- 中文名:馬毅
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 職稱:國家海洋局第一海洋研究所研究員
- 職務:海洋物理與遙感研究室副主任
1.馬毅,張傑,崔廷偉,基於SVM方法的赤潮生物優勢種航空高光譜識別,光譜學和光譜分析,2006, 26(12): 2302-2305.(SCI&EI)
2.Ma Yi, Zhang Jie, Cui Tingwei. Research on Remote Sensing Extraction Model of Redtide Biomass by Airborne Hyperspectral Technique, Optoelectronics Letters, 2006, 2(1): 58-62.
3.Ma Yi, Zhang Jie, Cui Tingwei. MERIS Ocean Color Remote Sensing Model of China Bohai Sea Based on Optimization Method, Proceedings of the 2005 Dragon Symposium-Dragon Programme Mid-Term Results, 2006: 105-112.(EI)
4.Ma Yi, Zhang Jie, Gao Yuefeng. High Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification of Coastal Zone and its Automatic Realization. IEEE 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2008: 827-829.(EI)
5.Ma Yi, Zhang Jie, Cui Tingwei. An Semi-analytic MERIS Ocean Color Remote Sensing Model of Bohai Sea and Its Retrieval Ability Analysis, Proceedings of the 2007 Dragon Symposium-Dragon Programme Final Results, 2008.(EI)
6.馬毅,張傑,李曉敏,郝艷玲,何振華,遙感技術套用于海島保護與利用規劃的可行性研究,海洋開發與管理,2009, 26(7): 92-95.