馬林教授的總體研究方向集中於能源的高效利用和污染控制問題,專長於開發非接觸光學檢測技術及其在再生能源污染領域的檢測與控制套用。在數個方向作出了原創性的貢獻:包括適用於實際能源系統實時控制的光學感測器及套用、能源設備三維成像技術、以及多相流的光學監測技術等,至今累計80餘篇 SCI期刊論文(H因子25)。
馬林教授的研究成果不但被轉化成國際著名刊物論文、書著、專利之外,也逐漸為同行以及社會認可並逐步接近產品化。美國國家自然科學基金於2009 年授予其傑出青年獎 (CAREER Award) ;Clemson 大學和Virginia Tech分別於2010 年和2014年授予其本人以及其博士生董事會傑出教學科研獎(Board of Trustee Award for Faculty Excellence)以及優秀博生畢業生獎– 分別是給教授和博士研究生的最高榮譽;2015國際汽車工程師學會(SAE) 授予其Ralph Teetor Educational Award。
2014,2015,2016美國空軍暑期教授獎金(Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship)
SAE) Ralph Teetor Educational Award, 該獎項育基金設立於1963年,用來表彰在汽車以及航空發動機技術領域工程教育與科研方面作出傑出貢獻的科學家。
2010 年獲得Clemson 大學授予董事會傑出教學科研獎(Board of Trustee Award for Faculty Excellence)– Clemson 給教授的最高榮譽
2009 年獲得美國國家自然科學基金授予的傑出青年獎 (CAREER Award) – 該基金給美國青年科學家的最高獎項(相當於中國的傑青)
編委會成員(American Journal of Aerospace Engineering),2013-2016
編委會成員(Editorial Board Member), Spectroscopy and Dynamics,2009-2013
2007和2008,兩篇在微納米顆粒光學監測領域的論文被Journal of Aerosol Science 排名為最熱門25篇論文的第9名(2007)和第13名 (2008)。
[1] Thermal performance of a novel confined flow Li-ion battery module, RD Jilte, R Kumar, L Ma, Applied Thermal Engineering 146, p1-11, 1, 2019.
[2] Quantification of tomographic PIV uncertainty using controlled experimental measurements: erratum, N Liu, Y Wu, L Ma, Applied optics 57 (29), 8624-8624.
[3] Hybrid Diagnostic for Optimazing Domain Size and Resolution of 3D Measurements, Ning Liu and Lin Ma. Optics Letters, 43 (16), 3842-3845.
[4] Quantification of tomographic PIV uncertainty using controlled experimental measurements, N Liu, Y Wu, L Ma, Applied Optics 57 (3), 420-427, 2018.
[5] Super resolution PLIF demonstrated in turbulent jet flows seeded with I2, W Xu, N Liu, L Ma, Optics & Laser Technology 101, 216-222, 2018.
[6] Kilohertz VLIF (volumetric laser induced fluorescence) measurements in a seeded free gas-phase jet in the transitionally turbulent flow regime, Y Wu, W Xu, L Ma, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 102, 52-58, 2018.
[7] Analysis of 3D combustion measurements using CH-based tomographic VLIF (volumetric laser induced fluorescence), Wenjiang Xu, Campbell D. Carter, Stephen Hammack, Lin Ma, Combustion and Flame 182, 179-189, 2017.
[8] Thermal management of a large prismatic battery pack based on reciprocating flow and active control, Haoting Wang, Lin Ma, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 296-303, 2017.
[9] Non-Intrusive Gas Turbine Engine Exhaust Characterization using Acoustic Measurements, Raul Otero, K. T. Lowe, Wing Ng, Lin Ma, Chu-Young Kim, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 0 0:0, 1-9, 2017.
[10] Single-shot 3D flame diagnostic based on volumetric laser induced fluorescence (VLIF), L Ma, Q Lei, J Ikeda, W Xu, Y Wu, CD Carter, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (3), 4575-4583, 2017.
[11] Low-frequency AC electric field induced thermoacoustic oscillation of a premixed stagnation flame, Yihua Ren, Shuiqing Li, Wei Cui, Yiyang Zhang, Lin Ma, Combustion and Flame, 176, 479-488, 2017.
[12] Direct comparison of 2D and 3D LIF measurements on highly turbulent flames, Lin Ma,* Qingchun Lei, Tyler Capil, Stephen D. Hammack, and Campbell D. Carter, Optics Letters 42 (2), 267-270, 2017.
[13] Numerical investigation of dust dispersion in a coal roadway with hybrid ventilation system, Fan Geng, Gang Luo, Fubao Zhou, Peitao Zhao, Lin Ma, Hongli Chai, Tiantian Zhang, Powder Technology, Volume 313, 15 May 2017, Pages 260–271.