.
1. 二元過渡金屬合金催化劑表面特性的朵獄諒端理論研究(11047026),國家自然科學基金,2011.01-2013.12.
Jiao Zhao-Yong, Ma Shu Hong, Yang Ji-Fei, “ A comparison of the electronic and optical properties of zinc-blende, rocksalt and wurtzite AlN: A DFT study”. Solid State Sci. 13 (2011)331-336.
1. 二元過渡金屬合金催化劑表面特性的理論研究(11047026),國家自然科學基金,2011.01-2013.12.